2023-05-10 22:53
  • 万东锦
  • 万东锦 - 博士 教授 硕导-河南工业大学-环境工程学院-个人资料




2000.09 -2004.07 郑州大学环境与水利学院,环境工程专业就读,获工学学士学位
2004.09-2009.07 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,环境水质学国家重点实验室,环境工程专业硕博连读,获工学博士学位
2009.07-2012.11 河南工业大学化学化工学院,讲师
2012.11-2019.6 河南工业大学化学化工学院,副教授
2019.7-2020.8 美国佐治亚理工学院,访问学者
2019.6-今 河南工业大学环境工程学院,教授
(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:微生物硫自养还原协同硫歧化反应去除水体锑酸盐的作用机制及副产物控制策略研究(NO.52070073),主持,2021.01-2024.12
(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:电渗析离子交换膜生物反应器(EDIMB)的构建及其去除地下水硝酸盐的研究(NO.51878251),主持,2019.1-2022.12
(3) 国家自然科学基金青年基金:地下水高氯酸盐和硝酸盐复合污染的低碳源异养与硫自养协同净化机制(NO.51208179),主持,2013.1-2015.12
(4) 河南省自然科学优秀青年科学基金项目:废白土炭基材料的制备及其在水污染控制中的应用,主持,2021.1-2023.12
(5) 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师计划:复合型水滑石吸附去除水中污染物高氯酸盐(NO.2014GGJS-061),主持,2015.01-2017.12
(6) 河南省科技攻关计划项目:膜电解耦合生物氢自养反应器深度降解水中污染物高氯酸盐(NO.162102310407),主持,2016.1.1-2018.12.31
(7) 河南工业大学创新人才项目:生物氢自养深度降解高氯酸盐(2014CXRC04),主持,2015. 01-2017.12
(8) 河南工业大学青年骨干教师培育计划项目:掺杂稀土元素的阴离子粘土结构调控及其吸附特性,主持,2015.01-2018.12
(9) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:电催化还原协同生物氢自养降解水中高氯酸盐的效能及机理研究(NO. 21277134),参与(第二),2013.1-2016.12
(10) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)资源环境技术领域环境污染治理新技术项目子课题:催化电化学氢-硫协同自养生物膜去除硝酸盐技术(No.2009AA06Z307),主持,2010.06 -2012.06
(1) 万东锦,肖书虎,王依依,刘永德,牛振华,张健,张良波,电渗析离子交换膜生物反应器去除水中高氯酸盐的方法,专利号:201510762388.3,授权,2019.1.21
(2) 万东锦,刘永德,肖书虎,牛振华,张健,韦贞鸽,乔玮玮,电渗析离子交换膜生物反应器去除水中硝酸盐的方法,专利号:201610283886.4,授权,2019.1.21
(3)万东锦,牛振华,肖书虎,刘永德,王依依,张健,电化学与生物氢自养协同作用深度转化水中高氯酸盐的方法,专利号:ZL 201510304887.8,授权,2017.7.18.
(4) 万东锦,刘永德,张健,邰双汭,张良波,李莹,王依依,牛振华,微生物异养和硫自养协同降解水中高氯酸盐的方法,专利号:ZL 201410344763.8,授权,2016.4.13.
(5) 万东锦,张健,刘永德,牛振华,王依依,张良波,无电压双膜渗析脱除水中盐分的方法和反应器,专利号:201510553107.3,授权,2018.7.17
(6) 李海松,万东锦,阎登科,张健,冉晓妮,张玉斌,一种基于肼硫协同生物作用去除水中硝酸盐的反应器,专利号:ZL201610445166.3,授权,2018.3.9
(7) 李海松,万东锦,阎登科,王柯丹,张健,高赞,一种微生物自养去除水中硝酸盐的方法,专利号:ZL201610445616.9,授权,2018.6.26
(8) 李海松,万东锦,田敏慧,许子聪,王鎣奎,万俊锋,一种抗生素发酵菌渣的处理方法,专利号:ZL201410444142.7,授权,2017.12.12.
(9) 李海松,杜家绪,毛圣捷,牛波波,郜白璐,高维超,张健,唐启,万东锦,买文宁,王岩,一种絮凝剂及其制备方法,专利号:ZL CN201410333892.7,授权,2016.5.25
(10) 刘会娟,万东锦,曲久辉,雷鹏举,刘锐平,催化电化学生物氢自养反硝化去除硝酸盐的方法和反应器,专利号:ZL200810132734.X,授权,2010.1.13.
