2023-05-10 21:08
  • 成萍
  • 成萍 - 讲师-河海大学-计算机与信息学院-个人资料






1 Cheng Ping, Zhao Jiaqun, Generalized Pareto distribution based Bayesian compressed sensing inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging, IET Radar Sonar and Navigation, 2018, 2 (SCI检索)
2 Cheng Ping, Zhao Jiaqun, Xu Feng, Zhou Xiaofeng, Wang Guodong, Diode-pumped mid-infrared YVO4 Raman laser at 2418 nm, Applied Physics B, 2017, 12 (SCI检索)
3 Cheng Ping, Zhao Jiaqun, New compressed sensing ISAR imaging algorithm based on log-sum minimization, Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2016, 6 (SCI检索)
4 Cheng Ping, Shi Liu, Zhao Jiaqun, Compressed sensing of complex sinusoids off the grid,Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2015, 4 (SCI检索)
5 Cheng Ping, Liu Tingting, Wang Shu, Zhang Wei, A super resolution DOA estimation method based on sparse signal representation, International Conference on Communication Technology, 2014(EI检索)
6 Cheng Ping, Wang Shu, Liu Tingting, Li Jieyang, ISAR imaging and SNR analysis for maneuvering targets based on rearrangement Gabor method, International Conference on Communication Technology, 2014(EI检索)
7 Cheng Ping, Liu Tingting, Wang Shu, Zhang Jing, Radar imaging based on regularization method, International Conference on Communication Technology, 2014(EI检索)
8 Cheng Ping, Liu Haitian, Zhao Zhongkai, A compressive sensing-based technique for ISAR imaging, Proceedings of 2012 5th Global Symposium on Milimeter-Waves, 2012(EI检索)
9 成萍,赵家群,张春杰,司锡才,基于自适应稀疏表示的被动毫米波图像恢复,电波科学学报,2011,26(3)(EI检索)
10 成萍,赵家群,司锡才,赵昕,基于稀疏表示的被动毫米波L-R成像算法,电子与信息学报,2010,32(7)(EI检索)
11 成萍,赵家群,刘鲁涛,司锡才,基于特征增强的被动毫米波成像方法,电波科学学报,2010,25(5)(EI检索)
12 Cheng Ping, Liu Haitian, Zhao Jiaqun, A Novel Sparse Representation Algorithm Based on Local Competitions, IEEE International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security, 2010(EI检索)
13 Cheng Ping, Liu Haitian, Zhao Jiaqun, A New Profile Identification Method Based on Multi-scale Energy Feature,IEEE International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security, 2010(EI检索)
14 Cheng Ping, Liu Haitian, Zhao Jiaqun, A New Range Profile Identification Method Based on Multi-scale Entropy Feature,IEEE International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security, 2010(EI检索)

