教育经历2005.09-2009.07 中国石油大学(华东) 土木工程 本科2009.09-2012.07 中国石油大学(华东) 结构工程 硕士2012.09-2016.08 Korea University 结构工程 博士结构工程2016.08-2017.06 Korea University 土木、环境与建筑工程系 博士后研究员 (Research Professor)2017.03-至今 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)土木工程系 讲师科研项目多因素同时作用下钢筋混凝土劣化耦合机理研究及数值软件开发多劣化因素同时作用下沿海结构腐蚀耦合机理研究及数值软件开发专利名称以内力矩对梁结构进行加固及校正装置Analysis method for asymmetric vibration of finger type bridge expansion joint and finger type bridge expansion joint reducing asymmetric vibration奖项名称国家留学基金委学术奖讲授课程有限单元法A(研究生);结构力学II;混凝土结构设计原理教研项目《有限单元法基础》在线课程建设,鲁教高函[2017]10,山东省教育厅,2017.09- 2019.12,负责人研究领域
[15] Combined effect of carbonation and chloride ingress in concrete[14] A simplified coupling model of carbonation and chloride ingress based on Stefan-like condition[13] An alternating experimental study on the combined effect of freeze-thaw and chloride penetration in concrete[12] An equivalent smeared layer method for simulating the non-uniform corrosion-induced damage of concrete[11] Evaluation of nonlinear displacement of self-centering structures with metallic energy dissipaters by considering the early yield of the energy dissipating system[10] A simplified probabilistic model for the combined durability of carbonation and chloride ingress[9] Ingress of chloride ions with carbonation: Parameter estimation and analytical simplification[8] Probabilistic generalization on a comprehensive model for the deterioration prediction of RC structure under the extreme corrosion environment[7] Substructure Hybrid Simulation Boundary Technique Based on Beam/Column Inflection Points[6] Entire process simulation of corrosion due to the ingress of chloride ions and CO2 in concrete[5] Application of the hybrid simulation method for the full-scale precast reinforced concrete shear wall structure[4] A 2D mechano-chemical coupling model for the simulation of reinforcement corrosion and concrete damage[3] Probabilistic analysis of reinforcement corrosion due to the combined action of carbonation and chloride ingress in concrete[2] Parametric analysis for the simultaneous carbonation and chloride ion penetration in reinforced concrete sections[1] Asymmetric vibration of finger-type bridge expansion joint for design consideration.美国土木工程学会工程力学研究分会会员;亚洲混凝土联合会会员;韩国土木工程学会会员;韩国结构维修和检测研究学会会员。编委及审稿人Corrosion Science; Construction and Building Materials; Computers and Concrete; Magazine of Concrete Research;标签: 哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 海洋工程学院
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