尤 宏,男,1961年生人,国际水协会(IWA)会员,美国化学会(ACS)会员。现任哈工大(威海)海洋科学与技术学院院长,臭氧应用技术与设备开发黑龙江省重点实验室主任。Dr. Hong YOU, Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering, Dean of the School of Marine Science and Technology, HIT.主要科研成就:近五年来主持和参加包括国家“973计划”课题、国家“863计划”课题、国家科技重大专项课题、省科技攻关项目、国际合作项目课题等10余项。获得黑龙江省科技进步二等奖、环境保护部环保科技二等奖等省部级科研奖3项。发表论文60余篇,获得授权专利5件,软件著作权2件。荣誉称号2010年:黑龙江省研究生优秀导师。2009年:黑龙江省科技进步二等奖。2009年:环境保护部环保科技二等奖。2002年:哈尔滨工业大学优秀教师。工作经历1982.08 – 1985.08 国营122厂(现哈尔滨飞机制造公司)1988.06 – 2000.06 哈尔滨工业大学 理学院,教师2000.06 – 2012.10 哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境工程学院,教师2003至2009年任市政环境实验中心主任2007至2012年任院长助理2012.10 – 现在 哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 海洋科学与技术学院,教师2012年起任院长。教育经历1978年考入哈尔滨工业大学化学系,获化学理学学士。1988年在哈工大获得环境化工工学硕士,1990年赴日本研修,主修环境自动监测仪器。2003年在哈工大获环境工程专业工学博士。讲授课程现代检测技术(硕士课程) 简介: 现代大型仪器在资源与环境科学研究领域中扮演了不可替代的角色。本课为资源环境类学科系列课程之一,旨在进一步深化学生对现代检测与分析技术的了解,重点介绍在环境科学与工程领域和市政给排水领域广泛应用的检测技术的原理、仪器结构以及应用现状。要求学生掌握色谱分析与分离技术、原子光谱分析技术、分子光谱分析技术、电泳分析技术以及PCR技术,熟悉相关技术的最新进展以及在环境科学与工程中的应用;掌握环境样品前处理手段的发展与应用;掌握实验的数据处理与质量控制方法;了解质谱分析、X射线分析、粒子束微区分析的原理与应用,了解过程分析的原理与应用。界面过程及界面动力学(博士课程) 现代化学与生物学分析理论与技术(博士课程) 环境污染防治新理论新技术(硕士课程) 招生信息硕士招生:环境科学与工程学科:每年招收硕士生2-3人;海洋科学学科:每年招收硕士生2-3人。博士招生:环境科学与工程学科:每年招收博士生2-3人。奖项成果聚驱采油污水深度处理与回用技术三元复合驱采油污水深度处理与回用技术科研项目微藻-膜生物反应器协同处理海水养殖废水研究臭氧催化氧化废水深度处理装备及其产业化研发基于USCG标准的船舶压载水检测技术的研发XXX耐高温保护层烧蚀机理及结构与性能相关性的研究跨界重大环境污染事件风险防范与应急技术系统-风险源识别与预警煤化工企业优化水回用系统研究授权专利与软件著作权尤宏; 贾玉红; 王维业; 柳锋; 迟明磊. 浮动床臭氧催化氧化反应器及其处理废水的方法. 中国专利. ZL 2015 1 0440580.0, 2017-12-08授权尤宏,刘婷,孙德智. 多光源三相循环流化床光化学反应器及其处理废水的方法. 中国专利. ZL 2006 1 0151059.6,2008.07.22授权尤宏,吴东海,金大瑞,何旭. 一种臭氧供给设备. 中国专利. ZL200810137415.8. 2010.12.01授权尤宏,金大瑞,孙德智,李玲. 采用无泡供氧技术的固定床湿式催化氧化反应器. 中国专利. ZL 2007 1 0072671.9,2011.06.22授权尤宏,吴东海,孙胜杰,杜佳暄. 一种大面积二氧化钛薄膜催化剂的制备设备及其制备方法. 中国专利. ZL 2009 1 0073475.2 2011.09.07授权尤宏,李二平. 基于Web GIS的跨界重大水污染事故风险预报预警软件. 中国软件著作权. 2011SR053040,2011.07.29尤宏,孙胜杰. 基于GIS的跨界重大水污染事故风险源数据库软件. 中国软件著作权. 2011SR053038,2011.07.29成果介绍高效低能耗船舶压载水处理系统高效低能耗船舶压载水处理系统研发在2011年获得黑龙江省科技攻关计划支持。开发了臭氧/光催化复合生物灭活工艺,其核心技术在于利用光催化与臭氧的协同作用原理,即利用紫外光和光催化产生的羟基自由基辅助杀灭对光敏感和生命力顽强的微生物,同时利用臭氧捕获催化剂表面电子,促使羟自由基的生成效率大幅提高。二者共同作用,在微生物灭活时实现互补效应,并在二者联合应用时产生协同作用,在较少的投入下得到最佳的处理效果。所开发的高效、高速、耐冲击负荷的生物灭活系统,是一种既能达到国际海事组织(IMO)相关标准,又不污染海洋环境的船舶压载水处理新技术和设备。本技术的性能优势主要包括(1)高效灭活,在超高速处理的同时具有较小的设备体积;(2)能耗较低,吨水能耗比单一处理法大大降低;(3)没有活性物质残留,也无需储备化学药剂。在处理性能、制作工艺、产品成本、施工性能上均有一定的优势。效率指标:杀灭微生物时间短、效率高,水力停留时间只需1-2.5秒,即可满足IMO对压载水处理的标准;能耗指标:百吨水能耗低于2-4 kW;可靠性指标:系统完全自动化控制,可靠性高。环境指标:该设备可对压载水高效生物灭活,并且不引入新的化学物质,不污染海洋环境。研究领域
1、工业废水深度处理与回用技术;2、高级氧化技术理论及其在污染治理中的应用;3、持久性有毒污染物污染、传输、转化及对生态环境影响;4、流域水环境的环境监控、风险防范及生态安全体系;5、海岸带水生态安全与水质保障。Main research directions: 1, Industrial wastewater treatment and reuse technology; 2, Advanced Oxidation Technology’s theory and its application in pollution control; 3, Pollution, transmission, transformation and the ecological environment influence of persistent toxic pollutants ; 4. Environmental monitoring, risk prevention and ecological security system of water environment; and 5, Coastal water quality protection and ecological safety."环境科学环境工程海洋科学"近期论文
