2023-05-11 00:11
  • 李敏
  • 李敏 - 教授 博导-华南理工大学-工商管理学院-个人资料




Research revolves around two converging streams.
The first stream focuses on the role of psychological contracts in employment relationships. Psychological contracts are stable mental models that represent the perceived promises employees believe that the employer is obligated to fulfill in exchange for their efforts. With specific reference to maintenance of psychological contracts, my research investigates the negative ramifications of psychological contract breach (i.e., failure on the part of the organization to fulfill promised obligations) and the salient role of socio-psychological mediators and personality moderators on a wide spectrum of workplace attitudes and behaviors. Recent publications are in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Group & Organization Management, British Journal of Management, and Applied Psychology: An International Review, and Journal of Business and Psychology.
A second related research stream is unraveling the dark side of human behavior in organizations. It involves the measurement and prediction of workplace deviance and abusive leadership. My program of research explicates the explanatory mechanisms underlying workplace deviance and abusive leadership as well as identifying key antecedents and resulting consequences in work and non-work contexts. Publications on this topic have appeared in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, and Journal of Research in Personality, Work & Stress, and British Journal of Management.
The third research stream focuses on the role of support and barriers in predicting career persistence in both educational and work contexts. Recent publications are in the Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Career Assessment, and Human Resource Management Journal.
2006,1-2007,1 英国Warwick大学商学院产业关系研究中心博士后
1997,9-2001,12 广州中山大学企业管理专业博士
1990,8-1990,12 华南理工大学管理工程系硕士
1988,9-1990,7 华中理工大学经济管理学院“中国--加拿大”联合培养MBA硕士班课程学习
1984,9-1988,7 华南理工大学管理工程系本科学习
Education background:
B.S., Sept.1984-July, 1988 Department of Management Engineering, South China University of Technology
Master Degree, Sept., 1988-Dec., 1990 Department of Management Engineering, South China University of Technology
Master Course, Sept., 1988-July, 1990 Business School, Huazhong University of Technology, and Join MBA Program Sponsored by Canada International Development Agency (CIDA program)
Ph.D., Sept., 1997-December, 2001 Business School, Sun Yat-sen University
Post PhD, Jan. 2006-Jan. 2007 Industrial Relations Research Unit, Warwick University, UK
1991,4-至今 华南理工大学工商管理学院任教
1991,4-1996,7 华南理工大学工商管理学院院长助理,负责MBA教学秘书工作
1998,9-2000,6 华南理工大学工商管理学院企业管理系副系主任
2000,7-2002,6 华南理工大学工商管理学院企业管理系系主任
2002,3-2003,7 华南理工大学MBA项目主任
2007,3-2008,3 华南理工大学MBA/EMBA项目主任
2008,4-2011,3 华南理工大学EMBA项目主任
Professional Work Experience
2010-Ph.D supervisor of organizational behavior and Human Resources Management
2005-Present, Professor of Human Resources Management/ International Business
2000-2005, Associate Professor of Human Resources Management/ International Business,
1994-2000, Lecture of Enterprise Management,
1991-1994, Assistant Teacher of Enterprise Management
Courses Taught
Human Resource Management
International Business
Research Methodology for PhD candidates
Membership and Activities in Professional Associations
Executive Director of the Labor Relations Branch of Chinese Human Resource Association
Vice President of Guangdong Labor Relations Association
Deputy Secretary of Guangdong Human Resource Management Association
·2000-2001 获华南理工大学“教学优秀奖”二等奖
·2001-2002 获华南理工大学“教学优秀奖”一等奖
Professional Honors and Awards
Honored as Top paper in labor research by Guangdong Human Resource Management Association
·毛蕴诗,李敏主编.国际化环境与跨国经营. 环球(国际)出版有限公司出版,2004年7月,ISBN:962-650-742-X.
·Mao Yunshi, Li Min. Multinationals in China: Competition and Cooperation. The Universal Press Limited, July,2004. ISBN: 962-650-743-8.
·第三产业弹性就业冲突管理制度研究 ——以广州第三产业为例. 国家社科基金主持人(2003-2005).
·跨国公司在华投资策略与中国企业的应对措施. 国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题主持人(2001-2004).
·广东私营企业雇佣关系冲突与协调管理研究. 国家社科基金主持人(2001-2002).




·Frenkel, S. J., Li, M., & Restubog, S. L. D. 2012. Management, Organizational Justice and Emotional Exhaustion among Chinese Migrant Workers: Evidence from two Manufacturing Firms. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(1): 121-147.
·Li, M. 2008. The Direct Effects of Minimum Wage Regulation In Two Low-paying Sectors. The Journal of Comparative Asian Development, 7(2): 261-284.
·Li, M., & Edwards, P. 2008. Work and pay in small Chinese clothing firms: a constrained negotiated order. Industrial Relations Journal, 39(4): 296-313.
·Lan, H. L., Yao, B. H., Li, M., Huang, M. L. “Market and Nonmarket Impact on the Bargaining Behavior and Performance of IJVs: A Comparative Case Study in China”, submission to Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
·李敏,邓蓉.汽车合资企业人力资源管理和员工幸福感关系的实证研究. 软科学, 2010(4): 104-108.
·李敏,黄翠龙,徐泽盛.关系型求职对农民工工作不安全感的影响:社会资本的调节作用.软科学, 2012(1):76-82.
·李敏, Frenkel, S.,刘继红.人力资源管理强度对员工工作态度的影响研究. 科技管理研究, 2011(19): 147-150.
·李敏,黄翠龙.跨部门组织社会网络结构比较研究及其管理启示. 图书情报知识, 2011(1): 95-101.
·李敏,黄翠龙.心理契约对农民工工作绩效影响的实证研究——以建筑施工企业农民工为例.管理学报, 2012(4):522-528.
·李敏,郭逢爽.汽车集团战略整合与政府干预分析. 商业研究,2010(11): 90-94.
·李敏,郭逢爽,黄嫚丽.汽车集团战略整合与政府干预分析.商业研究,2010, 403(11):90-94.
·邱学青,李敏等.从契约理论的视角论研究型大学教师岗位管理.高等理科教育, 2011(1): 57-60.
·刘泽瀚,李敏.劳务派遣中用人单位的法律风险防范.中国人力资源开发, 2006年第6期:97-100.
·罗婷婷,李敏.我国灵活就业雇佣冲突管理对策研究.中国人力资源开发, 2006年第2期:94-96.
·黄河,李敏.外资企业人力资源外包的利与弊.中国人才, 2007年第4期:70-71.
·林键,李敏,黄嫚丽.“广州中外零售企业动态整合与绩效的关系研究”,国际会议The 7th International Symposium on Multinational Business Management, 2011, Nanjing, P. R. China. 2011年6月5日-6日,地点:中国 南京 南京大学商学院。
·Li, M. & Zhou, L. To Be Union Members or To Be Small Group Members for Informal Negotiation: Evidence from Migrant Workers in China Small Construction Firms. Proceeding of Conflict and Cooperation: The International Symposium of Collective Labor Dispute Resolution and Regulation, Beijing: Renmin Univerisity, December, 2011
·Li, M., Zhang, C.Y., Restubog, S. Huang, C.L. The Role of the Labor Contract in the Psychological Contract Dynamics: Evidence from Chinese Migrant Workers in the Construction Industry. Accepted by 16th congress of International Labour & Employment Relations Association, July 2-5, 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

