教育经历2003.09-2004.07 本科, 哈尔滨工业大学,材料学院,材料成型专业2004.09-2007.07 理学学士, 哈尔滨工业大学,物理学,光信息科学与技术2007.09-2009.02 理学硕士, 瑞典皇家工学院(KTH),物理系,核能工程专业2009.10-2013.06 哲学博士,英国华威大学(Warwick), 物理系,太阳物理学研究与工作经历2009.03-2009.09 实习生,国际原子能机构维也纳总部:创新型核反应堆,核燃料循环2013.04-2013.09 博士后助理研究员,英国华威大学:数据分析,观测太阳大气动力学过程2014.03-2015.11 博士后研究员,比利时鲁汶天主教大学:数值模拟太阳大气磁流体力学过程2015.11-2017.03 博士后助理研究员,英国中央兰卡夏大学:实验卫星的科学支持、数据分析任教和任导师经历招收硕士,博士,博士后,专业不限于数学、计算机、物理,鼓励跨学科申请。研究领域
1. Pant, V., Banerjee, D., Srivastava, A., Yuan, D., Shen, Y.D., Simultaneous longitudinal and transverse oscillation in a loop-like filament, Solar Physics, 291 (2016) 3303, 2. Fang, X, Xia, C., Keppens, R., Van Doorsselare, T., Yuan, D., The Role of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability for Producing Loop-Top Hard X-ray Sources in Solar Flares, Astrophysical Journal 833 (2016) 36 impact factor: 6.0;3. Yuan, D., Walsh, R., Abnormal oscillation modes in a waning light bridge, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 594 (2016) A101, impact factor: 5.2;4. Van Doorsselare, T.. Kupriyanova, E., Yuan, D., Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) in solar and stellar flares: an overview of recent results, Solar Physics (Invited Review), 594 (2016) 31435. Yuan, D., Li, B. Walsh, R., Secondary fast magnetoacoustic waves trapped in randomly structured plasmas. Astrophysical Journal 828 (2016) 17, impact factor: 6.0;6. Mandal, S., Yuan, D., Fang, X., Banerjee, D, Pant, V., Van Doorsselaere, T. Reflection Of Propagating Slow Magneto-acoustic Waves In Hot Coronal Loops : Multi-instrument Observations and Numerical Modelling, Astrophysical Journal 828 (2016) 72, impact factor: 6.0;7. Yuan, D., Su, J.T, Jiao, F.R, Walsh, R., Stochastic transients as a source of quasi-periodic processes in the solar atmosphere, Astrophysical Journal, Supplementary Series 224 (2016) 2, impact factor: 11.2;8. Yuan, D., Van Doorsselaere, T., Forward Modelling of Standing Kink Modes in Coronal Loops II. Applications, Astrophysical Journal, Supplementary Series, 223 (2016) 24, impact factor: 11.2;9. Yuan, D., Van Doorsselaere, T., Forward Modelling of Standing Kink Modes in Coronal Loops I. Synthetic Views, Astrophysical Journal, Supplementary Series, 223 (2016) 23, impact factor: 11.2;10. Jiao, F.R., Xia, L.D., Huang, Z.H., Li, B., Fu, H., Yuan, D., Chandrashekhar, K., Damping and power spectra of quasi-periodic intensity disturbances above a solar polar coronal hole, Research In Astronomy and Astrophysics, 3 (2016) 4;11. Van Doorsselaere, T., Antolin, P., Yuan, D., Reznikova, V., Magyar, N., Forward Modeling of EUV and Gyrosynchrotron Emission from Coronal Plasmas with FoMo, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 3 (2016) 4;12. Mandal, S., Magyar, N., Yuan, D., Van Doorsselaere, T., Banerjee, D., Forward Modelling of Propagating Slow Waves in Coronal Loops and Their Frequency-Dependent Damping, Astrophysical Journal, 820 (2016) 13, impact factor: 6.0;13. Fang, X., Yuan, D., Van Doorsselaere, T.; Keppens, R.; Xia, C., Modeling of Reflective Propagating Slow-mode Wave in a Flaring Loop, Astrophysical Journal, 813 (2015) 33, impact factor: 6.0;14. Yuan, D., Signature of high-order azimuthal MHD body modes in sunspot's low atmosphere, Research In Astronomy and Astrophysics, 15 (2015) 1449; 15. Yuan, D., Van Doorsselaere, T, Banerjee, D. and Antolin, P., Forward modelling of standing slow modes of flaring coronal loops. Astrophysical Journal, 807 (2015) 98, impact factor: 6.0;16. Yuan, D., Pascoe, D.J., Nakariakov, V.M., Li, B. and Keppens,R., Evolution of fast magnetoacoustic pulses in randomly structured coronal plasmas, Astrophysical Journal, 799 (2015), 221, impact factor: 6.0;17. Yuan, D., Nakariakov,V.M., Huang, Z., Li, B., Yan, Y., Tan, B., Oscillation in a sunspot with light bridges, Astrophysical Journal, 792 (2014) 41, impact factor: 6.0;18. Yuan, D., Sych, R., Reznikova, V., Nakariakov V.M., Multi-height observation of magnetoacoustic cut-off frequency in a sunspot atmosphere, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 561 (2014) A19, impact factor: 5.2;19. Yuan, D., Shen, Y.D., Liu, Y., Nakariakov, V.M., Tan, B.L., Huang, J., Distinct propagating fast wave trains associated with flaring energy releases, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 554 (2013) A144, impact factor: 5.2;20. Yuan, D., Nakariakov, V.M., Measuring the apparent phase speed of propagating EUV disturbances, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 543 (2012) A9, impact factor: 5.2;21. Yuan, D., Nakariakov, V.M, Chorley, N. and Foullon, C., Leakage of long period oscillations from the chromosphere to the corona, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 553 (2011) A116, impact factor: 5.2; 相关热点
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