李军荣,理学博士、华南理工大学副研究员、硕士生导师。主要从事制浆造纸及功能性纸基复合材料方面的研究,主持及参与国家级及省部级等各类项目10余项,发表SCI论文30 余篇,获国家发明专利授权4项。 教育经历: 1991.09-1995.06 西北师范大学化学系理学学士; 1995.09-1998.06 兰州大学高分子化学与物理专业理学硕士; 2001.09-2004.06 中山大学高分子化学与物理专业理学博士。 工作经历: 1998.08-2001.08 中科院成都地奥制药公司新药研发部从事小分子多肽化合物的合成研究。 2004.07-至今 华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院,讲师,副研究员,硕士生导师。 2010.09-2010.12 加拿大新布伦斯维克大学短期访问学者。研究领域
1. Junrong Li, Jing Zou, Huining Xiao(*), Beihai He, Xiaobang Hou and Liying Qian(*),Preparation of Novel Nano-Sized Hydrogel Microcapsules via Layer-By-Layer Assembly as Delivery Vehicles for Drugs onto Hygiene Paper,Polymers,2018, 10, 335; doi:10.3390/polym10030335. 2. Haiming Qin , Junrong Li(*), Beihai He , Jingbo Sun , Lingrui Li and Liying Qian(*),Novel Wearable Electrodes Based on Conductive Chitosan Fabrics and Their Application in Smart Garments,Materials,2018, 11, 370; doi:10.3390/ma11030370. 3. Junrong Li, Ying Ye, Huining Xiao ,Beihai He and Liying Qian,Microwave Assisted Preparation of Antimicrobial Chitosan with Guanidine Oligomers and Its Application in Hygiene Paper Products,Polymers,2017, 9, 633; doi:10.3390/polym9110633. 4. Junrong Li, Liangjing Fang, William R. Tait, Luyi Sun, Lihong Zhao and Liying Qian(*),Preparation of conductive composite hydrogels from carboxymethyl cellulose and polyaniline with a nontoxic crosslinking agent,RSC ADVANCES,2017, 7, 54823–54828. 5. Bian, Yu,He, Beihai,Li, Junrong(*),Preparation of cellulose-based fluorescent materials using Zinc sulphide quantum dot-decorated graphene by a one-step hydrothermal method,Cellulose,2016.8.01,23(4):2363~2373. 6. Bian, Yu,He, Beihai,Li, Junrong(*),A One-step Hydrothermal Method of Nitrogen-doped Graphene Quantum Dots Decorated Graphene for Fabrication of Paper-based Fluorescent Composite,Bioresources,2016.8.01,11(3):6299~6308. 7. Liu, Kaihua,He, Beihai,Qian, Liying,Li, Junrong(*),Chemical-vapor-sensitive materials based on a multiwalled carbon nanotube/hydroxyl propyl methylcellulose/cellulose composite,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2015.3.15,(7) 132(11):41639~41644. 8. Xiao, He,He, Beihai,Qian, Liying,Li, Junrong(*),Cationic Polystyrene Spheres for Removal of Anionic Contaminants in White Water of Papermaking,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2015.2.5,132(5):41379~41385. 9. He Xiao, Beihai He, Junrong Li(*),Surface modification of natural fibers by plasma for improving strength properties of paper sheets,Holzforschung,2015.1.10,69(8):1001~1008. 10. Wang, Baoyu,Lv, Yanna,Li, Junrong(*),Qian, Liying,Separate Treatment of Long Fibres and Fines of Spruce CTMP in Laccase Mediator System Treatment,Bioresources,2015.01.01,10(1):1285~1292. 11. Xiao, He, Zhao, Guanglei, Li, Junrong(*),He, Beihai,Hydrophobically associating polyethylenimine for controlling dissolved and colloidal substances of alkaline peroxide mechanical pulp,BioResources,2014.9.15,9(1):1121~1131. 12. Liu, Kaihua,He, Beihai,Qian, Liying,Li, Junrong(*),Conducting Graphite/Cellulose Composite Film as a Candidate for Chemical Vapor-Sensing Material,BioResources,2014.01.01,9(3):5279~5289. 13. Xiao, He,Zhao, Guang-lei,Li, Jun-rong(*),He, Bei-hai,Hydrophobically Associating Polyethylenimine for Controlling Dissolved and Colloidal Substances of Alkaline Peroxide Mechanical Pulp,Bioresources,2014.01.01,9(1):1121~1131. 相关热点
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