2017年3月-至今 广东省科技特派员(兼),派驻单位:广东自远环保有限公司\r
2013年1月-至今 华南理工大学环境与能源学院,讲师,副教授(2013.09),教授(2018.09) \r
2004年8月-2012年12月 华南理工大学环境科学与工程学院,助教,讲师(2006.09) \r
2003年7月-2004年7月 华南理工大学造纸与环境工程学院,助教\r
2006-2010年,华南理工大学环境工程专业,获工学博士学位 \r
2000-2003年,华南理工大学环境工程专业,获工学硕士学位 \r
Xueqing Zhu, Hui He, Yanxia Li, Haoyuan Wu, Mingli Fu*, Daiqi Ye, Junliang Wu, Haomin Huang, Yun Hu, Xiaojun Niu. CeO2-Supported Pt Catalysts Derived from MOFs by Two Pyrolysis Strategies to Improve the Oxygen Activation Ability. Nanomaterials.2020,10(5),983.\r
Qian Zhang, Yiwen Jiang, Jingheng Gao , Mingli Fu*, Sibei Zou, Yanxia Li,Daiqi Ye. Interfaces in MOF-Derived CeO2–MnOx Composites as High-Activity Catalysts for Toluene Oxidation: Monolayer Dispersion Threshold. Catalysts.2020,10(6),681.\r
Jingheng,Gao;Yifei,Xiong;Qian,Zhang;Yiwen,Jiang;Jing,Wang;Sibei,Zou;Mingli,Fu*;Junliang,Wu;Yun,Hu;Daiqi Ye. 3D geometric modeling analysis of contact probability effect in carbon black oxidation over MnOx-CeO2 catalysts.Chemical Engineering Journal.2020,398(15),125448.\r
Jiang, Y.;Gao, J.;Zhang, Q.;Liu, Z.;Fu, M*.;Wu, J.;Hu, Y.;Ye, D.Enhanced oxygen vacancies to improve ethyl acetate oxidation over MnOx-CeO2 catalyst derived from MOF template.Chemical Engineering Journal.2019,371,78-87.\r
Lin, X.; Li, S.; He, H.; Wu, Z.; Wu, J.; Chen, L.; Ye, D.; Fu, M*. Evolution of oxygen vacancies in MnOx-CeO2 mixed oxides for soot oxidation. Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2018, 223, 91-102(高被引).\r
He, H.; Lin, X.; Li, S.; Wu, Z.; Gao, J.; Wu, J.; Wen, W.; Ye, D.; Fu, M*. The key surface species and oxygen vacancies in MnOx(0.4)-CeO2 toward repeated soot oxidation. Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2018, 223, 134-142(高被引).\r
Lin, X.; Fu, M*.; He, H.; Wu, J.; Chen, L.; Ye, D.; Hu, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wen, W. Synthesis of MnOx-CeO2 using metal-organic framework as sacrificial template and its performance in the toluene catalytic oxidation reaction. Acta. Phys. Chim. Sin. 2018, 34(6), 719-730
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