2023-05-11 00:25
  • 姚灿中
  • 姚灿中 - 副教授-华南理工大学-经济与金融学院-个人资料




主授课程(Courses offered)
2017.9-2018.9 瑞士弗里堡大学理论物理系访问学者
主持的科研项目(Research projects)
1. 国家社会科学基金项目:数字平台经济效率与公平性研究(2019.7—2021.12)
2. 国家自然科学基金:基于复杂网络的大众生产信息挖掘——模型、算法与应用(2013.1-2015.12)
3. 教育部人文社科规划基金项目:复杂网络节点对重要性的识别算法及在物流系统中的应用(2017.7-2020.7)
4. 教育部高校博士点基金项目:复杂网络的大众生产模块化分类及推荐系统算法(2013.1-2015.12)
5. 广东省自然科学基金: 信息视角下平台的价值创造原理及市场有效性与公平性研究(2019.10—2022.9)
6. 广东省自然科学基金:人民币汇率波动特征的网络分析模型、方法与应用(2017.5-2020.5)


信息经济学(Information Economics)
复杂网络与复杂系统(Complex Network);
产业组织(Industry Organization)
多智能体建模仿真(Multi-Agent Simulation);""


[1] Can-Zhong Yao*, Peng-Cheng Kuang, A study of lead–lag structure between international crude oil price and several financial markets. Physica A. Volume 531, 2019,121755.
[2] Yao, C*. and Luo, J. (2019), Deployment of a charging network based on a cost-benefit model and the CFSFDP algorithm, Kybernetes, Vol. 48 No. 9, pp. 1989-2005.
[1] Can-Zhong Yao*, Peng-Cheng Kuang, Ji-Nan Lin. The optimal thermal causal path analysis on the relationship between international crude oil price and stock market, Kybernetes, 2018, Vol. 47 Issue: 6:1242-1261. (SSCI/SCI)
[2] Can-Zhong Yao*, Bo Yi Sun. The study on the tail dependence structure between the economic policy uncertainty and several financial markets, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Volume 45, 2018, Pages 245-265, (SSCI)
[1]. Can-Zhong Yao, Qing-Wen Lin, Recurrence plots analysis of the CNY exchange markets based on phase space reconstruction, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Volume 42, November 2017, Pages 584-596. (SSCI)
[2]. Yao, Can-Zhong; Kuang, Peng-Cheng; Lin, Qing-Wen; Sun, Bo-Yi. A Study of the Transfer Entropy Networks on Industrial Electricity Consumption [J]. Entropy. 2017; 19(4):159. (SCI)
[3]. Can-Zhong Yao*, Qing-Wen Lin, The mutual causality analysis between the stock and futures markets [J]. Physica A.478 (2017): 188-204. (SCI)
[4]. Can Zhong Yao*, Bo Yi Sun, Ji Nan Lin, A study of correlation between investor sentiment and stock market based on Copula model [J], Kybernetes, 2017,Vol. 46 Issue: 3,pp. 550-571. (SCI)
[5]. Can-Zhong Yao and Ji-Nan Lin, A Visibility Graph Approach to CNY Exchange Rate Networks and Characteristic Analysis, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2017, Article ID 5632374, 17 pages, 2017. (SCI)
[6]. CAN-ZHONG YAO*, JI-NAN LIN,XU-ZHOU ZHENG. Coupling detrended fluctuation analysis for multiplewarehouse-out behavioral sequences.Physica A.465(2017): 75-90. (SCI)
[7]. Can-Zhong Yao*, Ji-Nan Lin, Qing-Wen Lin, Xu-Zhou Zheng, Xiao-Feng Liu .A study of causality structure and dynamics in industrialelectricity consumption based on Granger network. Physica A.462(2016): 297–320. (SCI)
[8]. CAN-ZHONG YAO*, QING-WEN LIN, JI-NAN LIN. A study of industrial electricity consumption based on partial Granger causality network [J]. Physica A.461 (2016): 629-646. (SCI)
[9]. CAN-ZHONG YAO*, XIAO-FENG LIU, JI-NAN LIN. Study on Pedestrian Flow Evacuation with Individual-guidance Mechanism [J]. KYBERNETES. 2016. Vol. 45, Iss 5, pp.772 -787. (SCI)
[10]. CAN-ZHONG YAO*, JI-NAN LIN. A study of human mobility behavior dynamics: A perspective of a single vehicle with taxi [J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.87 (2016):51-58. (SSCI、SCI)
[11]. CAN-ZHONG YAO*, JI-NAN LIN, XIAO-FENG LIU, A Study of Hierarchical Structure on South China Industrial Electricity-Consumption Correlation [J]. Physica A.444 (2016): 129-145. (SCI)
[12]. CAN-ZHONG YAO*, JI-NAN LIN, XU-ZHOU ZHENG. Multifractal Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis for Large-Scale Warehouse-Out Behaviors [J]. Fractals. Vol. 23, No. 4 (2015) 1550044. (SCI)
[13]. CAN-ZHONG YAO*, JI-NAN LIN, XU-ZHOU ZHENG, XIAO-FENG LIU. The Study of RMB Exchange Rate Complex Networks Based on Fluctuation Mode [J]. Physica A. 436 (2015):359–376. (SCI)
[14]. CAN-ZHONG YAO*. Self-Similarity Properties of the Industrial Competition Networks [J].Fractals. Vol. 22, No. 01n02, (2014) 1450002. (SCI)
[15]. CAN-ZHONG YAO*, JI-NAN LIN, XIAO-FENG LIU, XU-ZHOU ZHENG. Dynamic Features Analysis for the Large-scale Logistics System Warehouse-out Operation [J]. Physica A.415 (2014):31-42. (SCI)
[16]. Jianmei Yang, Canzhong Yao, Weicheng Ma, Guanrong Chen. A Study of the Spreading Scheme for Viral Marketing Based on a Complex Network Model [J]. Physica A. 389(2010):859-870 (SCI)

