教学与科研项目[1] 湖南省教育厅科技项目:继列分批柔性生产线粒子群多目标优化,项目号:11C0399[2] 横向课题:多生产线排产系统[3] 裁板机动画控制[4] 排钻数控控制著作、专利与软件登记证[1] 优格跟单系统:软著登字号第110875号[2] 优格裁板优化系统:软著登字号第0208356号[3] 优格打包优化系统: 软著登字号第0208375号[4] 通用CNC编程系统,软著登记号:2015SR228058[5] 优化裁板系统,软著登字号:2015SR228050[6] 异型优化加工系统,软著登字号:2015SR228047[7] 家具设计系统,软著登字号:2015SR228043[8] 双钻包CNC控制系统,软著登字号:2015SR228053研究领域
[1] 曾敏,王乘,刘琼梅. 大规模定制板材排样的多种群蚁群优化算法,制造业自动化.2011,3,第5期,P59-62 中文核心[2] Zeng Min,Wang Chen, Long Qiao-yun. Practices of Extreme Programming for ERP Based On Two-dimensional Dynamic Time Scheduling Interface Method, 2009 World Congress on Software Engineeringm,2009,5(3):236-239(EI检索)[3] Zeng Min, Wang Cheng,LongQiao-yun. Based on Concurrent Engineering's Board-type furniture CAD/CAPP System, International Symposium on Computer Network and Multimedia Technology, 2009, 12(2): 1094-1098.(EI检索)[4] Zeng Min, Wang Cheng;LiuQiong-Mei.The research on CAD/CAPP/CAM concurrent engineering of Panel furniture Agile Manufacturing, 2010 2nd International Conference on Industrial Mechatronics and Automation(ICIMA 2010),2010, v 1, p5-8(EI检索)[5] Zeng Min, Liu Qiong-Mei,Wang Cheng. Practices of agile manufacturing enterprise data security and software protection,2010 2nd International Conference on Industrial Mechatronics and Automation (ICIMA 2010),2010, v 1, p 318-321 (EI检索)[6] Zeng Min, Long Qiao-yu,Liu Qiong-Mei,Cellular Automata Variation Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm For Batch Scheduling,ISDEA2011,2011,12[7] 曾敏.基于VB的平面切割辅助设计系统,机电产品开发与创新,2004,6 相关热点
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