2023-05-10 20:13
  • 周裕
  • 周裕 - 教授-哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)-机电工程与自动化学院-个人资料




1982年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学。1993年获澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学博士学位,师从R A Antonia教授。1995年受聘香港理工大学,历任助理教授、副教授、教授。发表400余篇学术论文,包括180余篇国际SCI期刊文章。其中逾30篇发表于Journal of Fluid Mechanics。20余次受邀为国际国内学术会议做大会报告。2013年全职加入哈工大。2013年入选澳大利亚国家科学院(CSIRO)2013-2014杰出科学家访问计划。 2014年入选大洋洲流体力学学会会士(Fellow of Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society)。2015年出任AIAA Journal 副主编。
Ph.D. (Jan 1993) University of Newcastle, Australia
M.Eng.Sci. (March 1989) University of New South Wales, Australia
M. Eng. (Dec 1984) Chongqing University
B.E. (Jan 1982) Harbin Institute of Technology, PR China
Research & Work Experience
2015 – now Associate Editor of AIAA Journal
2014 - 2015 Distinguished Visiting Scientist, CSIRO Manufacturing Flagship, Australia
2010 – Now Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology
2013 – now Director, Institute for Turbulence-Noise-Vibration Interactions and Control, Shenzhen Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology
1995 – 2013 Assistant, Associate and Full Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2008 – 2013 Director of Research Centre for Fluid-Structure Interactions
2006 – 2008 Director of Research Centre for Flow-Induced Vibration
1994 – 1995 Production Manager, International Division, BHP Steel, The Broken Hill Proprietary Limited
1994 – 1994 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia
1993 – 1994 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Newcastle, Australia
Research Projects
Selected projects are listed below:
1997-2000 Secured a total of research fund of more than 50,000,000RMB from Hong Kong and China. The Turbulent Near-Wake of a Three-Cylinder row
1998-2001 Measurements of Flow-induced vibrations on an array of cylinders in a cross flow using optical fibre Bragg grating sensors
1999-2001 A cost-effective multi-point fibre grating sensor system for flow-induced structural vibration measurement
2002-2005 Reduce dust emissions from the CLP power plant electrostatic precipitator
2003-2006 Fluid dynamics and mechanisms of rain-wind-induced cable vibrations
2003-2005 Wind- and Rain-induced Vibrations of Cables of Cable-stayed Bridges
2003-2006 Wind-rain-induced Vibration and Control of Stay Cables in Long Span Cable-stayed Bridges
2004-2007 Flow and passive scalars around two finite-length prisms submerged in a boundary layer
2004-2006 Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Boundary Layer Control Using Ceramic-Actuator-Generated Traveling Waves
2005-2006 Research Study on Waste-to-Energy Incineration Facilities
2006-2010 Carbon-nanotube-measured wall shear stress and boundary layer control based on actuator-generated surface oscillation
2006-2008 Innovative Low-Emission and Efficient Burner Technology
2006-2007 Measurements of aerodynamic drag/resistance on a moving train
2007-2008 Mechanisms and Abatement of the Rain-wind-induced Cable Vibration of Cable-stayed Bridges
2007-2008 Innovative Flame-controllable pulverized-coal burner technology
2008 Development of a solar car
2008 Measurements of aerodynamic forces on wind turbine blades
2010-2012 Active control of a round jet using a novel pulsed minijet actuator
2011-2014 Closed-loop-controlled turbulent boundary layer based on local surface oscillation
2012-2015 Active drag reduction of a 3D generic car model using a combination of steady and unsteady actuations
2013-2016 Effect of incident turbulence on axial-flow-induced vibration of clustered cylinders
2011-2015 Experimental Study on Closed-loop Control of Turbulent Boundary Layer Based on Local Surface Oscillation; NSFC
2015-2016 Development of CNT sensor for wall shear stress measurement; Research Grants Council of Shenzhen Government
2014-2016 Vehicle aerodynamics control based on a combination of steady and unsteady actuations; Research Grants Council of Shenzhen Government
2016-2018 Shenzhen Kaylab of offshore engineering equipment
2017-2021 Active drag reduction and mechanisms in a turbulent boundary layer; NSFC
2018-2020 Study on Turbulence Mechanism of Complex Flow Around Three-Dimensional Large Deformation Thin Wing Surface; NSFC
Research Achievement & Awards
Award for the Supervisors of 100 Excellent Postgraduate Theses of Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) selected on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of HIT.
