2023-05-10 21:09
  • 蒋林华
  • 蒋林华 - 教授-河海大学-力学与材料学院-个人资料




1984年本科毕业于河海大学,1987、1998年分别获得河海大学硕士和博士学位。1998-1999年加拿大CANMET访问学者,先后赴Virginia Tech、Washington   State University、香港理工大学等单位进行学术访问交流。2000年晋升为教授,2001担任博士生导师。现任河海大学力学与材料学院副院长,江苏省重大基础设施安全保障协同创新中心副主任,江苏省水工新材料及防护工程技术研究中心主任。入选江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才计划A类。历任河海大学建筑材料教研室副主任、主任,建筑材料实验室主任,材料科学与工程系主任,新材料新能源研究开发院副院长,工程材料研究所所长等职务。主持国家重点研发计划项目课题、国家自然科学基金、国家科技支撑计划项目专题、重大工程科技项目等项目100余项。获省部级科技奖6项(一等奖3项、二等奖1项、三等奖2项);申请国家发明专利60件,授权国家发明专利35件、软件著作权5件;发表学术论文340余篇(其中SCI收录103篇,SCI他引1016次);主编和参编著作、教材、规程标准13部。指导河海大学优秀博士学位论文3篇、江苏省优秀硕士学位论文3篇、江苏省优秀本科毕业论文2篇。




1.Linhua Jiang, Chenzhi Li*, Chao Wang, Ning Xu, Hongqiang Chu, Utilization of flue gas desulfurization gypsum as an activation agent for high-volume slag concrete, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 205, 589-598 (SCI, IF=5.651)
2.Ming Jin, Song Gao, Linhua Jiang*, Hongqiang Chu, Mengting Lu, FangFang Zhi, Degradation of concrete with addition of mineral admixture due to free chloride ion penetration under the effect of carbonation, Corrosion Science, 2018, 138, 42-53 (SCI, IF=4.862)
3. Shaobo Jiang, Song Gao, Linhua Jiang*, Ming-Zhi Guo, Yu Jiang, Chen Chen, Ming Jin, Shuya Bai, Effects of Deoxyribonucleic acid on cement paste properties and chloride induced corrosion of reinforcing steel in cement mortars, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2018, Vol.91, 87-96 (SCI, IF=4.660)
4.Chenzhi Li, Linhua Jiang*,Ning Xu, Shaobo Jiang, Pore structure and permeability of concrete with high volume of limestone powder addition, Powder Technology, 2018, Vol.338, 416-424 (SCI, IF=3.230)
5.Xiancui Yan, Linhua Jiang*, Ning Xu, Zijian Song, Yunjie Chen, Influence of steam curing on the compressive fatigue performance of high-volume slag concrete, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2018,Vol.70 (SCI, IF=1.488)
6. Shuya Bai, Linhua Jiang*, Ning Xu, Ming Jin, Shaobo Jiang, Enhancement of mechanical and electrical properties of graphene/cement composite due to improved dispersion of graphene by addition of silica fume, Construction and Building Materials, 2018, Vol.164, 433-441 (SCI, IF=3.485)
7.Shuya Bai, Linhua Jiang*, Yu Jiang, Ming Jin, Shaobo Jiang, Debiao Tao, Research on electrical conductivity of graphene/cement composites, Advances in Cement Research,2018, (SCI, IF=1.063)
8.Xiao Yu, Linhua Jiang, Jinxia Xu,Electrochemical and semiconducting properties of passive films on steel surfaces in alkali-activated slag extraction solution, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2018, Vol.30, No.7 (SCI, IF=1.763)
9.Shiqi Song, Linhua Jiang*, Shaobo Jiang, Xiancui Yan, Ning Xu, The mechanical properties and electrochemical behavior of cement paste containing nano-MgO at different curing temperature, Construction and Building Materials, 2018, Vol.164, 663-671 (SCI, IF=3.485)
10.Ming Jin, Song Gao, Linhua Jiang*, Yu Jiang, Dan Wu, Ruitong Song, Yirui Wu, Junqiao He, Continuous Monitoring of Steel Corrosion Condition in Concrete Under Drying/Wetting Exposure to Chloride Solution by Embedded MnO2 Sensor, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2017.12, Vol.12, 11353-11372(SCI, IF=1.369)
11.Zijian Song, Linhua Jiang*, Hongqiang Chu, Impact of calcium leaching on chloride diffusion behavior of cement pastes exposed to ammonium chloride aqueous solution, Construction and Building Materials, 2017, Vol.153, 211-215 (SCI, IF=3.169)
12.Ming Jin, Linhua Jiang*, Mengting Lu, Ning Xu, Qiao Zhu, Characterization of internal damage of concrete subjected to freeze-thaw cycles by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Construction and Building Materials, 2017, Vol.152, 702-707 (SCI, IF=3.169)
13.Linhua Jiang*, Chenzhi Li, Chenglong Zhu, Zijian Song, Hongqiang Chu, The effect of tensile fatigue on chloride ion diffusion in concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 2017.10, Vol.151, 119-126 (SCI, IF=3.169)
14.Shaobo Jiang, Linhua Jiang*, Zhuyin Wang*, Ming Jin, Shuya Bai, Shiqi Song, Xiancui Yan, Deoxyribonucleic acid as an inhibitor for chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcing steel in simulated concrete pore solutions, Construction and Building Materials, 2017.9, Vol.150, 238-247 (SCI, IF=3.169)
15.Hongqiang Chu, Linhua Jiang, Zijian Song, Yi Xu, Sujing Zhao, Chuansheng Xiong, Repair of concrete crack by pulse electro-deposition technique, Construction and Building Materials, 2017.9, Vol.148, 241-248 (SCI, IF=3.169)
16.Xiao Yu, Linhua Jiang, Jinxia Xu, Yuheng Zu, Effect of Na2SiO3 content on passivation and corrosion behaviour of steel in a simulated pore solution of Na2SiO3-activated slag, Construction and Building Materials, 2017, Vol.146, 156-164 (SCI, IF=3.169)
17.Peng Jiang, Linhua Jiang*, Jie Zha, Zijian Song, Influence of temperature history on chloride diffusion in high volume fly ash concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 2017, Vol.144, 677-685 (SCI, IF=3.169)
18.Ming Jin, Linhua Jiang*, Qiao Zhu, Monitoring chloride ion penetration in concrete with different mineral admixtures based on embedded chloride ion selective electrodes, Construction and Building Materials, 2017, Vol.143, 1-15 (SCI, IF=3.169)
19.Ming Jin, Linhua Jiang*, Mengting Lu, Shuya Bai, Monitoring chloride ion penetration in concrete structure based on the conductivity of graphene/cement composite, Construction and Building Materials, 2017, Vol.136, 394-404 (SCI, IF=3.169)
20.Ming Jin, Linhua Jiang*, Shuya Bai, Shaobo Jiang, Chuansheng Xiong, Zijian Song, Research on the Influence of Distance between the Improved Ag/AgCl RE and the Steel on the Corrosion Evaluation in Concrete, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2016, Vol.11, 7890-7908(SCI)

