欧阳田,女,1991年生,就职于化学化工学院应用化学与制药工程系。当前主要从事超级电容器碳电极材料的制备和结构可控设计的研究,近年来在Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Chemical Engineering Journal和RSC Advances等国际刊物上公开发表多篇SCI论文,授权国家发明专利2项。授权发明专利:[1] 程魁,欧阳田,曹殿学,张旭,叶克,王贵领.一种用于超级电容器电极的碳布表面修饰改性方法. 专利号:ZL 201610293160.9[2] 程魁,欧阳田,曹殿学,王健,叶克,王贵领. 浸渍重结晶碳化生物质制备过渡金属复合杂原子掺杂多孔碳材料的方法. 专利号:ZL 201610265252.6研究领域
[1]Tian Ouyang, Kui Cheng*, Shuying Kong, Ke Ye, YinyiGao, Guiling Wang, Dianxue Cao*, Molten salt synthesis of nitrogen doped porous carbon: a new preparation methodology for high-volumetric capacitance electrode material [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4: 9832-9843.[2] Tian Ouyang, Kui Cheng*, Fan Yang,Limin Zhou, Kai Zhu,Ke Ye, Guiling Wang,Dianxue Cao*. From biomass with irregular structures to 1D carbon nanobelts: a stripping and cutting strategy to fabricate high performance supercapacitor materials[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5: 14551-14561. [3]Tian Ouyang, Kui Cheng*, Fan Yang; Jun Yan, Kai Zhu,Ke Ye, Guiling Wang,Limin Zhou,Dianxue Cao*. High-throughput fabrication of porous carbon by chemical foaming strategy for high performance supercapacitor[J].Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 352, 459-468.[4]Tian Ouyang, Kui Cheng*; Fan Yang,Jietao Jiang, Jun Yan, Kai Zhu,Ke Ye, Guiling Wang,Limin Zhou,Dianxue Cao*. A general in-situ etching and synchronous heteroatom doping strategy to boost the capacitive performance of commercial carbon fibrecloth[J], Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018,335, 638-646.[5]Tian Ouyang, Kui Cheng*, Shuying Kong, Ke Ye, YinyiGao, Guiling Wang, Dianxue Cao*, Facile synthesis of Co3O4 with different morphology and their application in supercapacitors, RSC advances, 2015, 5:36059-36065. 相关热点
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