2023-05-10 21:12
  • 应国兵
  • 应国兵 - 教授-河海大学-力学与材料学院-个人资料




应国兵,男,1983年生,中共党员,工学博士,河海大学力学与材料学院青年教授,美国德雷塞尔大学材料科学与工程系兼职Faculty。世界陶瓷科学院国际陶瓷奖(International Ceramics Prize,World Academy of Ceramics)推荐专家,国家科学技术奖励评审专家,中国机械工程学会热处理分会表面工程技术委员会委员、表面沉积技术委员会委员,教育部学位与研究生教育中心评审专家,中国硅酸盐学会特种陶瓷分会理事,国家自然科学基金同行评议专家,中国电力企业联合会材料技术鉴定专家,江苏省复合材料学会陶瓷基复合材料委员会委员,中国复合材料学会会员,中国兵工学会会员,美国陶瓷学会会员,江苏省力学学会会员,Journal of the American Ceramic Society、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Materials Science and Engineering A等二十多个期刊审稿人。
2016年3月—2017年3月,美国德雷塞尔大学(Drexel university),材料科学与工程系、化学与生物工程系访问学者,合作者Dr&Prof. Michel W Barsoum、Dr&Prof. Aaron Fafarman; 2017年2月—2017年9月,美国—muRata公司,电磁干扰屏蔽(EMI shielding)材料与技术项目负责研究员;2017年3月—2018年2月,美国德雷塞尔大学材料科学与工程系Faculty:Research Scientist。


1. 功能结构陶瓷及陶瓷基复合材料:三元纳米层状Mn+1AXn、二维层状材料(石墨烯与类石墨烯MXene)、硼化物、多孔氮化硅、超高温烧蚀材料、防热隔热材料;防火、耐(超)高温、耐腐蚀、耐磨磷酸盐水泥(陶瓷)和工程结构修复材料;
2. 金属及金属基复合材料:镍基合金、镁合金、钛合金、铜合金及镁铝基复合材料;
3. 材料表面处理与防护技术:表面与界面、纳米活化技术、机械活化技术、EBPVD、热喷涂、冷喷涂技术;
4. 力学:主要研究超常环境下材料和结构的力学行为与断裂损伤,研究材料本质属性、微观结构、力学行为和断裂破坏间关系,涉及多尺度复杂环境下结构和力学行为。


1. Lu Liu, Guobing Ying*, Cong Hu, Kaicheng Zhang, Fengchen Ma, Lin Su, Chen Zhang,and Cheng Wang. Functionalization with MXene (Ti3C2) Enhances the Wettability and Shear Strength of Carbon Fiber-Epoxy Composites. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2(9): 5553-5562, 2019 (期刊封面论文)
2. Zhang K., Ying G.*, Liu L., Ma F., Su L., Zhang C., ... & Zhou Y. Three-dimensional porous Ti3C2Tx-NiO composite electrodes with enhanced electrochemical performance for supercapacitors. Materials, 12(1), 188, 2019
3. Zhao D., Chen Z., Yang W., Liu S., Zhang X., Yu Y., Cheong. W., Zheng L., Ren F., Ying G., Cao X., Wang D., Peng Q., Wang G. and Chen C.. MXene (Ti3C2) Vacancy Confined Single-Atom Catalyst for Efficient Functionalization of CO2. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 141(9), 4086-4093, 2019
4. Zhonghua Dai, Dingyan Li, Jinglong Xie, Weiguo Liu, Shaobo Ge, Jin Zhang, Lu Liu, Yuanchao Zhu, Xin Zhao and Guobing Ying. Phase diagram determination of large piezoelectric response in BHT-BCT ceramics. Functional Materials Letters. 1950070-1~4, 2019
5. 马凤辰,应国兵*,宿琳等. Ta2AlC-Ta4AlC3复合材料放电等离子烧结制备与力学性能. 硅酸盐学报. 47(1), 2019.
6. 杨小波,吕毅,王华栋,张冰清,应国兵. 尖晶石固化磷酸铝基复合材料的制备与性能. 材料导报. 33(9), 2019
7. Su L, Ying G, Liu L, et al. Ti3C2Tx on copper and nickel foams with improved electrochemical performance produced via solution processing for supercapacitor. Processing and Application of Ceramics, 12(4): 366-373, 2018
8. Kota S., Wang W., Lu J., Natu V., Opagiste C., Ying G., & Barsoum M. W. . Magnetic properties of Cr2AlB2, Cr3AlB4, and CrB powders. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 767, 474-482, 2018
9. Zhao D., Clites M., Ying G., Kota S., Wang J., Natu V., & Barsoum M. W.. Alkali-Induced Crumpling of Ti3C2Tx (MXene) to Form 3D Porous Networks for Sodium Ion Storage. Chemical Communications. 36, 2018
10. Ying G., Kota S., Dillon A. D., Fafarman A. T., & Barsoum M. W. Conductive transparent V2CTx (MXene) films. FlatChem. 8, 25-30, 2018.
11. Xunjun He, Yuan Yao, Yiming Huang, Qinfei Zhang, Lei Zhu, Fengmin Wu, Guobing Ying, Jiuxing Jiang, Active manipulation of electromagnetically induced reflection in complementary terahertz graphene metamaterial, Optics Communications. 407, 386-391, 2018.
12. Luo H., Su H., Li B., & Ying G.. Electrochemical and passive behaviour of tin alloyed ferritic stainless steel in concrete environment. Applied Surface Science. 439: 232-239, 2018.
13. Ying, G., Dillon, A. D., Fafarman, A. T., & Barsoum, M. W.. Transparent, conductive solution processed spincast 2D Ti2CTx (MXene) films. Materials Research Letters. 9439: 1-8, 2017.
14. Guobing Ying*, Fengchen Ma, Lin Su, Xiaodong He, Cheng Zhang, Zhonghua Dai, Hong Luo, Shanyi Du, Cheng Wang. An ab initio prediction study of the electronic structure and elastic properties of V3GeC2. Processing and Application of Ceramics. 11 [2]: 82–86, 2017
15. 张晨,应国兵*, 王乘等. 高孔隙率多孔氮化硅构件较高马赫数下流-热-固耦合力学特性分析. 材料导报. 31(4): 131-136, 2017.
16. Dai Z., Liu L., Ying G., Yuan M., & Ren X.. Structural, dielectric and magnetic properties of Mn modified xBiFeO3-(1− x)BaTiO3 ceramics. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 434, 10-13, 2017.
17. Luo H, Su H, Ying G, et al. Effect of cold deformation on the electrochemical behaviour of 304L stainless steel in contaminated sulfuric acid environment. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 425: 628-638.
18. He X., Zhang Q., Lu G., Ying G., Wu F., & Jiang J.. Tunable ultrasensitive terahertz sensor based on complementary graphene metamaterials. RSC Advances, 6(57), 52212-52218, 2016.