2017 President of International Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control Society
2014 Elected to Fellow of the Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society
2013 Received the award of the Distinguished Visiting Scientist Scheme which is set up by The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) of Australia
2013 Gave an invited speech at the annual symposium of French GDR 2502 \


Fluid dynamics, including turbulent shear flows (wakes, jets, boundary layers) and their control; wing and vehicle aerodynamics; flow-induced vibrations/noise and control."湍流、流固耦合、湍流产生的噪声、及其人工智能控制。"


Zhou Y, Liu Y, Huang L X & Hodges D (ed.) 2013 Fluid-Structure-Sound Interaction and Control. Springer-Verlag. PP.1-447
Zhou Y, Lucey T, Liu Y, Huang L X (ed.) 2016 Fluid-Structure-Sound Interaction and Control. Springer-Verlag,pp 1-446.
Zhou Y, Kimura M, Lucey A, Huang L X, Peng G Y (ed.) 2018 Fluid-Structure-Sound Interaction and Control. Springer-Verlag, pp 1-392.
Selected archival journals:
Cheng X Q, Wong C W, Hussain F & Zhou Y 2020 Flat plate drag reduction using plasma-generated streamwise vortices, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, submitted.
Chen G, Alam M M, Zhou Y 2020 Dependence of added mass on cylinder cross-sectional geometry and orientation, Journal of Fluids and Structures. Submitted.
Liu K, Zhang B F, Zhang Y C & Zhou Y 2020 Flow structure around a low-drag Ahmed body. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Submitted.
Lu Z Y, Wong C W & Zhou Y 2020 Turbulence intensity effect on the axial-flow-induced vibration of an elastic cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures. Submitted.
Chen Z, Alam Md. Mahbub, Qin B, and Zhou Y 2020 Energy harvesting from FIV of different diameter cylinders. Applied Energy. Submitted.
Cheng X Q, Wong C W & Zhou Y 2020 A floating-element force balance of super-high resolution for friction drag measurement. Measurement Science and Technology. Submitted.
Feng Y Y, Hu H, Peng G Y, Zhou Y 2020 Microbubble effect on friction drag reduction in a turbulent boundary layer. Ocean Engineering. 211, 107583 (14 pages).
Zhou Y, Fan D, Zhang B F, Li R, Noack B R 2020 Artificial intelligence control of a turbulent jet. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 897, A27-46.
Tang S L, Antonia R A, Djenidi L & Zhou Y 2020 Scaling of the turbulent energy dissipation correlation function, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 891, A26-20.
Fan D, Zhou Y & Noack B R 2020 Fast Triple-Parameter Extremum Seeking Exemplified for Jet Control. Experiments in Fluids. 61. Article no. 152 (13 pages).
Wang Q Y, Gan L, Xu S J & Zhou Y 2020 Vortex evolution in the near wake behind polygonal cylinders, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 110, 109940.
Chen J G, Antonia R A, Zhou Y & Zhou T M 2020 Characteristics of temperature dissipation rate in a turbulent near wake, Experimental thermal and Fluid Science. 114, 110050 (8 pages).
Chen J G, Antonia R A, Zhou Y & Zhou T M 2020 Temperature correlations with vorticity and velocity in a turbulent cylinder wake. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 84, 108606 (8 pages).
Wong C W, Wang L, Ma W and Zhou Y 2020 New Sawtooth Plasma Actuator Configuration and Mechanism Behind Improved Control Performance. AIAA Journal. 58, 1881-1886.
Wang Q Y, Xu S J, Gan L, Zhang W G & Zhou Y 2019 Scaling of the time-mean characteristics in the polygonal cylinder near-wake, Experiments in Fluids. 60, 181(15 pages).
Wang L, Alam M M, Zhou, Yu 2019 Experimental Study of a Passive Control of Airfoil Lift Using Bioinspired Feather Flap, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. 14, 066005.
Antonia R A, Tang S L, Djenidi L & Zhou Y 2019 Finite Reynolds number effect and the 4/5 law. Physical Review Fluids. 4, 084602.
Qiao Z X, Xu S J, Zhou Y 2019 On the measurement of lateral velocity derivative in a turbulent boundary layer, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. 103, 369-387.
Chen J G, Zhou Y, Antonia R A & Zhou T M 2019 The turbulent Kármán vortex, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 871, 92-112.
Tang S L, Antonia R A, Djenidi L & Zhou Y 2019 Can small-scale turbulence approach a quasi-universal state?, Physical Review Fluids. 4: 024607.
Wang P, Wong C Y & Zhou Y 2019 Turbulent intensity effect on axial-flow-induced cylinder vibration in the presence of a neighboring cylinder. Journal of Fluid and Structures. 85, 77-93.
Qin B, Alam M M & Zhou Y 2019 Free vibrations of two tandem elastic cylinders in crossflow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 861, 349-381.
Azmi A M, Zhou T, Zhou Y, Wang H F, Cheng L 2018, Coherent structures in a screen wake, Physical Review of Fluids, 3, 074072 (24 pages).
