2023-05-10 23:59
  • 曹建云
  • 曹建云 - 讲师-华南理工大学-经济与金融学院-个人资料




主授课程(Courses offered)
Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics, Development Economics, Regional Economics
兰州大学经济学学士( 1998-2002),
1998-2002, B.A., Economics, Lanzhou University;
2002-2005, M.A., Population, Resources and Environment Economics,Lanzhou University;
2005-2008, Ph.D., Regional Economics,Lanzhou University.
July,2008, School of Economics and Commerce, South China University of Technology
科研项目(Research projects)
[3]产业结构调整与新生代农民工就业耦合研究(2011,1-2012,12),中央高校基本科研业务重点项目(2011SZ002) ,项目负责人.
[5]珠三角城市新生代农民工就业状况调查(2012,3-2013,3), 华南理工大学“学生研究计划”项目,项目负责人
[7] 广州战略性主导产业科技发展制高点研究(2011,09-2011,12),2011年广州市软科学研究计划重大项目(2011J1300036),主要参与人.
[10]广东省“十二五”发展环境研究(2009,7-2009,12), 广东省发展和改革委员会“十二五”规划前期研究课题(200901),主要参与人.
[1]The competitive power evaluation and the developing emphasis of modern service industry in Guangdong(2010,10-2011,10), project leader.
[2]The competitive power evaluation of modern service industry of Guangzhou(2009,6-2010,6), project leader.
[3]Coupling research on the adjustment of industrial structure and the employment of new generation of migrant workers (2011, 1-2012, 12), project director.
[4]Coupling research on the adjustment of industrial structure and the employment of new generation of migrant workers in the pearl river delta(2011,1-2012,12),project director.
[5]Investigation on the employment of the new generation of migrant workers in the pearl river delta(2012,3-2013,3), project director.
[6]An empirical study of the interactive development of modern service industry and manufacturing industry – taking the example of the pearl river delta(2010,3-2011,3), project director.
[7]Research on the commanding heights of science and technology of strategic leading industry in Guangzhou (2011-2011, 12), participant.
[8]Research on the urban design and the development strategy in China(2011, 12, 12-2014), participant.
[9]Theory and empirical research on the developing zone (2010, 10-2011, 12), participant.
[10]Research on the development environment of the twelfth five-year in Guangdong (2009,7-2009, 12), participant.
[1]《中国人口城市化和城乡统筹发展》编写《我国城市化滞后的制度因素分析》,学林出版社, 2007年。
[1]Urbanization and Urban-rural Overall Development in China, Systematic Analysis on the lag in Urbanization in China, Academia Press,2007.
[2]Study on Development Strategy of Gansu Population, Study on the Situation of Population in Gansu, Publishing House of China Population, 2006.
[3]China population in the new century, migration and flow of population, Publishing House of China Statistical,2004.
Second prize of undergraduate teaching in 2010-2011
Second prize of undergraduate teaching in 2009-2010
Third prize of the teaching competition among young teachers in 2009-2010


Development Patterns and Policies of Regional Economy
Sustainable Development of Regional Population and Economy
The development of modern service industry and the employment of peasant workers"


[1]曹建云,广东省现代服务业竞争力实证研究[J].价值工程,2013(6) :15-17.
[2]曹建云,技术进步、技术效率与现代服务业生产率[J]. MINES 2012, EI 检索.
[3]曹建云,现代服务业竞争力评价体系构建及其评价[J].西北人口,2012(6) :111-115.
[4]曹建云,专题讨论法在经济学教学中的应用与评价[J].珠海城市职业技术学院学报,2011(3) :84-90.
[5]曹建云,广东现代服务业全要素生产率研究[J].特区经济,2010(11) :34-36.
[6]曹建云,珠江三角洲现代服务业全要素生产率研究[J].甘肃行政学院学报, 2010(2) :91-97.
[7]曹建云,广东省城市现代服务业竞争力研究[J].西北人口,2010(4) :117-123.
[8]郭志仪,曹建云,人力资本和物质资本对我国东、西部经济增长及其波动影响的比较分析——基于协整和VAR模型的实证研究.中国人口、资源与环境,2008(1) :133-138.
[9]曹建云,青海省产业结构调整与就业弹性问题研究.青海社会科学,2007(6) :73-77.
[10]郭志仪,曹建云,用科学发展观,看待甘肃省的经济增长.西北人口,2007(5) :6-11.
[11]郭志仪,曹建云,人力资本对中国区域经济增长的影响分析——岭估计法在多重共线性数据模型中的应用研究.中国人口科学,2007(4) :42-49.
[1]Cao, Jianyun,impiracal study of the Competitiveness of Modern Service Industry in Guangdong[J].value engineering,2013(6) :15-17. [2]Cao, Jianyun,Technological progress, technical efficiency & productivity growth of modern service industry - An comparative study on Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta, MINES 2012, EI 检索.
[3]Cao,Jianyun,Construction and Its Application of the Evaluation System of Competitiveness of Modern Service Industry[J].northwest population,2012(6) :111-115.
[4]Cao,Jianyun, the application and evaluation of panel discussion used in the economics teaching [J]. Journal of vocational and technical college of Zhuhai, 2011 (3) : 84-90.
[5]Cao,Jianyun, Research on the total factor productivity of modern service industry in Guangdong[J]. Special zone economy,2010(11) :34-36.
[6]Cao,Jianyun, Research on the total factor productivity of modern service industry in the pearl river delta [J]. Journal of gansu administrative institute, 2010 (2) : 91-97.
[7]Cao,Jianyun, Study on Competitiveness of Modern Service Industry in 21 Cities of Guangdong Province[J].northwest population, 2010(4) :117-123.
[8] Comparative Analysis on the Impact on Economic Growth of Western and Eastern Regions Brought by Human Capital and Investment,China Population,Resources and Environment, NO.1,2008.
[9] Industrial Adjustment and Employment Elasticity in Qinghai, Qinghai Social Sciences, NO.6,2007.
[10] Treating the Economic Growth of Gansu in a View of Scientific Development, Northwest Population, NO.5,2007
[10]An Empirical Study on the Influences of Human Capital on Regional Economic Growth: Based on the Method of Ridge Estimation Used in Multiple Colinearity Data, Chinese Journal of Population Science,NO.4,2007.

