2023-05-10 23:59
  • ​陈镇喜
  • ​陈镇喜 - 副教授-华南理工大学-经济与金融学院-个人资料




陈镇喜老师2007年本科毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学,获得材料工程工科一级荣誉学士以及商科辅修学位。2010、2014年分别于新加坡国立大学和南洋理工大学获得应用经济学硕士和经济学博士。曾作为访问学者到日本早稻田大学(日本文部科学省资助)和西班牙University of Jaume I(西班牙央行资助)学习访问。2014年4月起在德国基尔大学从事博士后工作,参与“欧盟第七框架--金融扭曲以及宏观经济表现”项目。2016年7月起在华南理工大学任教,任经济与贸易学院副教授。
陈镇喜老师主要从事数理经济学、行为金融学等领域研究。已在SSCI重要期刊发表论文十多篇。参加、组织多次国际学术会议,2016年6月于比利时布鲁塞尔参与筹办博士后项目组成果报告会,包括欧盟理事会首任主席范龙佩先生在内的各国高校、央行以及智库代表参加了会议。目前是国际期刊 Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development助理编辑。
招生专业(Admission Majors)
博士:应用经济学(Applied Economics)
主授课程(Teaching Courses)
微观经济学、宏观经济学、技术经济学、Agent-based models in economics and finance(博士课程)
2010-2014,Ph.D. in Economics,Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2008-2010,Master in Applied Economics, National University of Singapore
2003-2007,BS in Material Science and Engineering,Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

2017.09- 经济系副主任、主任: 华南理工大学, 经济与贸易学院、经济与金融学院
2016.07- 副教授: 华南理工大学, 经济与贸易学院
2014.04 – 2016.06 研究学者: 德国基尔大学, 欧盟第七框架--金融扭曲以及宏观经济表现
科研项目(摘选)(Selected grants)
3.参与,国家社科重大项目,17ZDA073,基于结构性数据分析的我国系统性金融风险防范体,2018.01-2022.12, 80万元
5.参与,欧盟研究、科技发展与演示第七框架基金项目, 612955, 金融扭曲以及宏观经济表现,2014.01-2016.12, 280万欧元。Contributed Book/Chapters
1.Chen, Zhenxi, and Thomas Lux. 2018. Identification of High-Frequency Herding Behavior in the Chinese Stock Market: An Agent-Based Approach. In Innovative Approaches in Agent-Based Modelling and Business Intelligence, edited by Setsuya Kurahashi and Hiroshi Takahashi, Chap. 12, 157-172. Springer. http://www.springer.com/series/7188.
Selected conference presentation
1.Chen, Zhenxi (2017). Regimes Dependent Speculative Trading: Evidence from the United States Housing Market, AEA 2017, Chicago, Available from: https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/2017/preliminary/paper/6rGZFFQZ.




1.Gu, Yimiao, Zhenxi Chen, Donald Lien, and Meifeng Luo, Quantile hedge ratio for forward freight markete, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, forthcoming
2.Chen, Zhenxi and Ring Ru, Herding and capitalization size in the Chinese stock market: a micro-foundation evidence, Empirical Economics, forthcoming
3.Chen, Zhenxi and Cuntong Wang, Speculative trading in Chinese housing market: a panel regression method, Applied Economics, forthcoming
4.Weihong Huang and Zhenxi Chen, “Modeling Contagion of Financial Crises”, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, forthcoming
5.Chen, Zhenxi, 2020, Regional financial market bloc and spillover of the financial crisis: A heterogeneous agents approach, The Manchester School, 88(2), 262-281
6.Chen, Zhenxi and Stefan Reitz, 2020, Dynamics of the European sovereign bonds and the identification of crisis periods, Empirical Economics, 58(6), 2761-2781
7.Gu, Yimiao, Zhenxi Chen and Donald Lien, 2019, Baltic Dry Index and Iron Ore Spot Market: Dynamics and Interactions, Applied Economics, 51, 3855-3863
8.Jan F. Kiviet and Zhenxi Chen, 2018, A critical appraisal of studies analyzing co-movement of international stock markets , Annals of Economics and Finance, 19, 151-196
9.Chen, Zhenxi , Weihong Huang and Huanhuan Zheng, 2018, “Estimating heterogeneous agents behavior in two-market financial system”, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination , 13(3), 491-510
10.Chen, Zhenxi and Thomas Lux, 2018, Estimation of Sentiment Effects in Financial Markets: A Simulated Method of Moments Approach , Computational Economics, 52(3), 711-744.
11.Weihong Huang and Zhenxi Chen, 2015, “Heterogeneous agents in multi-market: A coupled map lattice approach”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 108, 3-15.
12.Weihong Huang and Zhenxi Chen, 2014, “Modeling Regional Linkage of Financial Markets”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 99, 18-31.

