毛善骏,男,1993年9月生,湖南张家界人,香港中文大学统计学博士,现任湖南大学金融与统计学院统计系助理教授。教育背景2017.8-2020.7 香港中文大学 统计系,博士 (导师 樊晓丹教授)2014.9-2017.6 厦门大学 数学科学学院 概率统计系,硕士 (导师 周达教授)2010.9-2014.6 南昌大学 理学院 数学系,学士研究领域
Statistical Modeling and Computing, Computational Biology/Bioinformatics""近期论文
Cong Pian, Shanjun Mao, Jiali Yang, Guangle Zhang, Jin Du, Suet Yi Leung,Yuanyuan Chen, Xiaodan Fan. Discovering Cancer-related miRNAs from miRNA-target Interactions by Support Vector (2020). Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids, 19, 1423-1433Shanjun Mao, Da Zhou, Yiping Zhang, Zhihong Zhang, Jingjing Cao (2018). Weighted Patches Based Face Super-Resolution Via Adaboost. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), 1, pages 234-239Da Zhou, Shanjun Mao, Jing Cheng, Kaiyi Chen, Xiaofang Cao, Jie Hu (2018). A Bayesian Sstatistical Aanalysis of Sstochastic Pphenotypic Pplasticity Mmodel of Ccancer Ccells. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 454, 70-79Bin Wu, Shanjun Mao, Jiazeng Wang, Da Zhou (2016). Control of Eepidemics vvia Ssocial Ppartnership Aadjustment. Physical Review E, 94 (6), 062314Shanjun Mao, Xiaodan Fan, Jie Hu. Correlation for tree-shaped datasets and its Bayesian estimation. Submitted.Shanjun Mao, Xiaodan Fan, Jie Hu. Geometric Significance of Correlation for Tree-Shaped Datasets. Working.Shanjun Mao, Xiaodan Fan, Jie Hu. Hypothesis Testing of Correlation for Tree-Shaped Datasets. Working.Shanjun Mao, Xiaodan Fan. Bayesian Inference of Gene Expression Dynamics in Alzheimer Brains. Working.Briefings in Bioinformatics,Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics等期刊审稿人。 相关热点
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