2023-05-10 21:20
  • 白续铎
  • 白续铎 - 教授、博士生导师-黑龙江大学-化学化工与材料学院-个人资料




Bing zheng, Zheng Jin, Chuanli Qin, Muriel L A Rigout, Wei Lu, Yajie Chen, Xuduo Bai*, Preparation and Photoluminescence of Titanium Oxide Nanofilms by Laser-Induced Forward Transfer, Current Nanoscience, 2012, 8, 150
Liping Hao, Haijun Niu*, Ping Zhao, Lin Zhang, Yan Sun, Cheng Wang, Xuduo Bai*, Wen Wang, Applications of poly(3,5-diaminobenzotrifluoride) as electrode in dye-sensitized solar cells and electrochromic devices, Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 68.103
Lina Ma, Jiwei Cai, Ping Zhao, Haijun Niu*, Cheng Wang, Xuduo Bai*, Wen Wang, In-situ preparation of composite from conjugated polyschiff bases and multiwalled carbon nanotube: synthesis, electrochromic, acidchromic properties, Materials chemistry and Physics, 2012, 133,333
Haijun Niu*, Jun Luo, Wenjun Wu, Jingshan Mu, Cheng Wang, Xuduo Bai*, Wen Wang, Linear and Star Branched Perylene Containing Polyimides: Synthesis, Characterization and Photovoltaic Properties of Novel Donor-Acceptor Dyes Used in Solar Cell, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012, 125.200
Jun Luo, Hai-jun Niu*, Wen-jun Wu, Cheng Wang, and Xuduo Bai*, Wen Wang, Enhancement of the efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cell with multi-wall carbon nanotubes/polythiophene composite counter electrodes prepared by electrodeposition, Solid State Science, 2012. 14. 145
Bin Li, Haijun Niu*, Lin Zhang, Xuduo Bai*, Electrochemical synthesis of POT for electrochromic and solar cell materials, Advanced Materials Research, 2012,V399-401, 1002
Haijun Niu*, Hongqiang Kang, Jiwei Cai, Cheng Wang, Xuduo Bai* and Wen Wang, Novel soluble polyazomethines with pendant carbazole and triphenylamine derivatives: preparation, characterization and optical, electrochemical, electrochromic properties, Polymer Chemistry, 2011,2,2804
Haijun Niu, LinaHao, MilinZhang, LiquanFan, XuduoBai*, WenWang, Blue emission of ZnO nanoporous arrays membrane prepared by novel catalysis-free vertical pulsed-laser ablation,Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing,2011,14,37
Chuanli Qin, Xuduo Bai*, Shufang Zhao, Chenming Li, Blue Light Emission from Pulsed Laser Ablated Polystyrene, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 2009,48(3):310-312
Chuanli Qin, Xuduo Bai*, Geping Yin, Yuxi Liu, Zheng Jin, Haijun Niu, Electrochemical supercapacitors based on carbon aerogels/Ni(OH)¬2 composites and actived carbon. Pigment and resion technology, 2009,38,230
Chuanli Qin, Xing Lu, Geping Yin, Zheng Jin, Qiang Tan, Xuduo Bai*,Study of activated nitrogen-enriched carbon and nitrogen-enriched carbon/carbon aerogel composite as cathode materials for supercapacitors Mater Chem Phys, 2011,126(1-2), 453-458
Muriel LA Rigout, Haijun Niu, Chuanli Qin, Li Zhang, Chenming Li, Xuduo Bai* and Naiying Fan, Fabrication and photoluminescence of hyperbranched silicon nanowire networks on silicon substrates by laser-induced fo rward transfer , Nanotechnology,2008,19 (24),24530
Long Lin, Haijun Niu, Milin Zhang, Wei Song, Zhe Wang , Xuduo Bai*, Electron field emission from morphous carbon with N-doped nanostructures pyrolyzed from polyaniline,Applied Surface Science,2008,254,7250

