黄玉妹,福建三明人,2014年7月博士毕业于中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,2017年9月入职海洋学院。目前主要从事新兴有机污染物在水环境中的迁移和转化方面的研究。授课情况:《海洋环境化学》、《水环境化学实验》、《当代海洋环境问题与保护》等课程。 科研项目:1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,41703095,湖泊水体中磷系阻燃剂的生物泵输出机制研究,2018/01-2020/12,在研,主持。2. 广东省自然科学基金,2016A030310264,城市湖泊水体微表层中短链氯化石蜡的富集特征及其影响因素研究,2016/06-2019/06,在研,主持。研究领域
(1) Yumei Huang, Laiguo Chen, Guo Jiang, Qiusheng He, Lu Ren, Bo Gao, Limei Cai. Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of short-chain chlorinated paraffins in marine organisms from the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Sci. Total Environ., 2019, 671: 262–269. (2) Yumei Huang, Muting Yan, Huayue Nie, Wenjing Wang, Jun Wang. Persistent halogenated organic pollutants in follicular fluid of women undergoing in vitro fertilization from China: Occurrence, congener profiles, and possible sources. Environ. Pollut., 2019, 244: 1−8. (3) Yumei Huang, Ruijie Zhang, Kechang Li, Zhineng Cheng, Guangcai Zhong, Gan Zhang, Jun Li. Experimental study on the role of sedimentation and degradation processes on atmospheric deposition of persistent organic pollutants in a subtropical water column. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2017, 51: 4424−4433. (4) Yumei Huang, Laiguo Chen, Yongbin Feng, Zhixiang Ye, QiushengHe, Qianhua Feng, Xian Qing, Ming Liu, Bo Gao. Short-chain chlorinated paraffins in the soils of two different Chinese cities: Occurrence, homologue patterns and vertical migration. Sci. Total Environ., 2016, 557–558: 644–651. (5) Yumei Huang, Jun Li, Yue Xu, Weihai Xu, Guangcai Zhong, Xiang Liu, Gan Zhang. Polychlorinated naphthalenes in the air over the equatorial Indian Ocean: Occurrence, potential sources, and toxicity. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 2016, 107: 240–244. (6) Yumei Huang, Jun Li, Yue Xu, Weihai Xu, Zhineng Cheng, Junwen Liu, Yan Wang, Chongguo Tian, Chunling Luo, Gan Zhang. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in the equatorial Indian Ocean: Temporal trend, continental outflow and air-water exchange. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 2014, 80: 194–199. (7) Yumei Huang, Yue Xu, Jun Li, Weihai Xu, Gan Zhang, Zhineng Cheng, Junwen Liu, Yan Wang, Chongguo Tian. Organochlorine pesticides in the atmosphere and surface water from the equatorial Indian Ocean: Enantiomeric signatures, sources and fate. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47: 13395–13403. (8) Yumei Huang, Chen Laiguo, Xiaochun Peng, Zhencheng Xu, Zhixiang Ye. PBDEs in indoor dust in South-Central China: characteristics and implications. Chemosphere, 2010, 78: 169–174. (9) Laiguo Chen, Yumei Huang, Shuang Han, Yongbin Feng, Guo Jiang, Caiming Tang, Zhixiang Ye, Wei Zhan, Ming Liu, Sukun Zhang. Sample pretreatment optimization for the analysis of short chain chlorinated paraffins in soil with gas chromatography-electron capture negative ion-mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A, 2013, 1274: 36–43. (10) Laiguo Chen, Yumei Huang, Zhencheng Xu, Lijun Wen, Xiaowu Peng, Zhixiang Ye, Sukun Zhang, Xiangzhou Meng. Human exposure to PBDEs via house dust ingestion in Guangzhou, South China. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 2011, 60: 556–564. (11) Laiguo Chen, Yumei Huang, Xiaochun Peng, Zhencheng Xu, Sukun Zhang, Mingzhong Ren, Zhixiang Ye, Xinhua Wang. PBDEs in sediments of the Beijiang River, China: levels, distribution, and influence of total organic carbon. Chemosphere, 2009, 76: 226–231. 相关热点
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