Qiao Z X, Wu Z, Zhou Y 2018 Turbulent boundary layer manipulation under a PD closed-loop scheme, Physics of Fluids. 30, 115101,1-14.
Zhang B F, Liu K, Zhou Y, To S and Tu J Y 2018 Active drag reduction of a high-drag Ahmed body based on steady blowing. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 856, 351-396.
Wu Z, Fan D, Zhou Y, Li R, Noack B R 2018 Jet mixing optimization using machine learning control, Experiments in Fluids. 59, 131.
Alam M M, L J Wang, C W Wong and Zhou Y 2018 Separation bubble characteristics on an axial flow over a cylinder with different noses, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 72, 337-350.
Perumal A K & Zhou Y 2018 Parametric study and scaling of jet manipulation using unsteady minijet, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 848,592-630.
Tang S L, Antonia R A, Djenidi L, Danaila L and Zhou Y 2018 Reappraisal of the velocity derivative flatness factor in various turbulent flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 847, 244-265.
Tang S L, Djenidi L, Antonia R A and Zhou Y 2018 Secondary vortex street in the intermediate wake of a circular cylinder, Experiments in Fluids. 59, 119.
Wu Z, C W Wong, Zhou Y 2018 A dual-input-single-output closed-loop system for jet control, AIAA Journal, 56, 1463-1471.
Bai H L, Zhou Y, Zhang W G, Antonia R A 2018 Streamwise vortices and velocity streaks in a locally drag-reduced turbulent boundary layer, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. 100, 391-416.
Chen J G, Zhou Y, Antonia R A and Zhou T M 2018 Characteristics of the turbulent energy dissipation rate in a cylinder wake, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 835, 271-300.
Wang L, Alam M M and Zhou Y 2018 Two tandem cylinders of different diameters in crossflow: effect of an upstream cylinder on wake dynamics, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 836, 5-42.
Fan D W, Wu Z, Yang H, Li J D, Zhou Y 2017 A Modified Extremum Seeking Closed-loop System for Jet Mixing Enhancement, AIAA Journal. 55, 3891-3902.
Wang H, Zhao X, He X, Zhou Y 2017 Effect of Oncoming flow conditions on aerodynamic forces on a cantilevered square cylinder, Journal of Fluids and Structures. 75, 140-157.
Qiao Z X, Wu Z, Zhou Y 2017 Turbulent boundary layer under the control of different schemes, Proceedings A of Royal Society. 473, 20170038.
Qin B, Alam M M and Zhou Y 2017 Two tandem cylinders of different diameters in crossflow: flow-induced vibration, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 829, 621-658.
Tang S L, Antonia R A, Djenidi L, Danaila L and Zhou Y 2017 Finite Reynolds number effect on the scaling range behavior of turbulent longitudinal velocity structure functions, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 820, 341-369.
Wang L, Wong C W, Lu Z, Wu Z and Zhou Y 2017 A Novel Sawtooth DBD Plasma Actuator for Flow Separation Control, AIAA Journal. 55, 1405-1416.
Chen J G, Zhou T M, Antonia R A, Zhou Y 2017 Comparison between passive scalar and velocity fields in a turbulent cylinder wake, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 813, 667-694.
Azmi A M, Zhou T, Zhou Y, Cheng L 2017 Statistical analyses of a screen cylinder wake, Fluid Dynamics Research. 49, 015506, 22 pages.
Xu S J, Zhang W G, Gan L, Li S J, Zhou Y 2017 Experimental study of flow around polygon cylinders, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 812, 251-278.
Alam M M, Bai H L, Zhou Y 2016 The wake of two staggered square cylinders, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 801, 475-507.
Chen J G, Zhou Y, Zhou T M, Antonia R A 2016 Three-dimensional vorticity, momentum and heat transport in a turbulent cylinder wake, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 809, 135-167.
Yang H and Zhou Y 2016 Axisymmetric jet manipulated using two unsteady minijets, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 808, 362-396.
Yang H, Zhou Y, So R. M. C. and Liu Y 2016 Asymmetrically manipulated turbulent jet using two unsteady minijets, Proceedings A of Royal Society. 472, 20160417.
Younis M Y, Alam M M and Zhou Y 2016 Fluid-Structure Interactions between Two Nonparallel Tandem Cylinders, Physics of Fluids. 28, 125106.
Xu S J, Gan L, Zhou Y 2016 Flow interaction between a streamwise oscillating cylinder and a downstream stationary cylinder. Experiments in Fluids. 57, 173, 12 pages.
Zhou Y & Alam M M 2016 Wake of two interacting circular cylinders: a review, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 62, 510-537.
Tang S L, Antonia R A, Danaila L, Djenidi L, Zhou T M and Zhou Y 2016 Towards local isotropy of higher order statistics in the intermediate wake, Experiments in Fluids. 57, 111.