论文期刊(2017)Sui, Mingrui; Dong, Yue; Wang, Zhishen; Wang, Fei; You, Hong*. A biocathode-driven photocatalytic fuel cell using an Ag-doped TiO2/Ti mesh photoanode for electricity generation and pollutant degradation. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry. 2017, 348: 238-245(WOS: 000413381200027; IF: 2.625; JCR Q2)Qu, Jianhua; Meng, Xianlin; You, Hong*; Ye, Xiuqing; Du, Zhaolin. Utilization of rice husks functionalized with xanthates as cost-effective biosorbents for optimal Cd(II) removal from aqueous solution via response surface methodology. Bioresource technology. 2017, 241: 1036-1042(WOS: 000405502400123; IF: 5.615; JCR Q1)Zhang, Bo; You, Hong*; Wang, Fei. Microwave-enhanced catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of quinoline: the influence of pH and H2O2 dosage and identification of reactive oxygen species. RSC Advances. 2017, 7(24): 14769-14775(WOS: 000396150900054, IF: 3.108; JCR Q2)Song, Weilong; You, Hong*; Li, Zhipeng; Qi, Peishi; Wang, Fang; Li, Yizhu. Membrane fouling mitigation in a moving bed membrane bioreactor combined with anoxic biofilter for treatment of saline wastewater from mariculture. Bioresource technology. 2017, 243: 1051-1058(WOS:; IF: 5.615; JCR Q1)Zhang, Bo*; You, Hong; Wang, Fei; Yang, Zhongzhe. Influence of nickel incorporation on the structure and catalytic behavior of Cu-catalyst for heterogeneous catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of quinoline under microwave irradiation. Catalysis Communications. 2017, 88: 56-59(WOS: 000389117500014 IF: 3.33; JCR Q2)Sui, Mingrui; Dong, Yue*; Bai, Weikun; Ambuchi, JJ; You, Hong*. In-situ utilization of generated electricity in a photocatalytic fuel cell to enhance pollutant degradation. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-hemistry. 2017, 343: 51-57(WOS: 000402354300007, IF: 2.625; JCR Q2)朱亚雄, 李之鹏, 王维业, 钱雨婷, 金凤, 尤宏. MnO2-MgO/AC催化剂对印染废水的臭氧催化氧化深度处理. 水处理技术. 2017, 43(11): 121-123,128论文期刊(2016)Hu, Yu; Wang, You; You, Hong; Wang, Di. Hedgehog Buckyball: A High-Symmetry Complete Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS). Polymers. 2016, 8(8)。SCI/IF=2.944Qu, Jianhua; Meng, Xianlin; Ye, Xiuqing; You, Hong. Characteristic variation and original analysis of emergent water source pollution accidents in China between 1985 and 2013. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2016, 23(19)。SCI/IF=2.760Zhang, B.; You, H.; Yang, Z. Z. A highly active bimetallic oxide catalyst supported on gamma-Al2O3/TiO2 for catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of quinoline solutions under microwave irradiation. Rsc Advances. 2016, 6(70): 66027-66036。SCI/IF=3.289Qu, Jianhua; Meng, Xianlin; Hu, Qi; You, Hong。A novel two-stage evaluation system based on a Group-G1 approach to identify appropriate emergency treatment technology schemes in sudden water source pollution accidents. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2016, 23(3)。SCI/IF=2.760Qu, Jianhua; Meng, Xianlin; You, Hong. A triangular fuzzy TOPSIS- based approach for the application of water technologies in different emergency water supply scenarios. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2016, 23(17)。SCI/IF=2.760Zhang, Ran; You, Hong; Wu, Donghai. Advanced treatment of coking wastewater by heterogeneous photo-Fenton technology with Cu/Fe oxide catalysts. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2016, 57(26)。