2023-05-10 21:12
  • 许文祥
  • 许文祥 - 教授-河海大学-力学与材料学院-个人资料




许文祥,工学博士、教授、博士生导师,河海大学结构与材料力学研究所副所长,江苏省优秀青年基金获得者。美国亚利桑那州立大学(2018)、波兰琴斯托霍瓦理工大学(2014)访问教授。主要从事颗粒材料力学、多孔介质物理力学在土木、水利等工程领域的应用基础研究。承担国家自然科学基金(面上项目、青年项目)、江苏省自然科学基金(优秀青年项目、青年项目)、中国博士后基金特别资助和一等资助等课题10余项,参与“十三五”国家重点研发计划、科技部“973”项目等课题。入选江苏省“333人才工程”、“六大人才高峰”人才培养计划;获大禹水利科学技术奖(4/10)、江苏省科学技术奖(2/7)、江苏省高等学校科学技术研究成果奖(自然科学类)(2/5)、江苏力学科学技术奖(2/7)。以第一/通讯作者在国际主流期刊IJES, CST, CMAME, Soft Matter, PRE等上发表SCI检索论文43篇,其中第一作者期刊主封面文章1篇(Front Cover)、第一作者ESI前1%论文1篇;授权/申请发明专利1/5项,参编著作《中国学科发展战略-软凝聚态物理学》。现为2个国际期刊Editor,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家、海洋工程科学技术奖评审专家、教育部研究生学位论文通讯评审专家、江苏省高新企业科技项目会评专家。
访问教授,Arizona State University (United State),12/2017−12/2018




1. Wenxiang Xu*, Yang Jiao, Theoretical framework for percolation threshold, tortuosity and transport properties of porous materials containing 3D non-spherical pores. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2019, 134: 31-46. (IF=7.02)
2. Wenxiang Xu*, Dongyang Zhang, Peng Lan, Yang Jiao*. Multiple-inclusion model for the transport properties of porous composites considering coupled effects of pores and interphase around spheroidal particles. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 150: 610-616. (IF=3.57)
3. Zhigang Zhu, Wenxiang Xu*, Huisu Chen*, The fraction of overlapping interphase around 2D and 3D polydisperse non-spherical particles: Theoretical and numerical models. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, doi: 10.1016/j.cma.2018.11.022. (IF=4.441)
4. Huaifa Ma, Wenxiang Xu*, Jikai Zhou, Houqun Chen. Mesoscopic insight into the damage mechanism for the static preload effect on dynamic tensile strength of concrete. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2019, 31(2): 04018380. (IF=1.76)
5. Wenxiang Xu*, Mingkun Jia, Zheng Gong, Thermal conductivity and tortuosity of porous composites considering percolation of porous network: From spherical to polyhedral pores. Composites Science and Technology, 2018, 167: 134-140. (IF=5.16)
6. Wenxiang Xu*, Zhigang Zhu, Dongyang Zhang, Continuum percolation-based tortuosity and thermal conductivity of soft superball systems: Shape dependence from octahedra via spheres to cubes. Soft Matter, 2018, 14(43): 8684-8691. (Front Cover, IF=3.71)
7. Wenxiang Xu*, Mingkun Jia, Zhigang Zhu, Mingjun Liu, Dong Lei, Xiaofan Gou. n-Phase micromechanical framework for the conductivity and elastic modulus of particulate composites: Design to microencapsulated phase change materials (MPCMs)-cementitious composites. Materials and Design, 2018, 145: 108-115. (IF=4.525)
8. Wenxiang Xu*, Yang Wu, Mingkun Jia. Elastic dependence of particle-reinforced composites on anisotropic particle geometries and reinforced/weak interphase microstructures at nano- and micro-scales. Composite Structures, 2018, 203: 124-131. (IF=4.101)
9. Wenxiang Xu*, Zhongmei Han, Liang Tao, Qihan Ding, Huaifa Ma*, Random non-convex particle model for the fraction of interfacial transition zones (ITZs) in fully-graded concrete. Powder Technology, 2018, 323: 301-309. (IF=3.23)
10. Wenxiang Xu*, HongGuang Sun, Wen Chen, Huisu Chen. Transport properties of concrete-like granular materials interacted by their microstructures and particle components. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2018, 32(18): 1840011.(Review paper)
11. Huaifa Ma, Laizhong Song, Wenxiang Xu*,A novel numerical scheme for random parameterized convex aggregate models with a high-volume fraction of aggregates in concrete-like granular materials. Computers & Structures, 2018, 209: 57-64. (IF=2.887)
12. Jianjun Lin, Huisu Chen*, Wenxiang Xu*, Geometrical percolation threshold of congruent cuboid-like particles in overlapping particle systems, Physical Review E, 2018, 98(1): 012134. (IF=2.284)
13. Dong Lei, Jinfeng Huang, Wenxiang Xu*, Wenchao Wang, Pei Zhang, Deformation analysis of shear band in granular materials via a robust plane shear test and numerical simulation, Powder Technology, 2018, 323: 385-392. (IF=3.23)
14. Wei Cai, Wen Chen*, Wenxiang Xu, The fractal derivative wave equation: Application to clinical amplitude/velocity reconstruction imaging. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2018, 143(3): 1559-1566. (IF=1.605)
15. Xianglong Su, Wen Chen*, Wenxiang Xu*, Yingjie Liang, Non-local structural derivative Maxwell model for characterizing ultra-slow rheology in high-strength concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 190: 342-348. (IF=3.485)
16. Huisu Chen*, Zhigang Zhu, Jianjun Lin, Wenxiang Xu, Lin Liu*, Numerical modelling on the influence on particle shape on ITZs microstructure and macro-properties of cementitious composites: A critical review. Journal of Sustainable Cement-based materials, 2018, 7(4): 248-269.
17. Wenxiang Xu*, Binbin Xu, Fenglin Guo. Elastic properties of particle-reinforced composites containing nonspherical particles of high packing density and interphase: DEM-FEM simulation and micromechanical theory. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2017, 326: 122-143. (IF=4.441)
18. Wenxiang Xu*, Fang Wu, Yang Jiao*, Mingjun Liu, A general micromechanical framework of effective moduli for the design of nonspherical nano- and micro-particle reinforced composites with interface properties. Materials and Design, 2017, 127: 162-172. (IF=4.525)
19. Yaopengxiao Xu, Shaohua Chen, Pei-En Chen, Wenxiang Xu*, Yang Jiao, Microstructure and mechanical properties of hyperuniform heterogeneous materials, Physical Review E, 2017, 96(4): 043301. (IF=2.284)
20. Dong Lei, Liqun Yang, Wenxiang Xu*, Pei Zhang, Zhentian Huang. Experimental study on alarming of concrete micro-crack initiation based on wavelet packet analysis. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 149: 716-723. (IF=3.485)
21. Wei Cai, Wen Chen*, Wenxiang Xu*. Fractional modeling of Pasternak-type viscoelastic foundation. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2017, 21(1): 119-131. (IF=1.364)

