2023-05-10 20:10
  • 苗子博
  • 苗子博 - 助理教授-哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)-机电工程与自动化学院-个人资料




苗子博博士2019年9月加入哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),任助理教授,特聘副研究员,硕士生导师。本科毕业于哈尔滨工业大学实验学院(现英才学院)自动化专业;博士毕业于澳大利亚国立大学(ANU),师从Prof. Matthew James和Prof. Ian Petersen主攻Quantum Cybernetics方向研究。博士毕业之后曾在法国国家信息与自动化研究所(Inria Paris,与Prof. Pierre Rouchon和Prof. Alain Sarlette合作)和香港中文大学(CUHK,与Prof. Haidong Yuan合作)从事量子信息方面的前沿研究。苗子博博士的标志性工作是量子系统相干观测器的设计,以及基于原子流的量子热库控制系统分析。迄今在控制、数学物理学术期刊以及本领域顶级会议上面发表论文30篇,主持和参与国家级科研项目。目前着力于量子控制与量子精密测量、量子机器学习交叉方面的研究,欢迎对量子技术感兴趣的各位同学以及同仁与其联系。
校科研启动经费 主持 2019-2021
深圳市引进人才科研启动经费 主持 2020-2022
国家科技部重大研究计划 参与 2019-2024
国家自然科学青年基金 主持 2021-2023
2015 Student Best Paper Finalist Award at the 2015 American Control Conference
2014 AAS Award Under the Australia-United States Research Collaboration Project
Mentor, Supervision of Final Year Project Students, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2018-2019 Academic Year
Tutor, ENGE3223/6223 Control Systems Tutorials, The Australian National University, 2013, 2014 2nd Semesters
Tutor, ENGN8637 Quantum Information Tutorials, The Australian National University, 2014 1st Semester
Tutor, ENGE3223/6223 Control Systems Hardware Labs, The Australian National University, 2012 2nd Semester




Y. Chen, H. Chen, J. Liu, Z. Miao and H. Yuan. Fluctuation-enhanced quantum metrology. arXiv:2003.13010, 2020.
Z. Miao and A. Sarlette. Discrete-time reservoir engineering with entangled bath and stabilising squeezed states, Quantum Science and Technology, 2(3), 034013, 2017.
T. Nguyen, Z. Miao, Y. Pan, N. H. Amini, V. Ugrinovskii and M. R. James. Pole Placement Approach to Coherent Passive Reservoir Engineering for Storing Quantum Information, Journal of Control Theory and Technology, 15(3), 193-205, 2017.
G. Shi, B. Li, Z. Miao, P. M. Dower and M. R. James. Reaching Agreement in Quantum Hybrid Networks, Scientific reports, 7, 5989, 2017.
Z. Miao, M. R. James and I. R. Petersen. Coherent observers for linear quantum stochastic systems, Automatica, 71, 264-271, 2016.
L. A. Duffaut Espinosa, Z. Miao, I. R. Petersen, V. Ugrinovskii and M. R. James. Physical realizability and preservation of commutation and anticommutation relations for n-Level quantum systems, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 54(2), 632-661, 2016.
G. Shi, B. Li, Z. Miao, P. M. Dower and M. R. James. Agreeing over quantum hybrid networks: Centralized and distributed solutions, in Proceedings of the 2016 Australian Control Conference, New Castle, Australia, pp 159-161, 2016.
Y. Pan, T. Nguyen, Z. Miao, N. H. Amini, V. Ugrinovskii and M. R. James. Coherent observer engineering for protecting quantum information, in Proceedings of the 2016 Chinese Control Conference, Osaka, Chengdu, China, pp 9139-9144, 2016.
Z. Miao, M. R. Hush and M. R. James. Coherently tracking the covariance matrix of an open quantum system, Physical Review A, 92(1), 012115, 2015.
Y. Pan, Z. Miao, N. H. Amini, V. Ugrinovskii and M. R. James. Interpolation approach to Hamiltonian Varying quantum systems and the adiabatic theorem, EPJ Quantum Technology, 2:24, November, 2015.
N. H. Amini, Z. Miao, Y. Pan, M. R. James and H. Mabuchi. On the generalization of linear least mean squares estimation to quantum systems with non-commutative outputs, EPJ Quantum Technology, 2:14, June, 2015. (Equal Contribution)
Y. Pan, H. Amini, Z. Miao, J. Gough, V. Ugrinovskii and M. R. James. Heisenberg picture approach to the stability of quantum Markov systems. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 55(6), 062701, 2014.
Z. Miao, Y. Chen and H. Yuan. Is entanglement necessary in the reservoir input?, accepted, to appear in Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2019.
Z. Miao and P. M. Dower. A reduced complexity min-plus method for synchronisation of qubits, in Proceedings of the 2016 Australian Control Conference, New Castle, Australia, pp 391-396, 2016.
Z. Miao, M. R. Hush and M. R. James. Covariance matrix tracking coherent observers for linear stochastic quantum systems, in Proceedings of the 2015 American Control Conference, Chicago, Illinois, pp 74-79, 2015. (Finalist for the Student Best Paper Award)
Z. Miao, Y. Pan and M. R. James. Quantum observers for dissipative interacting qubits in a common environment, in Proceedings of the 2015 Australian Control Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, pp 115-119, 2015.
Z. Miao, M. R. James and V. Ugrinovskii. Pole placement design for quantum systems via coherent observers, in Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, pp 5784-5789, 2015.
Z. Miao and M. R. James. Direct and indirect couplings in the interconnection of open two level quantum systems, in Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Sydney, Australia, pp 13-18, 2015.
Z. Miao, M. Hosseini, G. Guccione and M. R. James. Synchronisation of micro-mechanical oscillators inside one cavity using feedback control, in Proceedings of the 4th Australian Control Conference, Canberra, Australia, pp 77-82, 2014.
Invited talk titled ‘A reduced complexity min-plus method for synchronisation of qubits’, 2016 China Australia Quantum Control Workshop;
Invited talk titled ‘Stabilising squeezed states by means of discrete-time reservoir engineering’, 2018 1st International workshop on quantum cybernetics and machine learning;
审稿人 Automatica、IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica等期刊,IEEE Conference on Decision and Control等会议
学组委员 中国自动化学会--TCCT量子控制理论与技术