SCI/IF=1.173Du, Jia; Wang, Shutao; You, Hong; Jiang, Ruip. Developmental toxicity and DNA damage to zebrafish induced by perfluorooctane sulfonate in the presence of ZnO nanoparticles. Environmental Toxicology. 2016, 31(3)。SCI/IF=2.868Du, J.; Wang, S. T.; You, H.; Liu, ZQ. Effects of ZnO nanoparticles on perfluorooctane sulfonate induced thyroid-disrupting on zebrafish larvae. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2016, 47。SCI/IF=2.208Qu, Jianhua; Meng, Xianlin; You, Hong. Multi-stage ranking of emergency technology alternatives for water source pollution accidents using a fuzzy group decision making tool。Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2016, 310。SCI/IF=4.836Jia, Y. H.; Ye, L.; Kang, X.; You, H; Wang, ST. Photoelectrocatalytic reduction of perchlorate in aqueous solutions over Ag doped TiO2 nanotube arrays. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry. 2016, 328。SCI/IF=2.477杨中喆,尤宏,章波,王飞。微波强化催化湿式H2O2氧化降解喹啉的研究。工业水处理. 2016, 36(12): 26-30。Song weilong, Hong You, Li zhipeng。NH4+-N Removal From Waste Seawater By Struvite Precipitation Using Response Surface Methodology For Process Optimization。IWA 会议,布里斯班。论文期刊(2015)Liu, Baoling; Li, Gang; You, Hong; Sui, Mingrui. Assessment of the surface water quality ranking in Mudan River using multivariate statistical techniques. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 2015, 15(3): 606-616(SCI收录/IF:0.394,EI收录) Sui, Mingrui; Dong, Yue; You, Hong. Enhanced photocatalytic activity for the degradation of rhodamine B by integrating salinity gradient power into a photocatalytic fuel cell. RSC Advances. 2015, 5(114):94184-94190 (SCI收录/IF:3.840, EI收录) Lin, De-Rong; Hu, Li-Jiang; Xing, Bao-Shan; You, Hong; Loy, Douglas A. Mechanisms of competitive adsorption organic pollutants on hexylene-bridged polysilsesquioxane. Materials. 2015, 8(9): 5806-5817(SCI收录/IF: 2.0651,EI收录) Wang, S.T.; Li, S.P.; Wang, W.Q.; You, H. The impact of zinc oxide nanoparticles on nitrification and the bacterial community in activated sludge in an SBR. RSC Advances. 2015, 5(82): 67335-67342(SCI收录/IF:3.840,EI收录) Baoling Liu, Gang Li, Hong You. Constructing the model of water value balance and simulation platformof urban water system in Harbin,China. Advanced Materials Research. 2015, 1092-1093: 1130-1138 徐英操; 尤宏;阳极氧化与化学放氮气结合的一步法N掺杂TiO2纳米管的制备、表征及光催化活性. 功能材料. 2015, 46(10): 10110-10113(EI收录) 曲建华; 孟宪林; 尤宏;两阶段评估体系筛选水源突发污染应急最优技术方案. 中国环境科学. 2015, 35(10): 3193-3200 (EI收录) 曲建华; 孟宪林; 尤宏;地表水源突发污染应急处置技术筛选评估体系. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2015, 47(8): 54-58(EI收录) 杜佳; 王树涛; 刘征; 尤宏;全氟辛烷磺酸钾(PFOS)和纳米氧化锌(Nano-ZnO)单独与联合暴露对斑马鱼胚胎的氧化损伤和细胞凋亡的影响. 生态毒理学报. 2015, 10(3): 238-247 张冉; 尤宏; 吴东海;光芬顿催化剂Cu-Fe/TiO2-Al2O3的制备及其对喹啉的降解研究. 水处理技术. 2015, 41(9): 61-64 亓振莲; 贾玉红; 马珊珊; 尤宏;沉积型海底微生物燃料电池构建及其影响因素研究. 生物技术进展. 2015, 5(3): 207-212 论文期刊(2014)Yingcao Xu, Hong You*. TiO2 modified with Ag nanoparticles synthesized via ultrasonic atomization-UV reduction and the use of kinetic models to determine the acetic acid photocatalytic degradation. Applied Surface Science. 2014, 321: 481-487(SCI收录/IF:2.538,EI收录) Qi, Lili; Yao, Jie; You, Hong*; et al. Oxidation products and degradation pathways of 4-chlorophenol by catalytic ozonation with MnOx/g-Al2O3/TiO2 as catalyst in aqueous solution. