Nan Gao
2023-05-10 20:10
  • Nan Gao
  • Nan Gao - 副教授-哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)-机电工程与自动化学院-个人资料




1992.9-1997.7 本科B.Eng 清华大学 热能工程系 (Tsinghua, Thermal Engineering)
1998.9-2000.9 硕士M.Eng 加拿大McMaster大学 机械工程系(Mechanical Engineering)
2002.5 -2006.11 博士PhD 加拿大McMaster大学 机械工程系(Mechanical Engineering)
2020.06-至今 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳) 机电工程与自动化学院 副教授、博导
2018.08-2019.01 加拿大New Brunswick大学机械工程系 Harrison McCain访问教授
2009.05-2020.06 大连理工大学 航空航天学院 副教授
2007.02-2009.04 中山大学 理论与应用力学系 讲师
2000.09-2002.1 加拿大Wescast Industrial Inc. 工程师


"实验流体力学、流动控制 Flow measurement techniques; Turbulence control"


李锴萌, 李卓越, 高南. 低速二维后向台阶流动中的壁面压强脉动. 气体物理, 2020, 5(5): 35-44.
Liu XH, Wang H, Wu CJ, Gao N* (2020), On the calibration-free two-component wall-shear-stress measurement technique using dual-layer hot-films, Review of Scientific Instruments, 91,085004;
Li ZY, Zhang D, Liu YK,Wu CJ, Nan Gao* (2020),Effect of periodic perturbations on the turbulence statistics in a backward-facing step flow, Physics of Fluids, 32,075116
Xia Y, Gao N* , Ewing D(2020) Passive control of a planar offset attaching jet using a perforated bottom plate over a closed cavity, Physical Review Fluids, 5:054603
Li ZY, Guo S, Bai HL, Gao N* (2019) Combined flow and heat transfer measurements of backward facing step flows under periodic perturbation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 130:240-251
HL Bai*, MM Alam, N. Gao, Y.F. Lin (2019) The near wake of sinusoidal wavy cylinders: Three-dimensional POD analyses, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 75:256-277
Liu XH, Li ZY, Wu CJ, Gao N *(2018) Toward calibration-free wall shear stress measurement using a dual hot-film sensor and Kelvin bridges. Measurement Science and Technology, 29, 105303
Gao N*, Liu XH (2018) An improved smoke-wire flow visualization technique using capacitor as power source, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 8: 378-383
Liu XH, Li ZY, Gao N *(2018) An improved wall shear stress measurement technique using sandwiched hot-film sensors. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 8:137-141
Sui JX, Zhao D, Zhang B, Gao N* (2017), Experimental study of Rijke-type Thermoacoustic Instability by using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition method,Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 81:336-344
随晶侠、张博、高南(2017), 利用频域分解法分析Rijke管内热声不稳定性,热力透平, 46:238-244
李卓越、白宏磊、高南(2017) 背向台阶流动的低阶模型,气体物理, 2(3):33-43
Gao N, Li YQ, Bai HL*, Wu CJ (2016) Effect of low-momentum-synthetic jets on a D-shaped cylinder wake at a sub-critical Reynolds number, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 97:729-742
Gao, N.* and Ewing, D. (2015) Large-scale Flow Structures in a Planar Offset Attaching Jet with a Co-flowing Wall Jet, Journal of Turbulence, 16:290-308
Gao, N.*, C.Y. Ching,D. Ewing (2015) Heat Transfer in Turbulent Planar Offset Attaching Jets with Small Initial Offset Distances,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 83:21-26 ;
1. 2020.6-至今《Journal of Flow Control, Measurement & Visualization》(SCIRP出版开放获取国际期刊)学术委员会委员(member of scientific board)
2. 2020.7-至今 中国力学学会 流体力学专委会实验流体力学工作组成员
3. 2017.8至今 核心期刊《空气动力学学报》、《实验流体力学》第1届青年编委
4. 2015.6至今 中国力学学会第9、10届科学普及工作委员会委员
5. 2013.12至今 核心期刊《实验流体力学》第4,5届编委
6. 2010.7至今 中国空气动力学会流动显示专业委员会第6、7届委员

