2023-05-10 21:11
  • 夏晓舟
  • 夏晓舟 - 副教授-河海大学-力学与材料学院-个人资料




2012.7—至今 河海大学力学与材料学院




[1] Xiao-Zhou XIA, Qun Jiang, Qing Zhang. Calculation of the Derivative of Interpolation Shape Function for Three Dimensional Natural Element Method. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (In Press)
[2] Q. Jiang, X. Z. Xia, Q. Zhang. The influence of the air-entraining waterreducing agent on the mechanical properties of the recycled concrete. Materials Research Innovations (In Press)
[3] XIA XiaoZhou, Zhang Qing, Wang Hong, Jiang Qun. The numerical simulation of the crack elastoplastic extension based on the extended finite element method. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Volume 2013, Article ID 157130, 13pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/157130
[4] Xiao-Zhou XIA, Qing Zhang, Qun Jiang, Xiao JianQiang. Study on the Macromesoscopic Yield Criterion of Concrete Material. Advances in Condensed Matter Physics. Volume 2013, Article ID 190826, 9pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/190826
[5] 夏晓舟,章青,蒋群. 三维自然单元法插值形函数的导数计算,计算力学学报,2014,31(3):371-377.
[6] Qun Jiang, Xiao-Zhou XIA, Qing Zhang. Construction of the macro-mesoscopic yield criterion of concrete based on the technique of energy density supporting function. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014,V470:116-123.
[7] Jiang Qun, XIA XiaoZhou, Zhang Qing, Wang Hong. Finite element analysis considering the dipole effect of material point. 2013 International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICCE 2013).
[8] Chen Aijiu, Xia Xiaozhou, Zhang Qing, Wu Ming. The meso-level numerical experiment research of the mechanics properties of recycled concrete. Journal of Software. 2012,7(9): 1932-1940.
[9] Zhang Qing, Zhuo Jiashou, Xia Xiaozhou. The Partitioned Mixed Model of Finite Element Method and Interface Stress Element Method with Arbitrary Shape of Discrete Block Element. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Volume 2013, Article ID950696,6pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/950696
[10] 肖建强,章青,夏晓舟. 含平行币状裂纹复合材料的强度准则, 复合材料学报,2013,30(2):226-232.
[11] Zhang Qing, Wang Zhiqiang, Xia Xiaozhou. Interface Stress Element Method and Its Application in Analysis of anti-sliding stability of gravity dam. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences. 2013,55(12):3285-3291.
[12] 章青,杨静,夏晓舟. 交叉型裂纹扩展模拟的一种有效方法. 中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学,2014,44(3): 539-546.
[13] XIA Xiao-Zhou, ZHANG Qing, WANG Hong, YANG Shuai. The numerical simulation of interface crack propagation without re-meshing. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences.2011,54(1):1923-1929 .
[14] Xia Xiao-zhou, Zhang Qing, Pi-zhong Qiao, Li Li-juan. The interaction between cracks and the effect of micro-crack zone on main crack tip. Applied mathematics and mechanics.2010.31(1).67-76.
[15] Zhang Qing, Xia Xiao-zhou. A macro-meso constitutive law for concrete considering imperfect interface and nonlinear matrix. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences.2009,52(3):634-640.
[16] Qun Jiang, Xiao-Zhou XIA, Qing Zhang. Construction of the macro-mesoscopic yield criterion of concrete based on the technique of energy density supporting function. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014,V470:116-123.
[17] Jiang Qun, XIA XiaoZhou, Zhang Qing, Wang Hong. Finite element analysis considering the dipole effect of material point. 2013 International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICCE 2013).