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A. 2014, 49(3): 327-337 (SCI收录/IF:1.252,EI收录) Xuesong Zhao, Jing Ding, Hong You*. Spatial distribution and temporal trends of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water and sediment from Songhua River, China. Environ Geochem Health. 2014, 36(1): 131-143(SCI收录/IF:2.076) Derong Lin, Lijiang Hu, Hong You*, Stephanie H. Tolbert, Douglas A. Loy. Comparison of new periodic, mesoporous, hexylene-bridged poly- silsesquioxanes with Pm3n symmetry versus sol–gel polymerized, hexylene- bridged gels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2014, 406: 139–143(SCI收录/IF:1.766,EI收录) Du, Jia; Wang, Shutao; You, Hong*; Jiang, Rui; Zhuang, Changlu; Zhang, Xiaohui. Developmental toxicity and DNA damage to zebrafish induced by perfluorooctane sulfonate in the presence of ZnO nanoparticles. Environmental Toxicology, 2014, (SCI收录/IF:2.708,EI收录) Baoling Liu, Gang Li, Hong You*, Mingrui Sui and Shutao Wang. Evaluation of dynamic groundwater quality simulation based on Cloud-GIS: a case study in Harbin urban area, China. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply. 2014, 14(6): 1095-1014(SCI收录/IF: 0.505,EI收录) Chi, Zhenxing; Liu, Rutao; You, Hong; et al. Binding of the veterinary drug tetracycline to bovine hemoglobin and toxicological implications. Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes. 2014, 49(12): 978-984(SCI收录/IF:1.234,EI收录)Chi, Z. X.; Liu, R. T.; You, H.; Ma, SS; Cui, H; Zhang, Q. Probing the In Vitro Cytotoxicity of the Veterinary Drug Oxytetracycline. PLoS One. 2014, 9(7): 8(SCI收录/IF:3.534)Yu Hu, Wenlong Geng, Hong You, You Wang, and Douglas A. Loy. Modification of a Phenolic Resin with Epoxy- and Methacrylate- Functionalized Silica Sols toImprove the Ablation Resistance of Their Glass Fiber-Reinforced Composites. Polymers. 2014, 6: 105-113(SCI收录/IF:1.687,EI收录)Ran Zhang, Hong You*, Donghai Wu A process integration approach to water conservation of a coal to methanol plant water system. Advanced MaterialsResearch. 2014, 955-959: 3418-3421(EI收录)Donghai Wu, Ran Zhang, Hong You*, Guanghua Lu, Zhenhua Yan, and Qiuhong Lin. Treatment of simulated ballast water using combined photocatalysis and ozonation process. Advanced Materials Research. 2014, 864-867: 1478-1481(EI收录)Yingcao Xu, Hong You*. Preparation and photocatalytic activity of silver doped TiO2 nanotubes. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014, 618: 14-18(EI收录)Yingcao Xu, Hong You*. Preparation of titanium dioxide nanotube arrays and photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange. Advanced Materials Research. 2014,886: 262-265(SCI收录/IF: 0,EI收录)邹寒, 王树涛*, 尤宏*, 王志申, 王未青. 湿式过氧化氢催化氧化降解喹啉及其机理. 化工学报. 2014, 65(11): 4400-4405(EI收录)论文期刊(2013)Xuesong Zhao, Shutao Wang, Dongmei Li, Hong You, Xin Ren. Effects of perchlorate on BDE-47-induced alteration thyroid hormone and gene expression of in the hypothalamus–pituitary–thyroid axis in zebra?sh larvae. