2023-05-11 00:15
  • 彭可茂
  • 彭可茂 - 副教授-华南理工大学-经济与金融学院-个人资料




主授课程(Courses offered)
宏观经济学 微观经济学 国际贸易学 新制度经济学 货币银行学 等
Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, International Trade, New Institutional Economics, Currency and Banking, etc.
2004.9-2007.6 博士 华中农业大学经济管理-土地管理学院
2000.9-2003.6 硕士 华中农业大学经贸学院
1990.9-1994.6 本科 华中农大经贸学院
2004.9-2007.6 Central China Agricultural University, College of Economics Management and Land Management
2000.9-2003.6 Central China Agricultural University, College of Economics and Commerce
1990.9-1994.6 Central China Agricultural University, College of Economics and Commerce
1994.8-2000.8 中国湖北国际经济技术合作公司
2007.8-至今 华南理工大学经济与贸易学院
1994.8-2000.8 International Economic and Technical Collaboration Company of Hubei China
2007.8-Until now South China University of Technology, School of Economics and Commerce




(1) 第一作者.台湾水果出口大陆的市场前景分析.价格理论与实践,2006(6):70-71(CSSCI)
(2) 第一作者.中国与澳大利亚水果及加工品贸易竞争性与互补性测算.中国物价,2006(7):55-58,67(CSSCI)
(3) 第一作者.中国与新西兰水果及加工品贸易竞争性与互补性测算.商业研究,2006(23):152-154(CSSCI)
(4) 第一作者.退耕还林条件下的农业可持续发展探讨.中国科技论坛,2007(1):114-118(CSSCI)
(5) 第一作者.中国城乡居民食用植物油的需求弹性分析.中国物价,2006(4):61-64(CSSCI)
(6) 第一作者.中国城乡居民食用植物油消费的实证分析.农业现代化研究,2006,27(6):463-466.(核心期刊)
(7) 第一作者.机遇与挑战-加入WTO对中国花卉业的影响及应对策略.林业经济,2002(5):7-9(CSSCI)
(1) The first author. A Prospect Analysis on Taiwan Fruit Exports to Market of the Mainland. Price Theory and Practice, 2006(6):70-71(CSSCI)
(2) The first author. A Research on the Trade Complementarities of Chinese and Australian Fruit and Finished Goods. Chinese price, 2006(7):55-58, 67(CSSCI)
(3) The first author. A Research on the Trade Complementarities of Chinese and New Zealand Fruit and Finished Goods. Commercial Research, 2006(23):152-154(CSSCI)
(4) The first author. A Discussion on Agricultural Sustainable Development under Returning Farmland to Forest Condition. Chinese Science and Technology Forum, 2007(1):114-118(CSSCI)
(5) The first author. A Demand Elasticity Analysis of Chinese Urban and Rural Residents’ Edible Vegetable Oil. Chinese price,2006(4):61-64(CSSCI)
(6) The first author. An Empirical analysis of Chinese Urban and Rural Residents’ Edible Vegetable Oil Consumptions. Agriculture Modernization Research, 2006, 27(6):463-466. (Core Journal)
(7) The first author. The opportunity and the challenge - A Research of the influence and the strategy on the Chinese flower industry with its joining into WTO. Forest Economy, 2002(5):7-9(CSSCI)
(8) The first author. An Empirical analysis of Chinese rapeseed's CD production function determination and enlightenment. Statistics and Decision-making, 2007(2):41-42(CSSCI)
(9) The first author. A Research on the Application OF Gray Connection Theory in Chinese Rape Production Decision-making. Zhejiang Agricultural Science, 2006(4):361-363(Science and Technology Core Journal)
(10) The first author. A Survey of Australian Wool Production and Trade. World Agriculture, 2006(5):41-43(Core Journal)
(11) The first author. A Research on Agricultural Sustainable Development under Returning Farmland to Forest Condition—Take “Revolution Red City” Zhidan County as An Example. Inner Mongolian Forestry Science and Technology, 2006, 32(3):21-23
(12) The second author. An Application of CD Production Function in Rapeseed Production. Henan Agricultural Science,2006(11):47-50
(Core Journal)
(13) The second author. A Trade Analysis on Chinese Flowers and Plants Import-Export and Countermeasure. Forest economy, 2002(11):27-29(CSSCI)