Tang S L, Antonia R A, Djenidi L, Danaila L and Zhou Y 2016 Boundedness of the mixed velocity-temperature derivative skewness in homogeneous isotropic turbulence, Physics of Fluids. 28, 095102.
Wu Z, Zhou Y, Cao H L & Li W J 2016 Closed-loop Enhancement of Jet Mixing under Extremum-seeking and Physics-based Strategies, Experiments in Fluids. 57:107, 1-14.
Wang H, Peng S, Zhou Y, He X 2016 Transition along a finite-length cylinder in the presence of a thin boundary layer, Experiments in Fluids. 57. 66. 10 pages.
Wang H, Zhou Y, Zou C, He X 2016 Aerodynamic Drag Reduction of an Ahmed Body Based on Deflectors, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 148, 34-44.
Lou X, Zhou T M, Zhou Y, Wang H F & Cheng L 2016 Experimental Investigation on Wake Characteristics behind a Yawed Square Cylinder, Journal of Fluids and Structures. 61, 274-294.
Tang S L, Antonia R A, Djenidi L & Zhou Y 2015 Transport equation for the isotropic turbulent energy dissipation rate in the far-wake of a circular cylinder, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 784, 109-129.
Tang S L, Antonia R A, Djenidi L & Zhou Y 2015 Complete self-preservation along the axis of a circular cylinder far-wake, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 786, 253-274.
Tang S L, Djenidi L, Antonia R A & Zhou Y 2015 Comparison between velocity- and vorticity- based POD methods in a turbulent wake, Experiments in Fluids. 56. 169. 12 pages.
Wu Z, Wong C M, Wang L, Zhu Y, Zhou Y 2015 A rapidly settled closed-loop control for airfoil aerodynamics based on plasma actuation, Experiments in Fluids. 56: 158, 1-15.
Zhang B F, Zhou Y and To S 2015 Unsteady flow structures around a high-drag Ahmed body, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 777, 291-326.
Tang S L, Antonia R A , Djenidi L, Abe H, Zhou T, Danaila L and Zhou Y 2015 Transport equation for the mean turbulent energy dissipation rate on the centreline of a fully developed channel flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 777, 151-177.
Vinogradov I and Zhou Y 2015 Active control of rotor-stator interaction noise using stator-mounted actuators, AIAA Journal. 53, 150-160. Doi: 10.2514/1.J053031.
Bai H L, Zhou Y, Zhang W G, Xu S J, Wang Y & Antonia R A 2014 Active Control of Turbulent Boundary Layer Based on Local Surface Perturbation, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 750, 316-354.
Wang S, Zhou Y, Alam M M & Yang H 2014 Turbulent intensity and Reynolds number effects on an airfoil at low Reynolds numbers, Physics of Fluids. 26, 115107. 25 pages.
Wong C W, Zhou Y, Alam M M & Zhou T M 2014 Dependence of flow classification on the Reynolds number for a two-cylinder wake, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 49, 485-497.
Wang H F, Cao H L & Zhou Y 2014 POD analysis of a finite-length cylinder near wake, Experiments in Fluids. 55, 1750 (15 pages).
Wang X W, Zhou Y, Pin Y F, Chan T L 2013 Turbulent near wake of an Ahmed vehicle model, Experiments in Fluids. 54, 1-19.
Alam M M, Zhou Y 2013 Intrinsic features of flow around two side-by-side square cylinders, Physics of Fluids, 25, 085106. 21 pages.
Zhou Y, Du C, Mi J, Wang X W 2012 Turbulent round jet control using two steady mini-jets, AIAA Journal 50, 736-740.
Wang H F, Zhou Y & Mi J 2012 Effects of aspect ratio on the drag of a wall-mounted finite-length cylinder in subcritical and critical regimes, Experiments in Fluids. 53, 423-436.
Wang H F, Mohd Razali S F, Zhou T M, Zhou Y, Cheng L 2011 Streamwise evolution of an inclined-cylinder wake, Experiments in Fluids. 51, 553–570.
Wang X W, Zhou Y & Wong W O 2011 Turbulent flow structure and swirl number effect in a cyclone, Journal of Fluids Engineering 133, 111103 (10 pages).
Zhou Y, M M Alam, Yang H X, Guo H & Wood D 2011 Fluid forces on an airfoil at very low Reynolds number and their prediction, International Journal of Heat & Fluid Flow 32 329–339.
Zhou Y & Bai H L 2011 Recent advances in active control of turbulent boundary layers, SCIENCE CHINA, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 54, 1289-1295. Invited review.
Alam M M, Zhou Y, Wang X W 2011 The wake of two side-by-side square cylinders, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 669, 432–471.