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2013, 36: 1176–1185(SCI收录/IF: 2.005)Long Ye, Hong You*, Jie Yao, Xi Kang, Lu Tang. Seasonal variation and factors influencing perchlorate in water, snow, soil and corns in Northeastern China Original Research Article. Chemosphere, 2013, 90(10): 2493-2498(SCI收录/IF:3.137,EI收录)Xuesong Zhao, Shutao Wang, Yuan Wu, Hong You*, Lina Lv. Acute ZnO nanoparticles exposure induces developmental toxicity, oxidative stress and DNA damage in embryo-larval zebrafish. Aquatic Toxicology. 2013, 136: 49-59 (SCI收录/IF: 3.37)Lili Qi, Hong You*, Zhiwei Zhang, Chunhui Feng, Sjack van Agtmaal. Degradation of 4-Chlorophenol by Catalytic Ozonation using γ-Al2O3/TiO2 Supported Managanese Oxides in Aqueous Solution. International Journal of Electrochemical Science . 2013, 8(4): 5457-5468(SCI收录/IF:3.729)Liu, Ting, You, Hong. Photoassisted Fenton-like degradation of polyacrylamide aqueous solutions using iron oxide/TiO2/Al2O3 heterogeneous catalysts. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis. 2013, 109(1): 233-246(SCI收录/IF:1.104,EI收录)Ye, Long, Wang, Shutao; You, Hong; Yao, Jie; Kang, Xi. Photocatalytic reduction of perchlorate in aqueous solutions in UV/Cu-TiO2/SiO2 system. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2013, 226: 434-443(SCI收录/IF:3.437,EI收录)Du, Jia; Wang, Shutao; You, Hong; Zhao, XS. Understanding the toxicity of carbon nanotubes in the environment is crucial to the control of nanomaterials in producing and processing and the assessment of health risk for human: A review. Environmental Toxicology And Pharmacology. 2013, 36(2): 451-462 (SCI收录/IF: 2.005)Xi Kang, Jing Qi, Long Ye, Hong You, and Lijiang Hu. Study on Catalytic Efficiency of Ag/N Co-doped TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Under Visible Light Irradiation. Advanced Materials Research. 2013, 690-693: 511-517(EI收录,CPCI-S收录)Yu Hu, Xingwen Zhang, Hong You, Morphology Measurement on Phenolic-Resin/Vitreous-Silica-Fabric Ablation Composites Modified with Tetraethoxysilicate and Silsesquioxanes. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013, 333-335: 1934-1937(EI收录)Hu, Lijiang; Hu, Yu; You, Hong. Nanoscratchprofiles of SSO film based on (3-methacrylpropyl)trimethoxysilane modified with titanium tetrabutoxide. 245th National Spring Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS). New Orleans, LA, 2013, APR 07-11(SCI收录/IF:0,CPCI-S收录)尤宏*,吕丽娜,赵雪松,王树涛. 几种纳米材料对斑马鱼孵化和致畸效应的影响. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2013, 45(12): 682-686. (EI收录)王维明,张冉,王树涛,刘婷,尤宏*. 非均相光Fenton降解4-氯酚的研究. 安全与环境学报. 2013, 13(1): 31-35.LV Lina, ZHAO Xuesong, YOU Hong,WANG Shutao . Effects of ZnO nanoparticle on the hatching and malformation rate of zebrafish embryos. IWA Symposium on Environmental Nanotechnology (IWASEN 2013). Nanjing, China April 24-27, 2013Zhiwei Zhang, Hong You, Lili Qi. Catalytic ozonation for the advanced treatment for the biochemical secondary effluent of coal chemical industry. BIT's 4th Annual Global Congress of Catalysis. 2013论文期刊(2012)Ye, L; You, H; Yao, J; Su, HL. Water treatment technologies for perchlorate: A review. DESALINATION 2012, 298(): 1-12(SCI收录/IF:3.014,EI收录)Yingcao Xu, Hong You. A statistical experimental design to degradation of aqueous methyl orange Solution with photocatalyst of Ti/TiO2 nanotube array. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, 479-481: 221-225(EI收录,CPCI-S收录)尤宏; 金大瑞; 李肖琳; 吴东海. 