2023-05-10 21:57
  • 陆平利
  • 陆平利 - 教授 博士生导师-河南大学-作物逆境适应与改良国家重点实验室-个人资料




2020.05- 至今 河南大学生命科学学院/省部共建作物逆境适应与改良国家
重点实验室 课题组长、教授 、博士生导师
2013.05-2020.05 复旦大学生命科学学院/遗传工程国家重点实验室
2007.03-2012.12 美国宾夕法尼亚州州立大学生物系
博士后 (Dr. Hong Ma PSU’s Lab)
本课题组综合利用分子生物学和遗传学、细胞生物学、基因组学、转录和蛋白质组学等实验方法综合解析调控植物重要生长发育和核心生殖过程中的多个重大科学问题,包括细胞器转运RNA修饰与蛋白翻译的调控机制、减数分裂同源染色体重组的分子机制、小孢子和花粉发育过程中细胞壁的决定性功能等。主要研究材料包括模式生物拟南芥、水稻和栽培小麦。主要研究成果以研究论文的形式发表在国际顶级学术期刊Plant Cell, Genome Research、Plant Physiology、Plant Journal等上。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,上海市科委项目1项。在学术兼职方面,担任PLOS Genetics, Plant Physiology, New Phytologist, 等10余种学术期刊审稿人,担任Frontiers in Plant Science(生物学二区,SCI IF = 4.4)副主编(Associate Editor)。
本科生教学: 《植物细胞与发育生物学》 (复旦期间)、《Reproductive Biology-Meiosis》 (参讲;复旦-宾州州立联合课;全英文;复旦期间)、《The Biology Intensive Orientation Summer》(复旦期间)、《遗传学》(河南大学)
研究生教学: 《科研伦理与规范》(复旦期间)




1. Liu, H.*, Ren, D.*, Jiang, L., Li, X., Yao, Y., Mi, L., Chen, W., Mo, A., Jiang, N., Yang, J., Chen, P., Ma, H., Luo, X.†, Lu, P†. (2020). A Natural Variation in PLEIOTROPIC DEVELOPMENTAL DEFECTS Uncovers a Crucial Role for Chloroplast tRNA Modification in Translation and Plant Development. Plant Cell 32, 2345-2366 (第一通讯) )( SCI, 5年IF = 10.144)(已被引用2次)
2. Yao, Y., Li, X., Chen, W., Liu, H., Mi, L., Ren, D., Mo, A., Lu, P†.(2020). ATM Promotes RAD51-Mediated Meiotic DSB Repair by Inter-Sister-Chromatid Recombination in Arabidopsis. Front Plant Sci 11, 839.(独立通讯)(已被引用5次)( SCI, 5年IF = 4.353)
3. Xu, P., Su, H., Chen, W., and Lu, P†. (2018). The Application of a Meiocyte-Specific CRISPR/Cas9 (MSC) System and a Suicide-MSC System in Generating Inheritable and Stable Mutations in Arabidopsis. Front Plant Sci 9, 1007.(独立通讯)(已被引用12次)( SCI, 5年IF = 4.353)
4. Li, X., Ye, J., Ma, H., and Lu, P†. (2018). Proteomic analysis of lysine acetylation provides strong evidence for involvement of acetylated proteins in plant meiosis and tapetum function. Plant J 93, 142-154.(独立通讯)(已被引用13次)( SCI, 5年IF = 6.629)
5. Zhang, Z., Ye, J., Long, H., Hong, Y., and Lu, P†. (2016). Global proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis of the premature maize anther. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology 32, 937-955. (独立通讯)(已被引用1次)
6. 龙海飞, 张智敏, 陆平利†. (2016). 拟南芥CDM1基因在减数分裂染色体浓缩过程中起重要作用. 植物生理学报 52, 877-885. (独立通讯)
7. 陆平利†, 马红†. (2016). 植物雄性发育与减数分裂研究现状和展望. 中国基础科学 18, 46-53. (特邀综述;并列通讯)
8. Ye, J., Zhang, Z., Long, H., Zhang, Z., Hong, Y., Zhang, X., You, C., Liang, W., Ma, H†., and Lu, P†. (2015). Proteomic and phosphoproteomic analyses reveal extensive phosphorylation of regulatory proteins in developing rice anthers. Plant J 84, 527-544. (第一通讯)(被引用37次)( SCI, 5年IF = 6.629)
9. Lu, P*,†., Chai, M., Yang, J., Ning, G., Wang, G., and Ma, H†. (2014). The Arabidopsis CALLOSE DEFECTIVE MICROSPORE1 gene is required for male fertility through regulating callose metabolism during microsporogenesis. Plant Physiol 164, 1893-1904.(独立第一;并列通讯)(被引用67次)(SCI, 5年IF = 7.520)
10. Lu, P*,†., Wijeratne, A.J., Wang, Z., Copenhaver, G.P., and Ma, H†. (2014). Arabidopsis PTD is required for type I crossover formation and affects recombination frequency in two different chromosomal regions. J Genet Genomics 41, 165-175. (独立第一;并列通讯)(被引用9次)( SCI, 5年IF = 3.652)
11. Lu, P*., Han, X*., Qi, J*., Yang, J., Wijeratne, A.J., Li, T., and Ma, H. (2012). Analysis of Arabidopsis genome-wide variations before and after meiosis and meiotic recombination by resequencing Landsberg erecta and all four products of a single meiosis. Genome Res 22, 508-518.(并列第一)(被引用123次)( SCI, 5年IF =13.796)
12. Yang, H*., Lu, P*., Wang, Y., and Ma, H. (2011). The transcriptome landscape of Arabidopsis male meiocytes from high-throughput sequencing: the complexity and evolution of the meiotic process. Plant J. 65, 503-516. (并列第一)(被引用142次)( SCI, 5年IF = 6.629).
