2023-05-10 21:11
  • 王媛
  • 王媛 - 教授-河海大学-力学与材料学院-个人资料








(1) Yuan Wang*, Yulong Niu, Qiang Feng. Study on the REV Size of Fractured Rock in the Non-Darcy Flow Based on the Dual-Porosity Model. Geofluids, 2018, UNSP 7535927. (SCI)
(2) Yuan Wang*, Qi Dong, Yu Chen. Seepage simulation using pipe network flow model in a discrete element system. Computers and Geotechnics, 2017, 92: 201-209. (SCI)
(3) Yuan Wang*, Jie Ren, Shaobin Hu, Di Feng. Global Sensitivity Analysis to Assess Salt Precipitation for CO2 Geological Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers. Geofluids, 2017, UNSP 5603923. (SCI)
(4) Mengsu Hu, Jonny Rutqvist, Yuan Wang*. A numerical manifold method model for analyzing fully coupled hydro-mechanical processes in porous rock masses with discrete fractures. Advances In Water Resources, 2017, 102:111–126. (SCI)
(5) Mengsu Hu*, Yuan Wang, Jonny Rutqvist. Fully coupled hydro-mechanical numerical manifold modeling of porous rock with dominant fractures. Acta Geotechnica, 2017, 97:38–51. (SCI)
(6) Mahdi Shadab Far, Yuan Wang*. Probabilistic analysis of crushed zone for rock blasting. Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 80: 290-300. (SCI)
(7) Yousif A. H. Dallo, Yuan Wang*. Determination of controlling constriction size from capillary tube model for internal stability assessment of granular soils. Soils and Foundations, 2016, 56(20: 315-320. (SCI)
(8) Yuan Wang*, Mengsu Hu, Quanlin Zhou, Jonny Rutqvist. A new Second-Order Numerical Manifold Method Model with an efficient scheme for analyzing free surface flow with inner drains. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2016, 40(2):1427-1445. (SCI)
(9) Mengsu Hu, Yuan Wang*. Development of a Discontinuous Approach for Modeling Fluid Flow in Heterogeneous Media Using the Numerical Manifold Method. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2015, 39: 1932-1952. (SCI)
(10) Mengsu Hu, Yuan Wang*, Jonny Rutqvist. On continuous and discontinuous approaches for modeling groundwater flow in heterogeneous media using the Numerical Manifold Method Model development and comparison. Advances In Water Resources, 2015, 80:17–29. (SCI)
(11) Mengsu Hu, Yuan Wang*, Jonny Rutqvist. An effective approach for modeling water flow in heterogeneous media using Numerical Manifold Method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,2015, 77:459–476. (SCI)
(12) WANG Yuan*, HU Mengsu, ZHOU Quanlin, Jonny Rutqvist. Energy-work-based numerical manifold seepage analysis with an efficient scheme to locate the phreatic surface. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2014; 38:1633–1650. (SCI)
(13) WANG Yuan* and Yousif A. H. Dallo. On the Estimation of Constriction Size Distribution Curve for Cohesionless Soils. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2014, 18 (6) : 683-698. (SCI)
(14) WANG Yuan*, Jonny Rutqvist. Operator matrix and non-uniqueness of Beltrami–Schaefer stress functions. Acta Mechanica. 2014, 225(6):1761-1768. (SCI)
(15) Yousif A. H. Dallo*, Yuan Wang, and Samson T. Tekle. Assessing the Internal Stability of Filters Designed by the NRCS Procedure. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 2014, 39 (4): 2733-2737. (SCI)
(16) WANG Yuan*, Jonny Rutqvist. Non-uniqueness of Beltrami-Schaefer stress functions, Journal of Elasticity, 2013,113(2):283–288. (SCI)
(17) WANG Yuan*, NI Xiaodong. Hydro-Mechanical Analysis of Piping Erosion Based on Similarity Criterion at Micro-Level by PFC3D. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2013, 17(S1): 187-204. (SCI)
(18) Yousif A. H. Dallo*, Yuan Wang, and Omer. Y. Ahmed. Assessment of the Internal Stability of Granular Soils against Suffusion. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2013, 17(4): 219-230. (SCI)
(19) WANG Yuan*, FENG Di, W.W.Charles Ng. Modeling the 3D crack network and anisotropic permeability of saturated cracked soil, Computers and Geotechnics, 2013, 52: 63-70. (SCI)
(20) WANG Yuan*, LI Jin-Hui, ZHANG Li-Min. Measuring Water Retention Curves for Rough Joints with Random Apertures, Geotechnical Testing Journal. 2013, 36(6): 929-938. (SCI)