无泡供氧湿式催化氧化体系的研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2012, 44(Sup. 2): 135-139(EI收录)赵雪松; 王树涛; 谭敏卿; 尤宏. 菲的短期暴露对成年斑马鱼及其胚胎的毒性效应. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2012, 44(Sup. 2): 268-273(EI收录)叶龙, 尤宏, 姚杰, 苏怀龙. 固相萃取-离子色谱法测定地下水中痕量的高氯酸根离子. 色谱. 2012, 30(1): 76-79徐锋, 胡成秋, 尤宏. 矿井瓦斯液相催化氧化制甲醇的理论初探. 工业安全与环保. 2012, 38(2): 42-44Y. Hu, D. Wang, H. You Ultraviolet absorbance of (γ-methacrylpropyl)- silsesquioxane films modified with titanium tetrabutoxide and its validation by computing energy-band structure. 244th American-Chemical-Society National Meeting, August 19-23, 2012(SCI收录/IF:0,CPCI-S收录)Y. Hu, D. Wang, H. You Structure of POSS with large organic group characterized by UV-MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and quantum chemical calculation. 244th American-Chemical-Society National Meeting, August 19-23, 2012(SCI收录/IF:0,CPCI-S收录)Y. Hu, D. Wang, H. You Transparency and absorbance of the SiO2/TiO2 modified (γ-glycidoxypropyl)-silsesquioxane films and its validation by computing method. 244th American-Chemical-Society National Meeting, August 19-23, 2012(SCI收录/IF:0,CPCI-S收录)论文期刊(2011)Hong You, Jing Ding, Xue-Song Zhao, Yi-Fan Li, Li-Yan Liu, Wan-Li Ma, Hong Qi and Ji-Min Shen. Spatial and seasonal variation of polychlorinated biphenyls in Songhua River, China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2011, 33(3): 291-299(SCI收录/IF:1.66)Donghai Wu, Hong You*, Jiaxuan Du, Chuan Chen, Dari Jin. Effects of UV/Ag-TiO2/O3 advanced oxidation on unicellular green alga Dunaliella salina—implications for removal of invasive species from ballast water. J. Environ. Sci.-China. 2011, 23(3): 513-519(SCI收录/IF: 1.5,EI收录)Wu DH, You H, Jin DR, Li XC. Enhanced inactivation of Escherichia coli with Ag-coated TiO2 thin film under UV-C irradiation. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-Chemistry. 2011, 217(1): 177-183(SCI收录/IF:2.2)Wu Donghai; You Hong; Zhang Ran; Chen, Chuan; Lee Duu-Jong Inactivation of Amphidinium sp in ballast waters using UV/Ag-TiO2 + O3 advanced oxidation treatment. Bioresource Technology. 2011,102(21): 9838-9842(SCI收录,IF:4.4,EI收录)Wu Donghai; You Hong; Zhang ran; Chen Chuan; Lee Duu-Jong. Ballast waters treatment using UV/Ag-TiO2+O3 advanced oxidation process with Escherichia coli and Vibrio alginolyticus as indicator microorganisms Chemical Engineering Journal. 2011, 174(2-3): 714-718(SCI收录/IF:3.1,EI收录)Donghai Wu, Hong You, Ran Zhang, Chuan Chen, Jiaxuan Du. Inactivation of Escherichia coli using UV/Ag-TiO2/O3 - mediated advanced oxidation: Implications for ballast water disinfection. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2011, 86(12): 1521-1526(SCI收录/IF:1.8)Lin, Derong; Hu Lijiang; You Hong; Williams Roberto J.J. Synthesis and characterization of a nanostructured photoluminescent silsesquioxane containing urea and dodecyl groups that can be patterned on carbon films. European Polymer Journal. 2011, 47(8): 1526-1533(SCI收录/IF:2.517,EI收录)Wang Di; You Hong; Hu Lijiang. Study of three-dimensional configurations of (gamma-methacryloxypropyl)silsesquioxanes by ultraviolet laser matrix-assisted desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and quantum chemical calculation. Papid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 2011, 25(11): 1652-1660(SCI收录/IF:2.85)Zhao Xuesong; Wang Shutao; Tan Minqing; You, Hong; Qi Lili. Joint acute toxicity of phenanthrene and sodium perchlorate to adult Zebrafish. 