Du C, Mi J, Zhou Y, Zhan J 2011 Mini-Jet Controlled Turbulent Round Air Jet, CHIN. PHYS. LETT., 28, 124703 (4 pages).
Alam M M, Zhou Y, Zhao J M, Flamand O & Boujard O 2010 Classification of the tripped cylinder wake and bi-stable phenomenon, International Journal of Heat & Fluid Flow 31, 545-560.
Bai H L, Li W J, Chow W & Zhou Y 2010 A Carbon Nanotube Sensor for Wall Shear Stress Measurement, Experiments in Fluids 48, 679–691.
Zhou T, Wang H, Razali S F M, Zhou Y and Cheng L 2010 Three-dimensional vorticity measurements in the wake of a yawed circular cylinder, Physics of Fluids 22, 015108 (15).
Alam M M, Zhou Y, Yang H X, Guo H, Mi J 2010 The ultra-low Reynolds number airfoil wake, Experiments in Fluids 48, 81–103.
Wang H F, Zhou Y 2009 The finite-length square cylinder near wake, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 638, 453-490.
Zhou Y, Feng S X, Alam M M & Bei H L 2009 Reynolds number effect on the wake of two staggered cylinders, Physics of Fluids 21, 125105 (14 pages).
Kim S, Alam M M, Sakamoto H, Zhou Y 2009 Flow-induced vibrations of two circular cylinders in tandem arrangement. Part 1: characteristics of vibration. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Applications 97, 304-311.
Kim S, Alam M M, Sakamoto H, Zhou Y 2009 Flow-induced vibrations of two circular cylinders in tandem arrangement. Part 2: suppression of vibrations. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Applications 97, 312-319.
Rinoshika, A & Zhou, Y 2009 Reynolds Number Effects on Wavelet Components of Self-preserving Turbulent Structures, Physical Review E 79, 046322 (11 pages).
Huang J F, Chan T L and Zhou Y 2009 Three-dimensional Flow Structure Measurements Behind a Queue of Studied Model Vehicles, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 30, 647-657.
Hu J & Zhou Y 2009 Aerodynamic characteristics of asymmetric bluff bodies, Journal of Fluids Engineering 131, 011206 (9 pages).
Zhang M M, Cheng L & Zhou Y 2009 Asynchronous control of vortex-induced acoustic cavity resonance using imbedded piezo-electric actuators, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 126, 36-45.
Wang H F, Zhou Y, Zhou T M & Chan C K 2009 Momentum and heat transport in a finite-length-cylinder wake, Experiments in Fluids 46, 1173-1185.
Zhou T, Razali S F M, Zhou Y, Chua L P and Cheng L 2009 Dependence of the wake on cylinder inclination, Experiments in Fluids 46, 1125-1138.
Hu J & Zhou Y 2008 Flow structure behind two staggered circular cylinders. Part 1. Downstream evolution and classification. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 607, 51-80.
Hu J & Zhou Y 2008 Flow structure behind two staggered circular cylinders Part 2: Heat and momentum transport. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 607, 81-107.
Alam M M, Zhou Y 2008 An alternative drag coefficient in the wake of an isolated bluff body, Physical Review E 78, 036320 (9 pages).
Zhang M M, Zhou Y & Cheng L 2008 Control of Post-stall Airfoil Aerodynamics Based on Surface Perturbation, AIAA Journal 46, 2510-2519.
Chan T.L., Gosse K., Zhou Y., Lee S.C., Wang X.W. and Huang J.F. 2008 Effect of Rear Slant Angle on Flow Structures, and Pollutant Dispersion and Concentration Fields in the Wake of the Studied Model Vehicle. Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer 51, 6180-6193.
Zhang H J, Zhou Y 2008 Leading-Edge-Surface-Manipulated Flow Separation from an Airfoil, Journal of Aircraft 45, 2171-2173.
Cheng L & Zhou Y 2008 Surface perturbation technique for flow-induced vibration and noise control, Journal of Sound and Vibration 310, 527-540.
Chan T L, Bao F B, Lin J Z, Zhou Y & Chan C K 2008 Temporal stability of a particle-laden jet, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34, 176-187.
Hao Z, Zhou T, Zhou Y and Mi J 2008 Reynolds number dependence of the inertial range scaling of energy dissipation rate and enstrophy in a cylinder wake, Experiments in Fluids 44, 279-289.
Alam M M & Zhou Y 2008 Strouhal numbers, forces and flow structure around two tandem cylinders of different diameters, Journal of Fluids and Structures 24, 505-526.
Xu S J, Zhou Y and Tu J Y 2008 Two dimensionality of a cylinder wake in the presence of an oscillating upstream cylinder, Journal of Fluids and Structures 24, 467-480.
Cao Y, Wu J, Mi J & Zhou Y 2008 Flame structure of a jet flame with penetration of side micro-jets, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 16, 861-866.
