(1)Huihui Feng, Shuyun Jiang, Aimin Ji. Investigations of the static and dynamic characteristics of water-lubricated hydrodynamic journal bearing considering turbulent, thermohydrodynamic and misaligned effects. Tribology International. 2019, 130:245–260. (SCI)(2)Huihui Feng,Liping Peng. Numerical analysis of water-lubricated thrust bearing with groove texture considering turbulence and cavitation, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology. 2018, 70(6):1127-1136. (SCI)(3)Huihui Feng, Shuyun Jiang. Dynamics of a motorized spindle supported on water-lubricated bearings. Proceedings of the institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2017,231(3):459-472. (SCI)(4)Huihui Feng, Shuyun Jiang. Dynamic analysis of water-lubricated motorized spindle considering tilting effect of thrust bearing. Proceedings of the institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2017, 231(20): 3780-3790. (SCI)(5)Huihui Feng, Shuyun Jiang. Multicriteria design of a rotary table with a hybrid constant flow and constant pressure supply system. Proceedings of the institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology. 2013, 227(10):1165-1176. (SCI) 相关热点
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