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE. 2011(EI收录,ISTP收录)Jin Darui; You Hong. Preparation and characterization of a Pt/AC catalyst. 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE. 2011(EI收录,ISTP收录)Qi Lili; You Hong; Zhang Ran; Zhao Xuesong; Wu Donghai. Degradation of 4-chlorophenol simulated bio-chemical effluent from coal gasification industry by catalytic ozonation. 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE. 2011(EI收录,ISTP收录)Yao, Jie; Su, Huailong; You, Hong; Ye, Long; Wang, Yuehu; Li, Erping. A primary experiment of perchlorate reduction by photocatalyst. 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE. 2011(EI收录,ISTP收录)尤宏、孙胜杰、李二平、敖红光、冯玉洁. 突发性跨界水污染事故环境风险源数据管理系统的建立. 环境科学与管理. 2011, 36(8): 1-4谭敏卿; 赵雪松; 尤宏; 王树涛; 苏怀龙. 高氯酸钠对斑马鱼胚胎的毒性效应. 环境科学与管理. 2011, (9):罗辉辉; 尤宏. 聚丙烯酰胺的O3/H2O2/UV复合氧化动力学研究. 广东化工. 2011, (11)罗薇楠; 尤宏; 姚杰. 多相光催化反应器辐射能模型的建立与验证. 环境工程学报. 2011,(5)论文期刊(2010)金大瑞,尤宏,吴东海,李肖琳. 膜供氧催化氧化处理太空舱冷凝废水研究. 无机化学学报. 2010, 26(2): 198-202(SCI收录,IF:0.606)Ting Liu, Hong You*, Qiwei Chen, Heterogeneous photo-Fenton degradation of polyacrylamide in aqueous solution over Fe(III)–SiO2 catalyst, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2009, 162(2-3):860–865(SCI收录,IF:2.975;EI收录)Li, Er-Ping; You, Hong; Hou, Song; Feng, Yu-Jie; Ao, Hong-Guang. Research on forecasting mechanism and index system for trans-boundary sudden water pollution accidents. 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. 2010 (EI收录)You Hong, Sun Li-Xin, Luo, Wei-Nan, Liu Ting. Photocatalytic oxidation of Rhodamine B in a three-phase internal circulating fluidized bed with TiO2/SiO2 as photocatalyst. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series) 2010,17(5): 651-656(EI收录)Lin Derong, Hu Lijiang, You Hong, Sarkar D, Xing BS, Shetty K. Initial screening studies on potential of high phenolic-linked plant clonal systems for nitrate removal in cold latitudes. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2010, 10(5): 923-932(SCI收录,IF:2.613)Hu, L.; Wang, D.; Lin, D.; Zhang, Q.; You, H.; Shetty, K., Design of a POSS-modified zeolite structure and the study of the enhancement of ammonia-nitrogen removal from drinking Water. Technical Proceedings of the 2010 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech 2010, v 3, p 612-615, 2010(EI收录)王树涛,丁晶,尤宏,李一凡. 松花江干流底泥中PCBs的分布特征及其生态风险. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2010, 42(6): 986-989(EI收录)亓丽丽,姚杰,尤宏. 负载型催化剂MnOx-CeO2/TiO2去除甲苯. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2010, 42(6): 990-994(EI收录)李二平,侯嵩,孙胜杰,敖红光,尤宏,冯玉杰. 水质风险评价在跨界水污染预警体系中的应用. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2010, 42(6): 963-966(EI收录)吴东海, 尤宏, 孙丽欣, 刘巍巍. 紫外/臭氧复合灭菌性能的研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2010, 42(11): 1793-1797 (EI收录)金大瑞,尤宏,吴东海,李玲. 太空舱冷凝废水处理中Pt 催化剂的研制. 环境污染与防治. 2010, 32(7): 25-28国际水协会(IWA)会员;美国化学会(ACS)会员;哈工大(威海)海洋科学与技术学院 院长;臭氧应用技术与设备开发黑龙江省重点实验室主任。标签: 海洋科学与技术学院 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)
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