2023-05-10 21:08
  • 杜成斌
  • 杜成斌 - 教授-河海大学-力学与材料学院-个人资料




杜成斌(1965-),江苏响水人,男,博士,教授,博士生导师。1993 年毕业于河海大学工程力学系,获水工结构工程博士学位,同年留校从事结构力学教学和科研工作。2008.1-2008.7 获国家留学基金委资助,作为访问学者赴美国普林斯顿大学土木和环境工程系访问研究。2014.07–2014.08, 获国家留学基金委资助赴英国杜伦大学工程与计算科学学院力学研究组访问研究(高级访问学者)。2016.07–2016.08,获英国皇家学会资助赴英国杜伦大学工程与计算科学学院力学研究组访问交流(高级访问学者)。现任河海大学江苏省品牌专业工程力学核心课程“振动力学”首席教授、江苏省“重大基础设施安全保障”2011协同创新中心“工程结构灾变与控制”首席科学家。紧密结合力学基础理论与生产实际,解决了众多重大工程中的力学问题,近三年年均科研经费超120万。

2016.07–2016.08 获英国皇家学会资助赴英国杜伦大学工程与计算科学学院力学研究组访问交流(高级访问学者)
2014.07–2014.08 获国家留学基金委资助赴英国杜伦大学工程与计算科学学院力学研究组访问研究(高级访问学者)
2008 获国家留学基金委资助赴普林斯顿大学土木与环境工程系访问学者
1993 水工结构工程专业工学博士学位,河海大学
1990 结构工程专业硕士学位,河海大学
1987 农田水利工程专业学士学位,河海大学

2010-2013 河海大学力学与材料实验中心主任、教授、博士生导师。
2003-2010 河海大学工程力学系副系主任、力学实验中心主任、教授、博士生导师。
2002-2003 河海大学工程力学系力学教授。
1997-2002 河海大学工程力学系力学副教授。
1994-1997 河海大学工程力学系讲师。




Xiaoguo Lin, Fei Guo, Chengbin Du, Guojun Yu. The Mechanical Properties of a Novel STMR Damper Based on Magnetorheological Silly Putty. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2018, Article ID 2681461, 15 pages, 2018.(SCI)
Shouyan Jiang, Chengbin Du, Liguo Sun. Numerical analysis of anchored sheet pile wall considering soil-structure interaction. Accepted by Geomechanics and Engineering, An International Journal.(SCI)
Peng Zhang, Chengbin Du, Xinran Tian, Shouyan Jiang. A scaled boundary finite element method for modelling crack face contact problems[J]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2018, Volume 328, Pages 431-451.(SCI) www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045782517306400.
Wenhu Zhao,Chengbin Du, Shouyan Jiang. An adaptive multiscale approach for identifying multiple flaws based on XFEM and a discrete artificial fish swarm algorithm[J]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2018, Volume 339, Pages 341-357.(SCI)https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045782518302226
Xinran Tian,, Chengbin Du, Shangqiu Dai, and Denghong Chen. Calculation of dynamic stress intensity factors and T-stress using an improved SBFEM [J]. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 66, No. 5 (2018) 649-663.(SCI,EI)
C. Du ,X. Chen,Y. Yang, Y. Chen, S. Jiang. Experimental Study on the Complete Tensile Stress-Deformation Curve of Fully Graded Concrete[J]. Experimental Techniques. Article First Online: 25 May 2018. (SCI) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs40799-018-0250-5.
Chen XC, Du CB,You MY, et al. Experimental study on water fracture interactions in concrete, Engineering Fracture Mechanics,2017, 179:314-327(SCI,EI)
Chen XC, Du CB. A gradient plasticity model for the simulation of shear localization. Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2017, Vol. 9(7) 1–9.(SCI,EI)
Shouyan Jiang,Chengbin Du, Study on dynamic interaction between crack and inclusion or void by using XFEM[J]. Structure Engineering and Mechanics, 2017,63(3):329-345.(SCI,EI).
Shouyan Jiang and Chengbin Du. A Coupled Finite Volume Methods and Extended Finite Element Methods for the Dynamic Crack Propagation Modelling with the Pressurized Crack Surfaces[J]. Shock and Vibration. Volume 2017 (2017), Article ID 3751340, 16 pages. (SCI,EI).
Yu Guojun, Du Chengbin, Sun Tiger. Thermodynamic Behaviors of a Kind of Self-Decoupling Magnetorheological Damper[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2015,502747,(SCI,EI)
Dai Shangqiu, Augarde Charles, Du Chengbin, Chen Denghong. A fully automatic polygon scaled boundary finite element method for modelling crack propagation[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2015,133:163-178,(SCI,EI)
Dai Shangqiu, Du Chengbin, [18] Yu Guojun. Design, testing and analysis of a novel composite magnetorheological fluid clutch [J]. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2015, 24(14):1675-1682(SCI,EI)