2014年度 河南工业大学 “优秀本科生导师”
2013-2015年度 河南工业大学 “优秀共产党员”
2016-2017年度 河南工业大学 “优秀教师”
2015届 河南工业大学毕业生“我心中最优秀的老师”
2016届 河南工业大学毕业生“我心中最优秀的老师”




(1) Yongde Liu, Jinsong Li, Lairong Wu, Dongjin Wan*, Yahui Shi, Qiaochong He, Jing Chen, Synergetic adsorption and Fenton-like degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride by magnetic spent bleaching earth carbon: Insights into performance and reaction mechanism. Science of the Total Environment 761(2021) 143956.
(2) Yongde Liu, Yao Chen, Yahui Shi, Dongjin Wan*, Jing Chen, Shuhu Xiao,Adsorption of toxic dye Eosin Y from aqueous solution by clay/carbon composite derived from spent bleaching earth. Water Environment Research 93(2021) 159-169
(3) Yahui Shi, Jinsong Li, Dongjin Wan*, Jinhui Huang, Yongde Liu, Peroxymonosulfate - enhanced photocatalysis by carbonyl-modified g-C3N4 for effective degradation of the tetracycline hydrochloride. Science of the Total Environment 749(2020) 142313.
(4) Yahui Shi, Dongjin Wan*, Jinhui Huang, Yongde Liu, Jinsong Li, Stable LBL self-assembly coating porous membrane with 3D heterostructure for enhanced water treatment under visible light irradiation. Chemosphere 252 (2020) 126581.
(5) Yongde Liu, Jinsong Li, Lairong Wu, Yahui Shi, Qiaochong He, Jing Chen, Dongjin Wan*, Magnetic spent bleaching earth carbon (Mag-SBE@C) for efficient adsorption of tetracycline hydrochloride: Response surface methodology for optimization and mechanism of action. Science of the Total Environment 722 (2020) 137817.
(6) Yongde Liu, Yang Liu, Qiaochong He, Pengliang Guo, Jing Chen, Dongjin Wan*, Shuhu Xiao, Utilizing the ‘‘memory effect’’ of bimetallic-supported hydrotalcites for adsorption and reduction of perchlorate in water. Colloids and Surfaces A 593 (2020) 124641
(7) Dongjin Wan, Qi Li, Yongde Liu*, Shuhu Xiao, Hongjie Wang, Simultaneous reduction of perchlorate and nitrate in a combined heterotrophic-sulfur-autotrophic system: Secondary pollution control, pH balance and microbial community analysis. Water Research 165 (2019) 115004
(8) Dongjin Wan, Qi Li, Jing Chen, Zhenhua Niu, Yongde Liu*, Haisong Li, Shuhu Xiao. Simultaneous bio-electrochemical reduction of perchlorate and electro-disinfection in a novel Moving-Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) based on proton-exchange membrane electrolysis. Science of the Total Environment 679 (2019) 288-297
(9) Dongjin Wan, Lairong Wu, Yongde Liu*, Jing Chen, Hailiang Zhao, Shuhu Xiao. Enhanced Adsorption of Aqueous Tetracycline Hydrochloride on Renewable Porous Clay-Carbon Adsorbent Derived from Spent Bleaching Earth via Pyrolysis. Langmuir 35 (2019) 3925-3936.
(10) Dongjin Wan, Yongde Liu*, Yiyi Wang, Qi Li, Jingnan Jin, Shuhu Xiao. Sulfur disproportionation tendencies in a sulfur packed bed reactor for perchlorate bio-autotrophic reduction at different temperatures and spatial distribution of microbial communities. Chemosphere 215 (2019) 40-49.
(11) Dongjin Wan, Lairong Wu, Yongde Liu*, Hailiang Zhao, Jun Fu*, Shuhu Xiao. Adsorption of low concentration perchlorate from aqueous solution onto modified cow dung biochar: Effective utilization of cow dung, an agricultural waste. Science of the Total Environment 636 (2018) 1396-1407.
