学习经历2006 年 09 月~ 2012 年 10 月,东南大学,硕博。工作经历2012 年 11 月~,能源与电气学院,教师。获奖1.2012年:江苏省科技进步(三等奖)·研究领域
1. Analysis of Axial-Flux Halbach Permanent-Magnet Machine2. 3-D analytical magnetic field analysis of axial flux permanent magnet machine3. Static characteristics of novel air-cored linear and rotary Halbach permanent magnet actuator4. 3-D analytical linear force and rotary torque analysis of linear and rotary permanent magnet actuator5. General analytical method for magnetic field analysis of Halbach magnet arrays based on magnetic scalar potential6. Decoupling control of linear and rotary permanent magnet actuator using bidirectional d-q transformation7. A novel linear and rotary Halbach permanent magnet actuator with two degrees-of-freedom8. Analytical magnetic field analysis and prediction of cogging force and torque of a linear and rotary permanent magnet actuator 相关热点
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