Alam M M & Zhou Y 2007 Fluid dynamics around a cable with water running, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 589, 261-303.
Alam M M & Zhou Y 2007 Phase lag between vortex shedding from two tandem bluff bodies, Journal of Fluids & Structures 23, 339-347.
Rinoshika, A & Zhou, Y 2007 Effects of Initial Conditions on Wavelet-Decomposed Structures in a Turbulent Far-Wake, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 28, 948-962.
Alam M M & Zhou Y 2007 Flow around two side-by-side closely spaced circular cylinders, Journal of Fluids & Structures 23, 799-805.
Wong, W O, Wang X W & Zhou Y 2007 Turbulent flow structure in a cylinder-on-cone cyclone, Journal of Fluids Engineering 129, 1179-1185.
Lin J.Z., Chan T.L., Liu S., Zhou K., Zhou Y. and Lee S.C. 2007 Effects of Coherent Structures on Nanoparticle Coagulation and Dispersion in a Round Jet, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 8, 45-54.
Choy Y S, Huang J, Huang L, and Zhou Y 2007 An experimental study of flow induced vibration on a tensioned membrane, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 21 1359-1366.
Alam M M, Fu S & Zhou Y 2007 Generation of vortices by a streamwise oscillating cylinder, Journal of Visualization 10, 65-73.
Xu S J, Zhou Y & Wang M H 2006 A symmetric binary vortex street behind a longitudinally oscillating cylinder, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 556, 27-43.
Zhou, Y & Yiu, M W 2006 Flow structure, momentum and heat transport in a two-tandem-cylinder wake, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 548, 17 - 48.
Zhang M M, Cheng L and Zhou Y 2006 Closed-loop Controlled Vortex-Airfoil Interactions, Physics of Fluids 18, 046102 (12 pages).
Alam M M, Sakamoto H & Zhou Y 2006 Effect of a T-shaped plate on reduction in fluid forces acting on two tandem circular cylinders in a cross-flow, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Applications 94, 525-551.
Zhou T, Hao H, Chua L P and Zhou Y 2006 Comparisons of different approximations to energy dissipation rate in a self-preserving far wake, Physical Review E, 74, 056308
Zhou, T, Rinoshika A, Hao, Z, Zhou Y and Chua L P 2006 Wavelet Multi-resolution Analysis of the Three Vorticity Components in a Turbulent Far Wake, Physical Review E, 73, 036307-1-12.
Cheng L, Zhou Y & Zhang, M M 2006 Controlled Vortex-Induced Vibration on a Fix-Supported Flexible Cylinder in Crossflow, Journal of Sound and Vibration 292, 279-299.
Hu, J C, Zhou, Y & Dalton C 2006 Effects of the corner radius on the near wake of a square prism, Experiments in Fluids, 40, 106-118.
Huang J F, Zhou Y & Zhou T M 2006 Three-dimensional wake structure measurement using a modified PIV technique, Experiments in Fluids 40, 884-896.
Zhang H J, Zhou Y, Whitelaw J H 2006 Near-Field Wing-Tip Vortices and Exponential Vortex Solution, Journal of Aircraft, 43, 445-449.
Rinoshika A, Zhou T & Zhou Y 2006 Orthogonal Wavelet-decomposed 3-D Vorticity of a Turbulent Far Wake, JSME International Journal Series B: Fluids and Thermal Engineering 49, 1149-1155.
Lemaitre C, Alam M, Hémon P, de Langre E & Zhou Y 2006 Rainwater rivulets on a cable subject to wind, Comptes-Rendus de Mécanique 334, 158-163.
Wang H F, Zhou Y, Chan C K & Lam K S 2006 Effect of initial conditions on interaction between a boundary layer and a wall-mounted finite-length cylinder wake, Physics of Fluids 18, 065106 (12 pages).
Zhang M M, Cheng L and Zhou Y 2006 Closed-loop control of vortex-airfoil interaction noise, Journal of Hydrodynamics 8, 430-437.
Rinoshika, A & Zhou, Y 2005 Orthogonal Wavelet Multi-Resolution Analysis of a Turbulent Cylinder Wake, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 524, 229 - 248.
Rinoshika, A & Zhou, Y 2005 Effects of initial conditions on a wavelet-decomposed turbulent near-wake, Physical Review E, 71, 046303-1 – 8.
Zhang, M M, Zhou Y & Cheng L 2005 Control of Vortex-induced Non-resonance Vibration using Piezo-ceramic Actuators Embedded in a Structure, Smart Materials & Structures 14, 1217-1226.
Wang Z J, Zhou Y, Huang J F & Xu Y L 2005 Fluid dynamics around an inclined cylinder with running water rivulets, Journal of Fluids and Structures 21, 49-64.