(12) Dongjin Wan, Zhenhua Niu, Jia Zhou, Xiaolei Chen, Haisong Li*, Influence of electron donors on perchlorate reduction and microbial community structure. Environmental Engineering Science 35(2018) 1255-1262.
(13) Jing Chen, Dongjin Wan*, Xuzhuo Sun, Bo Li. Interpretation of an inductive loop in the impedance of the impregnated La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ-Y2O3stabilized ZrO2 cathodes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry818 (2018)231-235.
(14) 万东锦,牛振华,刘永德,肖书虎,膜电解氢自养MBBR反应器深度转化水中高氯酸盐,中国环境科学,38:07 (2018) 2477-2482
(15) Dongjin Wan, Yongde Liu, Yiyi Wang, Hongjie Wang, Shuhu Xiao*. Simultaneous bio-autotrophic reduction of perchlorate and nitrate in a sulfur packed bed reactor: Kinetics and bacterial community structure. Water Research 108 (2017) 280-292.
(16) Haisong Li, Jia Zhou, Xiaolei Chen, Dongjin Wan*, Wenning Mai. Influence of Al3+ dosage on the flocculation performance of activated sludge and its mechanism. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 26 (2017) 655-662.
(17) 刘永德,王依依,万东锦*,肖书虎,硫自养微生物降解水中低浓度高氯酸盐的研究-反应器效能及微生物种群空间分布,中国环境科学,37:8 (2017) 3142-3150.
(18) Xuzhuo Sun, Bo Li, Dongjin Wan*, Ning Wang. Using a novel adsorbent macrocyclic compound Curbit[8]uril for Pb2+ removal from aqueous solution. Journal of Environmental Sciences 50 (2016) 3-12
(19) Dongjin Wan, Yongde Liu, Zhenhua Niu, Shuhu Xiao*, Daorong Li. Perchlorate reduction by hydrogen autotrophic bacteria and microbial community analysis using high-throughput sequencing. Biodegradation 27(2016) 47-57
(20) Dongjin Wan, Yongde Liu, Shuhu Xiao*, Jing Chen, Jian Zhang. Uptake fluoride from water by calcined Mg-Al-CO3 hydrotalcite Mg/Al ratio effect on its structure, electrical affinity and adsorptive property. Colloids and Surfaces A 469 (2015) 307-314.
(21) Dongjin Wan, Shuhu Xiao*, Xiaoyu Cui, Quanhua Zhang, Yonghui Song*. Removal of Cu2+from aqueous solution using proton exchange membrane by Donnan dialysis process. Environ. Earth Sci.(2015) 73: 4923-4929
(22) Dongjin Wan, Huijuan Liu*, Ruiping Liu, Jiuhui Qu, Shanshan Li, Jian Zhang.Adsorption of nitrate and nitrite from aqueous solution onto calcined (Mg–Al) hydrotalcite of different Mg/Al ratio. Chemical Engineering Journal 195-196 (2012) 241-247
(23) Dongjin Wan, Huijuan Liu*, Ruiping Liu, Jiuhui Qu. Study of a combined sulfur autotrophic with proton-exchange membrane electrodialytic denitrification technology: sulfate control and pH balance. Bioresource Technology102 (2011) 10803-10809.
(24) Dongjin Wan, Huijuan Liu*, Jiuhui Qu, Pengju Lei. Bio-electrochemical denitrification by a novel proton-exchange membrane electrodialysis system-a batch mode study. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 80 (2010) 1540-1546.
(25) Dongjin Wan, Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui Qu*, Pengju Lei, Shuhu Xiao, Yining Hou. Using the combined bioelectrochemical and sulfur autotrophic denitrification system for groundwater denitrification. Bioresource Technology 100 (2009) 142-148.
(26) Dongjin Wan,Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui Qu*, Pengju Lei, Shuhu Xiao, Yining Hou. Role of the Mg/Al atomic ratio in hydrotalcite-supported Pd/Sn catalysts for nitrate adsorption and hydrogenation reduction. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 332 (2009) 151-157.
现任河南工业大学环境工程学院副院长,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,教育部学位中心评审专家,河南省优秀青年科学基金获得者,河南省教育厅青年骨干教师,河南省化学会理事,江西、河北省科技厅项目评审专家,河南省环保专家库专家,国际权威期刊Water Research,Journal of Hazardous Materials等审稿人

