2023-05-10 21:08
  • 陈嘉琪
  • 陈嘉琪 - 副教授-河海大学-计算机与信息学院-个人资料








[1] Jiaqi Chen, Bin Yong*, Liliang Ren, Weiguang Wang, Bo Chen, Jianan Lin, Zhongbo Yu, Ning Li, “Using a Kalman Filter to Assimilate TRMM-Based Real-Time Satellite Precipitation Estimates over Jinghe Basin, China,” Remote Sensing, vol. 8, no. 899, pp. 1-18, 2016 (SCI收录: 000388798400020, 影响因子:3.036, EI收录:20164703032548)
[2] Jiaqi Chen*, Yunkai Deng, Ning Li, Yu Wang, Zhongling Liu, Shilin Zhang, “Quantitative estimation of groundwater leakage from namco lake by SAR monitoring,” Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), vol. 90, no. 4, pp. 1555-1556, 2016(SCI收录: 000383121400033, 影响因子:1.996)
[3] Jiaqi Chen*, Jianan Lin, Zhiwei Liu, Ning Li, Ping Ping and Xuewei Ping, “Two Dimensional Frequency-Angle Domain Adaptive Combined Interpolation Method for Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis of Precipitation Particles,” Journal of Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society(SCI、EI源刊,已录用)
[4] Jiaqi Chen*, Zhiwei Liu, Bin Yong, Zhaoneng Jiang, Ning Cao, “A Shifted SSOR Preconditioner with Low-Rank Compression for Monostatic RCS Calculation,” Journal of Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society, vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 772-779, Sep. 2013 (SCI收录: 000331662300003, EI收录: 20143118003346)
[5] Jiaqi Chen*, Zhiwei Liu, Ning Cao, Bin Yong, “Shifted SSOR preconditioning technique for improved electric field integral equations,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 55 no.2, pp.304-308, Feb. 2013(SCI收录: 000314214100021, EI收录: 20130515970310)
[6] Jiaqi Chen*, Zhiwei Liu, Peng Shen, Dazhi Ding, Hua Peng, “Adaptive Frequency-Sampling Method for Wideband Electromagnetic Scattering of Precipitation Particles,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol.10, pp. 835-838, 2011 (SCI收录: 000294551100003, EI收录: 20113614313120)
[7] Jiaqi Chen*, Rushan Chen, Zhiwei Liu, Hua Peng, Peng Shen, Dazhi Ding, “Analysis of EM Scattering of Precipitation particles in Dual-band,” Journal of Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society, vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 709-715, Aug. 2011 (SCI收录: 000298270800010, EI收录: 20115014593453)
[8] J. Q. Chen*, Z. W. Liu, K. Xu, D. Z. Ding, Z. H. Fan, and R. S. Chen, “Shifted SSOR preconditioning technique for electromagnetic wave scattering problems,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.51, no.4, pp.1035-1039, April 2009 (SCI收录: 000264111800046, EI收录: 20091512020510)
[9] J. Q. Chen*, R. S. Chen, and Z. W. Liu, “Stoer-Bulirsch Adaptive Frequency Sampling Method for Efficient Analysis of Frequency Selective Surfaces,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.50, no.3, pp.755-758, March 2008 (SCI收录: 000253106400063, EI收录: 20081011135303)
[10] Jiaqi Chen*, Jianan Lin, Bin Yong, Bo Chen, “Evaluation of Global Satellite Mapping of precipitation analysis product during torrential rainfall event of 22 July 2010 in Jinghe Basin,” IGARSS 2016, pp. 2135-2138, July 2016 (EI收录: 20170103213264)
[11] Jiaqi Chen*, Jianan Lin, Bin Yong, Bo Chen, “Comparison of satellite precipitation products for heavy rainfall events in Mishui basin,” IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics, May 2016 (EI收录: 20163202696471)
[12] Jiaqi Chen*, Ning Li, Zhongling Liu, Shilin Zhang, “Area monitoring of Namco lake in summer by high-resolution TerraSAR-X spotlight mode,” 2016 Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), pp. 5140-5143, August 2016 (EI收录: 20165203169486)
[13] Jiaqi Chen*, Zhiwei Liu, Ning Li, Shilin Zhang, “Two Dimensional Frequency-angle Domain Interpolation Method for Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis of Precipitation Particles,” 2016 Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), pp. 5082-5085, August 2016 (EI收录: 20165203170145)
[14] J. Q. Chen*, Z. W. Liu, R. S. Chen, D. Z. Ding, Z. H. Fan, X. D. Ye and K. Sha, “An adaptive frequency sampling method for frequency selective surface design exploiting Stoer-Bulirsch algorithm,” 2007 Asian-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, pp.553-556, December 2007 (EI收录: 20083911580692)
[15] J. Q. Chen*, Z. H. Fan, and R. S. Chen, “Application of the GCRO iterative algorithm for analysis of scattering from 3-D conducting structures,” 2008 Asian-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, pp.16-20, December 2008 (EI收录: 20093712298741)