Zhang, M M, Zhou Y & Cheng L 2005 Closed-Loop-Manipulated Wake of A Stationary Square Cylinder, Experiments in Fluids, 39, 75-85.
Xu, G & Zhou, Y 2005 Momentum and heat transport in a turbulent cylinder wake beind a streamwise oscillating cylinder, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48, 4062-4072.
Alam, M M, Sakamoto, H & Zhou, Y 2005 Determination of flow configurations and fluid forces acting on two staggered circular cylinders of equal diameter in cross-flow, Journal of Fluids and Structures 21, 363-394.
Zhang, H J, Huang, L X & Zhou Y 2005 Aerodynamic loading on a cylinder behind an airfoil, Experiments in Fluids, 38, 588-593.
Wang, Z. J. & Zhou, Y. 2005 Vortex Interactions in a Two Side-by-Side Cylinder Near-Wake, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 26, 362-377.
Wang, Z J & Zhou, Y 2005 Vortex-induced vibration characteristics of an elastic square cylinder on fixed supports. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 127, 241-249.
Xu, G & Zhou, Y 2004 Strouhal numbers in the wake of two inline cylinders, Experiments in Fluids 37, 248-256.
Zhang, M M, Cheng, L & Zhou, Y 2004 Closed-Loop-Controlled Vortex Shedding and Vibration of A Flexibly Supported Square Cylinder Under Different Schemes, Physics of Fluids 16, 1439-1448.
Wang, Z. J., Zhou, Y., Wang, X. W. & Jin W 2004 Temperature measurements on a heated cylinder placed in a cylinder near-wake using a fiber-optic Bragg grating sensor, ASME Transactions-Journal of Heat Transfer 126, 62-69.
Zhang, M M, Cheng, L & Zhou, Y 2004 Closed-loop control of fluid-structure interactions on a flexibly supported cylinder, European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 23, 189-197.
Yiu, M. W., Zhou, Y., Zhou, T. & Cheng, L. 2004 Reynolds number effects on three-dimensional vorticity in a turbulent wake, AIAA Journal 42, 1009-1016.
Yiu, M W, Zhou, Y & Zhu, Y 2004 Passive scalar transport in a turbulent cylinder wake in the presence of a downstream cylinder, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 72, 449-461.
Mi, J, Zhou, Y & Zhu, Y 2004 Reynolds number effects on passive scalars in a turbulent plane wake, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 72, 311-331.
Shi CZ, Ho HL, Jin W, Chan CC, Chan PKC, Zhou Y, Liao YB 2004 Noise limit in heterodyne interferometer demodulator for FBG-based sensors, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 22, 2287-2295.
Xu, S. J., Zhou, Y. & Mi J 2004 Flow visualization behind a streamwise oscillating cylinder and a stationary cylinder in tandem arrangement, Journal of Visualization 7, 201-208.
Zhang M M, Zhou Y & Cheng L 2003 Vortex control in a flexibly supported cylinder wake, AIAA Journal 41, 1500-1506.
Zhou, Y. 2003 Vortical Structures behind Three Side-by-Side Cylinders, Experiments in Fluids 34, 68-76.
Lai, W.C., Zhou, Y., So, R.M.C. & Wang, T. 2003 Interference between a stationary and a vibrating cylinder wake, Physics of Fluids 15, 1687-1695.
Xu, S. J., Zhou, Y. and So, R. M. C. 2003 Reynolds number effects on the flow structure behind two side-by-side cylinders, Physics of Fluids 15, 1214-1219.
Zhou, T, Zhou, Y, Yiu, M W and Chua, L. P. 2003 Three-dimensional vorticity in a turbulent cylinder wake, Expts in Fluids 35 459-471.
Cheng L, Zhou Y & Zhang, M M 2003 A perturbation on interactions between vortex shedding and free vibration, Journal of Fluids and Structures 17, 887-901.
Zhang, H. J., Zhou, Y., So, R. M. C., Mignolet, M. P. & Wang, Z. J. 2003 A note on the fluid damping of an elastic cylinder in a cross flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures 17, 479-483.
Wang, Z. J., Zhou, Y. and So, R.M.C. 2003 Vortex-Induced Vibration Characteristics of Two Fix-Supported Elastic Cylinders, Journal of Fluids Engineering 125, 551-560 .
Zhou, Y and Li, H 2003 Comparison Between screen and triangular far-wakes, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 27, 629 - 637.
Chan, T L, Zhou, Y, Liu, M H & Leung, C W 2003 Mean flow and turbulent measurements of the impingement wall jet on a semi-circular convex surface, Experiments in Fluids 34, 140-149.
Wang, Z. J., Zhou, Y., Wang, X. W. and Jin, W. 2003 A fibre-optic Bragg grating sensor for simultaneous static and dynamic temperature measurement on a heated cylinder in cross-flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46, 2983-2992.
