2023-05-10 21:10
  • Reutskiy,Sergiy
  • Reutskiy,Sergiy - 教授-河海大学-力学与材料学院-个人资料




Ph.D., Moscow Research Power Institute named after G.M. Krzizanovski (Leninski prospect, 19, Moscow, Russia), 1987.
M.S., Mechanics and Mathematics Department of Kharkov State University, 1975.
Department of Engineering Mechanics, College of Mechanics and Material, 2016-now, professor
State Institution «Institute of Technical Problems of Magnetism of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine», 2006–2016, senior staff scientist, leading researcher
Laboratory of Magnetohydrodynamics of Moscow Research Power Institute named after G.M. Krzizanovski (Kharkov), 1979 - 2006, post-graduate student, junior staff scientist, scientist, senior staff scientist


Applied mathematics, computational methods. The meshless methods for solving initial/boundary value problems with differential, functional-differential, integro-differentiall equations and PDEs of integer/fractional order. Numerical methods for eigenvalue problems of integer/fractional order with applications to mechanical and electromagnetic engineering problems. Numerical methods for modeling of the electromagnetic pollution of environment.


1. Reutskiy S.Y., Lifits S.A.,Tirozzi B. A Quasi Trefftz-type Spectral Method for SolvingInitial Value Problems with Moving Boundaries, Math. Models. and Meth. Appl. Sci., 7, 1997, 385-404.
2. Pontrelli G., Reutskiy S.Y., Lifits S.A., Tirozzi B. A Quasi Trefftz Spectral Method for Stokes Problem, Math. Models. and Meth. Appl. Sci., 7, 1997, 1187—2012.
3. Reutskiy S.Y., Lifits S.A.,Tirozzi B. Trefftz Spectral Method for Initial-Boundary Problems, Computer Assisted Mechanics andEngineering Sciences, 4, 1997, 549-565.
4. Reutskiy S.Y., Tirozzi B. Quasi Trefftz Spectral Method for Separable Linear Elliptic Equations,Comp. Math. with Appl., 37, 1999, 47-74.
5. Reutskiy S.Y., Pittalis S., Tirozzi B. Enhancement of em field inside a local probe microscope, Journal of Modern Optics , 47, 2001, 25-32.
6. Reutskiy S.Y., Tirozzi B. A new boundary method for electromagnetic scattering from inhomogeneous bodies, Journal of Quantative Spectroscopy&Radiative Transfer, 72, 2002, 837-852.
7. Reutskiy S.Y., Tirozzi B., Trefftz spectral method for elliptic equations of general type, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 8, 2001, 629-644.
8. Reutskiy S.Y., A boundary method of Trefftz type with approximate trial functions, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 26/4, 2002, 341-353.
9. Reutskiy S.Y., Rossoni E., Tirozzi B., Conduction in bundles of demyelinated nerve fibers: computer simulation. Biological Cybernetics, 89, N 6, 439 - 448, (2003).
10. Reutskiy S.Y., Trefftz type method for 2D problems of electromagnetic scattering, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 10:609-618,2003.
11. Reutskiy S.Y., A,Trefftz type method for time-dependent problems,. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 28, p 13-21, (2004).
12. Reutskiy S. Yu., A Boundary Method of the Trefftz Type for Hydrodynamic Application. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 27, N 4, 541 - 546, (2004).
13. Reutskiy S.Yu., Tirozzi B., A meshless boundary method for 2D problems of electromagnetic scattering from inhomogeneous bodies: H-polarized waves, Journal of Quantative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 83, 313-320, (2004).
14. Reutskiy S.Yu., A boundary method of Trefftz type for PDEs with scattered data, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements29, pp. 713 -724, (2005).
15. Reutskiy S.Yu., The method of fundamental solutions for eigenproblems with Laplace and biharmonic operators,CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2, N 3, pp. 177-188, (2005).
16. Reutskiy S.Y., The method of fundamental solutions for Helmholtz eigenvalue problems in simply and multiply connected domains, Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem., 30, 150--159, 2006.
17. Reutskiy S.Y., The Method of External Sources (MES) for Eigenvalue Problems with Helmholtz Equation, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 12, 27—39, 2006.
18. Reutskiy S.Y. and Chen C.S. Approximation of multivariate functions and evaluation of particular solutions using Chebyshev polynomial and trigonometric basis functions, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, (2006).
19. Reutskiy S.Yu., The method of fundamental solutions for problems of free vibrations of plates. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, v. 31, pp. 10-21, (2007)
20. Reutskiy S.Y., Tirozzi B. Forecast of the Trajectory of the Center of Typhoons and the Maslov Decomposition, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics,Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 232-237,(2007).

