2023-05-10 21:08
  • 傅卓佳
  • 傅卓佳 - 教授-河海大学-力学与材料学院-个人资料




傅卓佳,1985年生,河海大学力学与材料学院青年教授,博导。现任中国力学学会计算力学专业委员会计算力学软件专业组委员、无网格与粒子类方法专业组委员、边界元法与降维方法专业组特邀委员、国际华人计算力学协会理事、江苏省力学学会信息化工作委员会秘书长。出版中英文专著各1部,发表SCI论文53篇,SCI他人引用372次(2018年12月ISI数据库),主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金等各类科研基金项目10项,主编《计算力学快讯》电子文摘,两个国际英文期刊编委,曾获江苏省优秀博士学位论文、德国洪堡研究学者奖学金、德国DAAD研究学者奖学金、国际华人计算力学协会青年学者奖(ICACM Young Investigator Award)、江苏省 “青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师等奖励,曾先后赴澳大利亚、德国、美国等地的科研院校进行学术访问交流,与美国、德国、澳大利亚、英国、香港、台湾等国家与地区的研究学者建立了紧密的合作关系。
2007.9-2013.4 河海大学, 工程力学系,工学博士(硕博连读)
2010.2-2011.1 澳大利亚国立大学,工程系,国家公派出国
2009.4-2009.5 斯洛文尼亚马里博尔大学,应用物理中心,访问学者
2004.9-2007.7 河海大学, 数学与应用数学系, 理学学士
2003.9-2004.7 河海大学, 船舶与海洋工程系, 本科
2016.7- 河海大学,力学与材料学院,青年教授
2016.4-2016.6 河海大学,力学与材料学院,副教授
2013.6-2016.4 河海大学,力学与材料学院,讲师
2018.12- 汉诺威大学,连续介质力学研究生,研究学者
2015.5-2015.6 德国锡根大学,土木工程系,研究学者
2014.6-2014.7 波兰琴希托霍瓦工业大学,机械工程与计算机科学学院,访问学者
2014.3-2014.4 香港浸会大学,数学系,客座研究学人


1. 计算固体力学及工程仿真软件
2. 半解析无网格算法
3. 结构声振耦合分析


Li J, Fu Z J, Chen W, et al. A regularized approach evaluating origin intensity factor of singular boundary method for Helmholtz equation with high wavenumbers[J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 101: 165-172.
Li J, Chen W, Fu Z J, et al. A regularized approach evaluating the near-boundary and boundary solutions for three-dimensional Helmholtz equation with wideband wavenumbers[J]. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2019, 91: 55-60. (JCRQ1)
Fu Z J, Reutskiy S, Sun H G, et al. A robust kernel-based solver for variable-order time fractional PDEs under 2D/3D irregular domains[J]. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aml.2019.02.025 (JCRQ1)
Li J P, Fu Z J, Chen W, et al. A dual-level method of fundamental solutions in conjunction with kernel-independent fast multipole method for large-scale isotropic heat conduction problems[J]. Adv Appl Math Mech, 2019, 11: 1-17.
Fu Z J, Yang L W, Zhu H Q, et al. A semi-analytical collocation Trefftz scheme for solving multi-term time fractional diffusion-wave equations[J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 98: 137-146.
Reutskiy S, Fu Z J. A semi-analytic method for fractional-order ordinary differential equations: Testing results[J]. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 2018, 21(6): 1598-1618. (JCRQ1)
Li J, Chen W, Qin Q H, Fu Z J. A modified multilevel algorithm for large-scale scientific and engineering computing[J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.camwa.2018.12.012 (JCRQ1)
Oh J, Zhu H, Fu Z J. An adaptive method of fundamental solutions for solving the Laplace equation[J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.camwa.2018.11.021 (JCRQ1)
Fu Z J, Xi Q, Chen W, Cheng AHD. A boundary-type meshless solver for transient heat conduction analysis of slender functionally graded materials with exponential variations [J], Computers & Mathematics with Applications,2018, 76(4): 760-773 (JCRQ1)
Tang ZC, Fu ZJ, Zheng DJ, Huang JD. Singular boundary method to simulate scattering of SH wave by the canyon topography [J]. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2018, 10(4): 912-924
Fu Z J, Chen W, Wen P H, Zhang C Z. Singular boundary method for wave propagation analysis in periodic structures [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 425: 170-188. (JCRQ1)
Li J P, Chen W, Qin Q H, Fu Z J. A modified dual-level fast multipole boundary element method for large-scale three-dimensional potential problems [J]. Computer Physics Communications, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2018.06.024
Li J P, Qin Q H, Fu Z J. A dual-level method of fundamental solutions for three-dimensional exterior high frequency acoustic problems [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 63: 558-576. (JCRQ1)
Li J P, Chen W, Fu Z J. A modified dual-level algorithm for large-scale three-dimensional Laplace and Helmholtz equation [J]. Computational Mechanics, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-018-1536-2 (JCRQ1)
Liu X T, Sun H G, Zhang Y, Fu Z J. A scale-dependent finite difference approximation for time fractional differential equation [J]. Computational Mechanics, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-018-1601-x (JCRQ1)
Qu W Z, Chen W, Fu Z J, Gu Y., Fast multipole singular boundary method for Stokes flow problems[J]. Mathematics & Computers in Simulation, 2018, 146: 57-69.
Fu Z J, Xi Q, Ling L, Cao C Y. Numerical investigation on the effect of tumor on the thermal behavior inside the skin tissue[J]. International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 2017, 108:1154-1163. (JCRQ1)
Li W W, Chen W, Fu Z J. Precorrected-FFT Accelerated Singular Boundary Method for Large-Scale Three-Dimensional Potential Problems [J]. Communications in Computational Physics, 2017, 22(2):460-472. (JCRQ1)
Liu X T, Sun H G, Lazarevic MP, Fu Z J. A variable-order fractal derivative model for anomalous diffusion [J]. Thermal Science, 2017, 21(1): 51-59.
Khan M A, Chen W, Ullah A, Fu Z J. A mesh-free algorithm for ROF model [J]. Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2017, 2017(1):53.
Liu C S, Fu Z J, Kuo C L. Directional Method of Fundamental Solutions for Three-dimensional Laplace Equation[J]. Journal of Mathematics Research, 2017, 9(6):112-123.
Qian J, Zheng S, Wang F, Fu Z J. Bivariate Polynomial Interpolation over Nonrectangular Meshes[J]. Numerical Mathematics Theory Methods & Applications, 2016, 9(4):549-578.
Liu C S, Chen W, Fu Z J. A multiple-scale MQ-RBF for solving the inverse Cauchy problems in arbitrary plane domain [J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2016, 68: 11-16. (JCRQ1)

