1. 超快非线性光学材料及全光器件2. 激光拉曼光谱及应用3. 光伏材料及电池近期论文
1. Y. Z. Gu, W. F. Zhang, D. H. Gu and F. X. Gan, “Nonlinear response and optical limiting in SrBi2Ta2O9 thin films”, Optics Letters 26, 1788-1790 (2001).2. Y. Z. Gu, F. X. Gan, S. Q. Wang and H. J. Xu, “Investigation of optical nonlinearities of azo nickel chelate compound by the Z-scan technique”, Optics communication, 197, 501-505 (2001).3. Y. Z. Gu, Z. J. Liang, F. X. Gan, “Self-diffraction and optical limiting properties of organically modified sol-gel material containing palladium-octaisopentyloxy-phthalocyanine under cw laser illumination”. Optical Materials.17, 471-475 (2001).4. Y. Z. Gu , D. H. Gu and F. X. Gan. “Optical nonlinearity in PbTiO3 thin film deposited on -Al2O3 with RF-sputtering system”. Nonlinear Optics, 28 , 283-289 (2001).5. Yuzong Gu, Yang Wang, Fuxi Gan. “Third-order optical nonlinearities in thin films of a new subphthalocyanine”. Materials Letter. 52, 404-407 (2002).6. Baolong Yu, Yuzong Gu and Yanli Mao; Congshan Zhu and Fuxi Gan. “Nonlinear optical properties of PbS nanoparticles under cw lawer illumination”, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 9, 117-125 (2000).7. W. F. Zhang, M. S. Zhang and Z. Yin; Y. Z. Gu, Z. L. Du, and B. L. YU. “Large third-order optical nonlinearity in SrBi2Ta2O9 thin films by pulsed laser deposition”, App. Phys. Lett. 75, 902-904 (1999). 相关热点
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