Fei Yen was born in San Antonio, Texas in September 1980. He obtained his PhD in physics from the University of Houston in May 2007. His research interests are on the study of strongly correlated systems via measurements of their magnetic susceptibility, conductivity, specific heat and (or) dielectric spectroscopy under extreme conditions such as low temperature, high pressure and (or) strong magnetic fields.科研设备1. PPMS Dynacool - 9 T, 1.8 - 369 K:a. VSM (Vibrating Sample Magnetometer) nominal and large bore coils;b. AC susceptibility;c. Heat capacity;d. Electrical transport (DC & AC);e. FMR (FerroMagnetic Resonance);f. **Dielectric spectroscopy;g. **Electric polarization (via hysteresis loops and pyroelectric current);h. **Thermal transport.2. Dilution refrigerator - down to ~50 mK:a. Electric transport;b. Heat capacity.3. High pressure cells:a. Double piston cells (up to 3 GPa);b. **Diamond anvil cells (up to 10 GPa, 1 and 2 mm cullet sizes).研究领域
44. L. Meng, C. He, W. Ji, F. Yen, \标签: 理学院 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)
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