13. Lu, P.L., Chen, N.Z., An, R., Su, Z., Qi, B.S., Ren, F., Chen, J., and Wang, X.C. (2007). A novel drought-inducible gene, ATAF1, encodes a NAC family protein that negatively regulates the expression of stress-responsive genes in Arabidopsis. Plant Mol. Biol. 63, 289-305. (被引用319次)( SCI, 5年IF = 4.013)
(备注:被引用次数使用Google 学术搜索查询 ;查询日期为2021-03)
1. Jiyue Huang, Cong Wang, Haifeng Wang, Pingli Lu, Binglian zheng, Hong Ma, Gregory P. Copenhaver, Yingxiang Wang. (2019). Meiocyte-specific and AtSPO11-1-dependent small RNAs and their association with meiotic gene expression and recombination. Plant Cell. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.18.00511. (SCI, 5年IF = 10.144)
2. Wang, C., Higgins, J.D., He, Y., Lu, P., Zhang, D., and Liang, W. (2017). Resolvase OsGEN1 Mediates DNA Repair by Homologous Recombination. Plant Physiol 173, 1316-1329. (SCI, 5年IF = 7.520)
3. Tang, Y., Yin, Z., Zeng, Y., Zhang, Q., Chen, L., He, Y., Lu, P., Ye, and Zhang, X. (2017). MTOPVIB interacts with AtPRD1 and plays important roles in formation of meiotic DNA double-strand breaks in Arabidopsis. Sci Rep 7, 10007. (SCI, 5年IF = 4.609)
4. Zhang, H., Li, A., Zhang, Z., Huang, Z., Lu, P., Zhang, D., Liu, X., Zhang, Z.F., and Huang, R. (2016). Ethylene Response Factor TERF1, Regulated by ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE3-like Factors, Functions in Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Scavenging in Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Sci Rep 6, 29948. (SCI, 5年IF = 4.609)
5. He, Y., Wang, C., Higgins, J.D., Yu, J., Zong, J., Lu, P., Zhang, D., and Liang, W. (2016). MEIOTIC F-BOX Is Essential for Male Meiotic DNA Double-Strand Break Repair in Rice. Plant Cell 28, 1879-1893. (SCI, 5年IF = 10.144)
6. Wang, Y., Cheng, Z., Lu, P., Timofejeva, L., and Ma, H. (2014). Molecular Cell Biology of Male Meiotic Chromosomes and Isolation of Male Meiocytes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Methods Mol Biol 1110, 217-230.
7. Pang, Y., Li, L., Ren, F., Lu, P., Wei, P., Cai, J., Xin, L., Zhang, J., Chen, J., and Wang, X. (2010). Overexpression of the tonoplast aquaporin AtTIP5;1 conferred tolerance to boron toxicity in Arabidopsis. J Genet Genomics 37, 389-397. ( SCI, 5年IF = 3.652)
8. An, R., Chen, Q.J., Chai, M.F., Lu, P.L., Su, Z., Qin, Z.X., Chen, J., and Wang, X.C. (2007). AtNHX8, a member of the monovalent cation: proton antiporter-1 family in Arabidopsis thaliana, encodes a putative Li/H antiporter. Plant J 49, 718-728.( SCI, 5年IF = 6.101)
9. Su, Z., Chai, M.F., Lu, P.L., An, R., Chen, J., and Wang, X.C. (2007). AtMTM1, a novel mitochondrial protein, may be involved in activation of the manganese-containing superoxide dismutase in Arabidopsis. Planta 226, 1031-1039. ( SCI, 5年IF = 3.460)
10. Qi, B.S., Li, C.G., Chen, Y.M., Lu, P.L., Hao, F.S., Shen, G.M., Chen, J., and Wang, X.C. (2005). Functional analysis of rice Ca2+/H+ antiporter OsCAX3 in yeast and its subcellular localization in plant. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics 32, 876-882.

