2023-05-10 21:43
  • 冯兆东
  • 冯兆东 - 教授-河南大学-环境与规划学院-个人资料






Zhang, D.L. and Feng, Z.-D*., 2018. Holocene climate variations in the Altai Mountains and the surrounding areas: a synthesis of pollen records. Earth-Science Reviews (under review).
Wang, W. and Feng, Z.D*., 2013. Holocene moisture evolution across the Mongolian Plateau and its surrounding areas: A synthesis of climatic records. Earth-Science Reviews, 122: 38–57.
Zhang, D.L., Feng, Z.-D*., Yang, Y.P., Lan, B., Ran, M. and Mu, G.J., 2018. Peat δ13Ccellulose-recorded wetting trend during the past 8000 years in the southern Altai Mountains, northern Xinjiang, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 156:174-179.
Ran, M. and Feng, Z.-D*., 2014. Carbon isotope-recorded vegetation changes and associated climate variations in Eastern Kazakstan during the past ~50,000 years. Organic Geochemistry, 73: 47-55.
Feng, Z.-D*., Sun, A.Z., Abdusalih, N., Ran, R., Kurban, A., Lan, B., Zhang, D.L. and Yang,Y.P., 2005. Bioclimatic changes in the Chinese Altai Mountains during the Holocene and the driving mechanisms. The Holocene, 27(5): 683-693.
Feng, Z.D*., Ma, YZ., Zhang, H.C., Narantsetsega, Ts. and Zhang, X.S., 2013. Holocene climate variations retrieved from Gun Nuur core in the Northern Mongolian Plateau. The Holocene, 23(12):1719 - 1728.
Sun, A.Z. and Feng, Z.D*., 2013. Pollen-recorded bioclimatic variations of the last 15,000 years retrieved from Lake Qigai Nuur in the southern Mongolian Plateau of China. The Holocene, 23: 1391–1402.
Ran, M., Zhang, C.J. and Feng, Z.-D*., 2015. Climatic and Hydrological Variations during the Past 8000 Years in Northern Xinjiang of China and the Associated Mechanisms. Quaternary International, 358: 21-34.
Sun, A.Z. and Feng, Z.-D*., 2015. Climatic Changes in the western part of the Chinese Loess Plateau during the Last Deglacial and the Holocene: A Synthesis of Pollen Records. Quaternary International,372:130-141.
Feng, Z.D*., Ran, M. and Yang, Q.L., 2013. Problems in radiocarbon dating of eolian and lacustrine sequences. Quaternary International, 286: 126-137.
Wang, W.,Feng, Z.D., Ran, M. and Zhang, C.J., 2013. Holocene climate and vegetation changes inferred by pollen records from Lake Aibi of northern Xinjiang, China. Quaternary International, 311: 54-62.
Sun, A.Z.,Feng, Z.D., Ran, M. and Zhang, C.J., 2013. Pollen-recorded bioclimatic variations of the last ~22,600 years retrieved from Achit Nuur in the western part of the Mongolian Plateau. Quaternary International, 311: 36-43.
Feng, Z.D*., Wu, H.N., Zhang, C.J., Ran, M., and Sun, A.Z., 2013. Bioclimatic change of the past 2500 years within Balkhash Basin in the eastern Kazakhstan of Central Asia. Quaternary International, 311: 63-70.
Ran, M. and Feng, Z.D*., 2013. Holocene moisture variations across China and driving mechanisms: a synthesis of climatic records. Quaternary International, 313/314 (2013) 179-193.
Ma, Y.Z., Liu, K.-b., Feng, Z.D., Meng, H.W., Sang, Y.L., Wang, W. and Zhang, H.C., 2013. Vegetation changes and associated climate variations during the past ~38,000 years reconstructed from the Shaamar eolian-paleosol section in northern Mongolia. Quaternary International, 311: 25-35.
Wen, R.L., Xiao, J.L., Ma, Y,.Z., and Feng, Z.D., Li, Y.C. and Xu, Q.H., 2013. Pollen–climate transfer functions intended for temperate eastern Asia. Quaternary International, 311: 3-11.

