教育及工作经历2017.03至今 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)海洋工程学院,讲师/硕导2014.01-2015.01 美国阿克伦大学(University of Akron)聚合物创新研究中心, 访问学者2011.09-2016.10 哈尔滨工业大学 航天学院 固体力学 工学博士2009.09-2011.07 哈尔滨工业大学 材料学院 材料学 工学硕士2005.09-2009.07 哈尔滨工业大学 材料学院 材料科学与工程 工学学士教授课程船舶建造及检验船舶工程材料团队成员桂洪斌:博士、教授、硕导,研究方向:船舶结构设计、船舶与海洋工程结构力学及结构动力学、设备振动噪声传递机理及控制技术,结构水中声辐射张岩:博士、副教授、硕导,研究方向:船舶与海洋结构物强度、金属材料腐蚀机理、海冰破坏机理陈占阳:博士、副教授、硕导,研究方向:水弹性、波浪载荷、船舶强度鲁国春:讲师,研究方向:船舶与海洋工程结构强度于东:工程师,研究方向: 船舶与海洋结构物总体设计,船舶振动与噪声分析,船舶水动力性能分析科研项目国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,基于超分子作用的形状记忆弹性体的本征自修复行为及其机理研究,2020/01-2022/12,26万元,在研,主持山东省自然科学基金青年基金项目,金属配位型自修复形状记忆弹性体的制备和机理研究,2018/03-2020/06,5万元,结题,主持哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金,基于自修复型聚丁二烯橡胶的舱室吸声材料的设计和制备,2020/01-2021/12,7万元,在研,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,多场耦合作用下的介电弹性体智能软材料及其应用器件的稳定性、宏观失效和微观破坏机理研究,2013/01-2016/12,90万元,结题,主要参与人国家自然科学基金青年基金,超大电致变形的介电弹性体及其复合材料的机理研究和制备,2012/01-2014.12,25万元,结题,主要参与人招生方向招收具有材料、力学、船舶及机械等方向学习或研究背景的硕士研究生。研究领域
· Xie, Fang; Gong, Xiaobo; Huang, Longnan; Liu, Liwu; Leng, Jinsog; Liu, Yanju*. Effects of accelerated aging on thermal, mechanical, and shape memory properties of a cyanate-based shape memory polymer: II atomic oxygen. Polymer degradation & stability, 2021, 186, 109515. (SCI)· Gong, Xiaobo; Xie, Fang; Liu, Liwu; Liu, Yanju; Leng, Jinsong. Electro-active Variable-Stiffness Corrugated Structure Based on Shape-Memory Polymer Composite. Polymers, 2020, 12, 387. (SCI)· Gao, Hui; Xie, Fang; Liu, Yanju; Leng, Jinsong*. Effects of gamma-radiation on the performances of optically transparent shape memory polyimides with a low glass transition temperature. Polymer degradation & stability, 2018, 156: 245-251. (SCI)· Gao, Hui; Li, Jinrong; Xie, Fang; Liu, Yanju; Leng, Jinsong*. A novel low colored and transparent shape memory copolyimide and its durability in space thermal cycling environments. Polymer, 2018, 156: 121-127 (SCI)· Xie, Fang; Liu, Liwu; Gong, Xiaobo; Huang, Longnan; Leng, Jinsog; Liu, Yanju*. Effects of accelerated aging on thermal, mechanical and shape memory properties of cyanate-based shape memory polymer: I vacuum ultraviolet irradiation. Polymer degradation & stability, 2017, 138, 91-97. (SCI)· Xie, Fang, Huang, Chongwen; Wang, Fei; Huang, Longnan; Weiss, R.A.*; Leng, Jinsong*; Liu, Yanju*. Carboxyl-terminated polybutadiene-poly(styrene-co-4-vinylpyridine) supramolecular thermoplastic elastomers and their shape memory behavior. Macromolecules, 2016, 49, 7322-7330 (SCI)· Xie, Fang; Huang, Longnan; Leng, Jinsong*; Liu, Yanju*. Thermoset shape memory polymers and their composites. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2016, 27(18): 2433-2455. (SCI)· Xie, Fang; Huang, Longnan; Liu, Yanju*; Leng, Jinsong*. Synthesis and characterization of high temperature cyanate-based shape memory polymers with functional polybutadiene/acrylonitrile. Polymer, 2014, 55(23):5873-5879. (SCI)· Leng, Jinsong*; Xie, Fang; Wu, Xuelian; Liu, Yanju. Effect of the γ-radiation on the properties of epoxy-based shape memory polymers. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2014, 25(10):1256-1263. (SCI)· Xie, Fang*; Huang, Longnan; Liu, Yanju; Leng, Jinsong. Modified shape memory cyanate polymers with a wide range of high glass transition temperatures. Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites 2012, In Proc. Of SPIE, Vol. 8342, 834210-1. (EI)· Xie, Fang; Huang, Longnan; Wang, Xinbo*; Li, Bin; Ma, Jinhuan. Research on depolymerisation and regeneration of epoxy resin cured with anhydrides. Polymers and Polymer Composites, 2011, 19(4-5):265-270. (SCI)标签: 哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 海洋工程学院
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