主要从事瓢虫科,尤其是小毛瓢虫亚科的系统分类、湿地昆虫物种多样性评估、林木害虫生态防控等方面的研究。2007~2018年间,对我国西藏、云南、四川、贵州、新疆等26省(区)进行广泛的野外调查和标本采集,行程累计30万公里以上,采集瓢虫标本10 万号以上,描述和发表瓢虫科新种196种。承担主要科研项目:1、国家自然科学基金-青年基金:中国小毛瓢虫族的分类订正及系统发育研究(31601878),2017/1-2019/12,主持。2、广东省自然科学基金-自由申请:中国及周边地区小毛瓢虫亚科系统分类研究(2017A030313212),2017/5-2020/5,主持。3、广东省自然科学基金-博士科研启动:中国小毛瓢虫亚科物种多样性与地理分布格局的成因解析(2014A030310493),2014/10-2017/10,主持。4、横向项目:海珠湿地2018~2019年度昆虫监测,2018/11-2019/10,主持5、横向项目:海珠湿地昆虫物种多样性调查研究,2017/7-2018/8,主持。6、横向项目:潮州市潮安区林业有害生物普查,2015/10-2016/10,主持。出版著作:Wang XM, Escalona HE, Ren SX, Chen XS. 2017. Taxonomic review of the ladybird genus Sticholotis from China (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Magnolia Press, Auckland, New Zealand, 72 pp. 奖励荣誉:2019年华南农业大学教学成果奖二等奖承担主要课程:本科生课程:普通昆虫学、昆虫分类学研究生课程:高级森林昆虫学研究领域
1、黄卫东, 梁馨月, 谢秀凤, 王兴民, 陈晓胜*. 2019. 基于12S, 16S和28S rRNA基因序列的中国小毛瓢虫属系统发育分析. 昆虫学报, 62 (2): 241-254.2、Huang WD, Xie XF, Liang XY, Wang XM, Chen XS*. 2019. Effects of different pretreatments of DNA extraction from dried specimens of ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Insects, 10: 91.3、He Z, Liu Y, Wang L, Guo Q, Ali S, Chen XS*, Qiu BL*. 2018. Risk assessment of two insecticides on Encarsia formosa, parasitoid of whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Insects, 9 (3): 116.4、Chen XS*, Xie XF, Ren SX, Wang XM. 2016. Discovery of a New World ladybird beetle Nephaspis indus Gordon, 1996 (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) on the Island of Taiwan. Biodiversity Data Journal, 4: e10537.5、Chen XS, Xie XF, Ren SX, Wang XM. 2016. A taxonomic review of the genus Horniolus Weise from China, with description of a new species (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae). Zookeys, 623: 105-123.6、Chen XS, Canepari C, Wang XM, Ren SX. 2016. Revision of the subgenus Orthoscymnus Canepari of Scymnus Kugelann (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae), with descriptions of four new species. Zookeys, 552: 91-107.7、Chen XS, Huo LZ, Wang XM, Canepari C, Ren SX. 2015. The subgenus Pullus of Scymnus from China (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae). Part II: The impexus group. Annales Zoologici, 65 (3): 295-408.8、Chen XS, Huo LZ, Wang XM, Ren SX. 2015. The subgenus Pullus of Scymnus from China (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae). Part I: The hingstoni and subvillosus groups. Annales Zoologici, 65 (2): 187-237.9、Chen XS, Ren SX, Wang XM. 2015. Contribution to the knowledge of the subgenus Scymnus (Parapullus) Yang, 1978 (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae), with description of eight new species. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 62 (2): 211-224.10、Chen XS, Li WJ, Wang XM, Ren SX. 2014. A review of the subgenus Neopullus of Scymnus (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) from China. Annales Zoologici, 64 (2): 299-326.11、Chen XS, Wang XM, Ren SX. 2013. A review of the subgenus Scymnus of Scymnus from China (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae). Annales Zoologici, 63 (3): 417-499.12、Chen XS, Wang XM, Ren SX. 2012. Revision of the subgenus Scymnus (Parapullus) Yang from China (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Zootaxa, 3174: 22-34.中国昆虫学会、广东省昆虫学会和广州市林学会会员。Zootaxa, Zookeys, Journal of Insect Science, Biodiversity Data Journal, Journal of Animal and Plant Science, Pakistan Journal of Zoology等国际期刊审稿人。 相关热点
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