2023-05-10 21:43
  • 傅声雷
  • 傅声雷 - 博导-河南大学-环境与规划学院-个人资料




1996年9月-1999年12月留学美国佐治亚大学生态研究所(Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, USA)并获得生态学博士学位


1. Zhang, WX., Hendrix, PF., Dame, LE., Burke, RA., Wu, JP., Neher, DA., Li, JX., Shao, YH., Fu, SL.(通讯作者). 2013. Earthworms facilitate carbon sequestration through unequal amplification of carbon stabilization compared with mineralization.Nature Communications, 4, pp 1-9.(影响因子为11.47)
2. Zhang WX, Hendrix PF, Snyder BA, Molina M, Li JX, Rao XQ, Siemann E,Fu SL*(通讯作者), 2010. Dietary flexibility aids Asian earthworm invasion in North American forests.Ecology, 91(7): 2070-2079(生态科学前10%期刊).
3. Chen, DM., Zhang, CL., Wu, JP., Zhou, LX., Lin, YB.,Fu, SL*(通讯作者). 2011.Subtropical plantations are large carbon sinks: Evidence from two monoculture plantations in South China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 151(9), pp 1214-1225.(林学期刊排名第一)
4. Wu JP, Liu ZF, Wang XL, Sun YX, Zhou LX, Lin YB,Fu SL*(通讯作者).2011. Effects of understory removal and tree girdling on soil microbial community composition and litter decomposition in two Eucalyptus plantations in South China.Functional Ecology, 25(4): 921-931.(生态学期刊前10%)
5. Shao YH, Zhang WX, Shen JC, Zhou LX, Xia HP, Shu WS, Ferris H,Fu SL*(通讯作者).2008. Nematodes as indicators of soil recovery in tailings of a Lead/Zinc mine.Soil Biology & Biochemistry,40, 2040-2046(土壤科学排名第一期刊).
6. Fu SL, Coleman DC, Hendrix PF,.Crossley Jr DA. 2000. Responses of trophic groups of soil nematodes to residue application under conventional tillage and no-till regimes. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 32 (11-12): 1731-1741(土壤科学排名第一期刊).
7. Fu SL, Cheng WX. 2002. Rhizosphere priming effects on the decomposition of soil organic matter in C-4 and C-3 grassland soils.Pant and Soil, 238 (2): 289-294(土壤科学前10%期刊)
8. Fu SL, Cheng WX, Susfalk R. 2002. Rhizosphere respiration varies with plant species and phenology: A greenhouse pot experiment.Plant and Soil, 239 (1): 133-140(土壤科学前10%期刊).
9. Fu SL, Ferris H, Brown D, Plant R. 2005. Does the positive feedback effect of nematodes on the biomass and activity of their bacteria prey vary with nematode species and population size? Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 37 (11): 1979-1987(土壤科学排名第一期刊). 4
10. Fu SL, Zou XM, Coleman D, 2009. Highlights and perspectives of soil biology and ecology research in China.Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 41(5): 868-8764.(土壤科学排名第一期刊).

