2023-05-10 21:26
  • 贾爱群
  • 贾爱群 - 教授-海南大学-生命科学与药学院-个人资料




2001.1-2004.7 中国科学院昆明植物研究所,理学博士(植物化学-天然药物化学);
1998.9-2001.1 无锡轻工大学(今江南大学),工学硕士(应用化学-天然产物化学);
1989.9-1993.7 河南师范大学,理学学士(化学)。
2019.3-至今 海南大学生命科学与药学院,教授,博士生导师;
2017.7-2019.3 海南大学海洋学院药学系,教授,博士生导师;
2012.4-2017.7 南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院,教授,博士生导师;
2008.2-2009.3 德国马普学会耶拿化学生态研究所,博士后;
2006.7-2012.4 南京理工大学,副教授,硕士生导师;
2005.12-2006.7 香港中文大学,Research Associate;
2004.7-2005.12 江苏正大天晴制药,新药研发工程师;
1993.7-1998.9 洛阳师专(今洛阳师范学院)化学系,助教-讲师




Zhou, J. W., Ruan, L. Y., Chen, H. J.; Luo, H. Z., Jiang, H., Wang, J. S.*,Jia, A. Q.*, (2019), Inhibition of quorum sensing and virulence in Serratia marcescens by hordenine,J. Agri. Food Chem., 67(3), 784-795.
Liu, Y., Xie, F.,Jia, A. Q. *, Li, X. W. *, (2018), Cp*Co(III)-Catalyzed amidation of olefinic and aryl C-H bonds: Highly selective synthesis of enamides and pyrimidones,Chemical Communications, 54, 4345-4348.
Zhou, J. W., Luo, H. Z., Jiang, H., Jian, T. K., Chen, Z. Q.,Jia, A. Q.*, (2018), Hordenine, a novel quorum sensing inhibitor and anti-biofilm agent againstPseudomonas aeruginosa,J. Agri. Food Chem., 66(7):1620-1628.
Yang, R., Guan, Y., Wang, W. X., Chen, H.J., He, Z.C.,Jia, A. Q.*, (2018), Antioxidant capacity of phenolics inCamellia nitidissima Chi flowers and their identification by HPLC Triple TOF MS/MS,PlosOne, 13(4), e0195508.
Zhou, J. W., Chen, T. T., Tan, X. J., Sheng, J. Y.,Jia, A. Q.*, (2018), Can resveratrol, a quorum sensing inhibitor, function as an aminoglycoside antibiotic-mate againstPseudomonas aeruginosa?International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 52(1), 35-41.
Yang, R., Zhou, J. W., Sun, B., Wang, Z. N., Chen, H. J., He, Z. C.,Jia, A. Q.*, (2018), Phytochemicals fromCamellia nitidissima Chi flowers reduce the pyocyanin production and motility ofPseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1,Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 2640-2653.
Yang, R., Wang, W.X., Chen, H.J., He, Z.C.,Jia, A.Q.*, (2018), The inhibition of advanced glycation end-products by five fractions and three main flavonoids from Camellia nitidissima Chi flowers,Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 26, 252-259.
Zhou, J. W., Bi, S. Y., Chen, H. J., Chen, T. T., Yang, R., Li, M. H., Fu, Y. H.,Jia, A. Q.*, (2017), Anti-Biofilm and Antivirulence Activities of Metabolites from Plectosphaerella cucumerinaagainst Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 769-786.
Chen, T. T., Sheng, J. Y., Fu, Y. H., Li, M. H., Wang, J. S.*,Jia, A. Q.*, (2017),1H-NMR-Based Global Metabolic Studies of Pseudomonas aeruginosa upon Exposure of the Quorum Sensing Inhibitor Resveratrol,Journal of Proteome Research, 16 (2), 824-830.
Chen, X. D., Tian, D. G., Abeer, H Allah EF, A, Hu, X. Y. *,Jia, A. Q.*, (2016), The role of nitric oxide signaling in response to salt stress inChlamydomonas reinhardtii,Planta, 244 (3), 651-69.
Wang, W. X., Liu, H. Y., Wang, Z. N., Qi, J., Yuan, S. T., Zhang, W. J., Chen, H. J., Finley, J. W, Gu, L. W.*,Jia, A. Q.*, (2016), Phytochemicals fromCamellia nitidissima Chi inhibited the formation of advanced glycation end-products by scavenging methylglyoxal,Food Chem, 205, 204-211.
Sheng, J. Y., Chen, T. T., Tan, X. J., Chen, T.,Jia, A. Q.*, (2015), The quorum-sensing inhibiting effects of stilbenoids and their potential structure-activity relationship,Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 25(22), 5217-20.
Xu, H. D., Wang, J. S.*, Li, M. H., Liu, Y., Chen, T., Jia, A. Q.*, (2015),1H NMR based metabolomics approach to study the toxic effects of herbicide butachlor on goldfish (Carassius auratus).Aquatic Toxicology, 159, 69-80.
Wang, W. X., Qi, Y. J., Rocca, J, Sarnoski, P.,Jia, A. Q.*, Gu, L. W. *, (2015), Scavenging of Toxic Acrolein by Resveratrol and Hesperetin and Identification of Adducts,J. Agri. Food Chem, 63(43), 9488-95.
Chen, J. H., Lin, S. S., Yuan, S. T., Shi, J. S.*,Jia, A. Q.*, (2015), The extract, LXB-1, from the barks ofLiriodendron×hybrid, induced apoptosis via Akt, JNK and ERK1/2 pathways in A549 lung cancer cells,Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C (ZNC), 70 (11-12), 305-311.
Yang, D. T, Lin, S. S., Chen, J. H., Yuan, S. T., Shi, J. S.*, Wang, J. S., Jia, A. Q.*, (2015), (+)- and (?)-liriodenol, a pair of novel enantiomeric lignans fromLiriodendron hybrid, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 25 (9), 1976-8.
Tan, X. J., Qin, N., Sheng, J. Y., Peng, X. H.*,Jia, A. Q.* (2015), Transcriptome analysis of the biofilm formed by methicillinsusceptibleStaphylococcus aureus,Scientific Reports, 5, 11997.