Li, H & Zhou, Y 2003 Comparison between triangular cylinder and screen near-wakes in the orthogonal wavelet representation, JSME International Journal Series B: Fluids and Thermal Engineering, 46, 366-376.
Shi, C Z, Chan, C C, Jin, W, Liao, Y B, Zhou Y & Demokan, M S 2003 Improving the performance of a FBG sensor network using a generic algorithm, Sensors and Actuators, 107, 57-61.
Xu, S. J., Zhou, Y. and So, R. M. C. 2003 An Analytical Solution to the Structural Dynamics of an Elastic Cylinder in a Cross Flow, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive System, Series B: Applications & Algorisms 10, 345-362.
Li, H., Zhou, Y., Takei, M., Ochi, M., Saito, Y. & Horii, K.: 2002. Smart Visualization of Multi-Scale Turbulent Structures, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 15, 393 - 402.
Conference Papers/Talks
Published more than 100 international conference papers, gave more than 50 presentations in international conferences. Following is a list of keynote speeches or specially invited talks:
1. Artificial intelligence control for turbulence. The 5th Symposium on Fluid Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, 27-30 August 2019, Crete, Greece.
2. Artificial intelligence control for turbulence. 16th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics .13-17 Dec 2019, Bangalore, India.
3. Human vs artificial intelligence for turbulent jet control. The IUTAM Symposium: \
Assessors for governments Assessors for governments/universities:
Elected Fellow of the Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society since 2014
Assess research proposals for French National Research Agency
Invited regularly to assess research proposals as an Expert Assessor of International Standing by the Expert Advisory Committees of Australian Research Council (ARC)
Invited to serve as an expert assessor for ‘Chang Jiang’ Scholar Scheme by the Ministry of Education, P R China.

Invited to serve as an external assessor for academic staff appointment by the Search Committee of the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Invited to serve as an external assessor for full professor appointment by the Selected Committee of the Department of Mechno-Micro Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Organizing international conferences Organizing international conferences:
1. Founded with CARDC international symposium series Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions & Control (FSSIC)
2. General Chair: 2nd Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control (FSSIC2013), 20-23 May 2013, Hong Kong & Macau.
3. Member of International Steering Committee for 12th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization, 18-23 Nov 2013, Nara, Japan.
4. Member of Organizing Committee for 4th ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference (MNHMT-13), December 11-14, 2013, Hong Kong
5. Member of Organizing Committee for International Conference on Rayleigh-Bénard Turbulence, December 10-14, 2012, Hong Kong
6. Member of International Steering Committee for 11th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements, and Visualization, 5-9 Dec 2011, Keelung, Taiwan.
7. Co-Chairman for 1st Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, July 28-31, 2011, Yinchuan, China.
8. Member of Scientific Committee of 4th International Conference on Experiments/Process/System Modeling/ Simulation/Optimization (4th IC-EpsMsO), July 6-9, 2011, Athens, Greece.
9. Member of Scientific Committee of 4th International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering, Athens, Greece, July 7 – 10, 2010.
10. Member of The International Organising Committee of 9th International Conference On Flow-Induced Vibrations FIV 2008, Prague, Czech Republic, 30 June - 3 July 2008.
11. Co-Organizer and Co-Chairman for International Symposium on Flows, Structural Vibration, Their Interactions and Control, Guelph, Canada, July 29-31, 2005.
12. Member of Scientific Committee of 7th Congress of National Turbulence and Flow Stability, Peking University, Beijing, Aug 12 -15, 2004.
Editorial services for archival journals Editorial services for archival journals:
16.AIAA Journal Associate Editor since 2015
Guest Editor for the Special Issue on Flows, Structural Vibrations, Their Interactions and Control of international SCI-indexed journal Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive System. 14 (s8), pp. 1-165. December 2007. ISSN. 1492-8760.
Reviewer for following journals:
1.Applied Mechanics Reviews
2.Journal of Fluid Mechanics
3.Physics of Fluids
4.Experiments in Fluids
5.Journal of Fluids and Structures
6.AIAA Journal
7.Computers and Fluids
8.International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow
9.Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
10.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
11.ASME Transactions: Journal of Heat Transfer
12.ASME Transactions: Journal of Fluids Engineering
13.International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering
14.Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer

PhD thesis examiner PhD thesis examiner:
Examiner for 1 PhD thesis of Ecole Polytechnique (Paris), France
Examiner for 1 PhD thesis of The University of Orleans, France
Examiner for 3 PhD theses of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Examiner for 3 PhD theses of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Examiner for 2 PhD theses of The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Examiner for 1 PhD thesis of The University of Technology, Sydney
Examiner for 2 PhD theses of The University of Melbourne

