学习经历:2014-2017年,香港城市大学 (Ph.D.)开设主要课程:社会工作导论、个案工作研究领域
Cheung, C.K., Jia, X.S., Li, J.C.M. & Lee, T.Y. (2016). Engaging adolescent girls in transactional sex through compensated dating. Journal of Adolescence. 52, 124-134Li, J.C.M., Cheung, C.K., Jia, X.S. & Mlyakado, B.P. (2016). Exploitation, offence or private issue? Guardians’ perceptions and self-perceived efficacy in handling girl compensated dating in Hong Kong. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi:10.1177/0886260516665106 Li, J.C.M., Cheung, C.K., Jia, X.S., Yu, M.Y. & Nguyen, P. (2016). Narratives of compensated dating girls in Hong Kong using routine activity theory: results of a focus group study of guardians. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. doi:10.1177/0306624X16648960 相关热点
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