2023-05-10 20:09
  • 李力
  • 李力 - 教授 博导-哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)-经济管理学院-个人资料




1981年-1985年 获工学学士学位,中南矿冶学院
1985年-1988年 获工学硕士学位,湖南大学
1998年-2002年 获经济学博士学位,圣彼得堡国立矿业工业大学
1993年-1998年 中国工商银行,华夏证券有限公司
2003年-2009年 副教授,哈工大深圳研究生院经济管理学科部,担任创新与创业管理研究中心主任,管理工程与资本市场研究中心主任
2009年- 教授、博士生导师,哈工大深圳研究生院城市规划与管理学院,应用经济与金融研究中心主任
2017年-2021年 国家社会科学基金项目:绿色发展视角下跨区域雾霾污染治理的协同路径与激励政策研究(项目号:17BJL041)
2012年-2015年 国家自然科学基金项目:粒计算拓展模型及多知识库集成信息融合研究(项目号:61173052)
2014年-2017年 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目:碳信息披露对企业价值创造的影响研究(项目号:13YJAZH044 )
2014年-2016年 广东省软科学研究计划项目:广东省开放式创新联盟形成机制、模式与配套政策研究(项目号:2013B070206002)
2017年- 深圳市科技创新委员会项目:深圳市企业创新与可持续发展能力评价体系研究
2015年-2016年 华南理工大学建筑设计研究院:蛇口太子湾区域供冷项目投融资分析与运营管理研究
哈工大深圳研究生院城市规划与管理学院 指导全日制博士生8人,博士后5人
哈工大深圳研究生院城市规划与管理学院 指导全日制硕士生71人,非全日制硕士生32人
龚洋龙,硕士研究生,2006,优秀硕士论文, 获优秀硕士研究生金奖
韩丽媛,硕士研究生,2007,优秀硕士论文, 获优秀硕士研究生金奖
王继飞,硕士研究生,2009,优秀毕业生, 获优秀硕士研究生银奖
叶 婷,硕士研究生,2015,优秀毕业生, 获优秀硕士研究生银奖
刘振华,硕士研究生,2016,优秀硕士论文, 获优秀硕士研究生金奖
哈工大深圳研究生院经济管理学科部 朱伟伟,硕士研究生,2006-2




Li Li, Tang Dengli, Kong Ying, Yang Yuanhua, Liu Dongjun. Spatial analysis of haze-fog pollution in China[J]. Energy & Environment, Vol.27(6), 2016
Li Li, Hong Xuefei, Tang Dengli, Na Ming. GHG Emissions, Economic Growth and Urbanization: A Spatial Approach[J]. Sustainability, Vol.8(5),2016
Tang Dengli, Li Li , Yang Yuanhua. Spatial Econometric Model Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment and Haze Pollution in China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies.Vol.25(1), 2016
Li Li, Yuanhua Yang, Dengli Tang. Carbon Information Disclosure of Enterprises and their Value Creation Through Market Liquidity and Cost of Equity Capital. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management. Vol.8(1), 2015
Dong Jun Liu, Li Li. Application study of comprehensive forecasting model based on entropy weighting method on trend of PM2.5 concentration in Guangzhou, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol.12(6), 2015
Li Li, Dong-Jun Liu. Study on an Air Quality Evaluation Model for Beijing City Under Haze-Fog Pollution Based on New Ambient Air Quality Standards. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol.11(9), 2014
Li Li, Yang Yuanhua. Survey on the Selection of Carbon Management Strategy by Chinese Enterprises. International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, Vol.8(8), 2013
Li Li , Ci Jinfeng, Gao Xuezhu. The Growth Evaluation Model of Manufacturing SMEs and Application from a System Engineering Perspective. Systems Engineering Procedia, Vol. 5, 2012
LI Li, LI Weikun. Total Factor Energy Efficiency Based on Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, Vol.28(1), 2011
Li Li, Han Yonglei. The Energy Efficiency Rebound Effect in China from Three Industries Perspective. Energy Procedia, Vol. 14, 2012
Li LI, Bin YU. Selection Advantage Pattern of International Sci-Tech Cooperation and Empirical Analysis. Journal of Service Science and Management, Vol.4 No. 1, 2011
Li LI, Zhengning FENG, Xuezhu GAO. Correspondence Analysis in International Sci-Tech Cooperation Patterns and University Resources. Journal of Service Science and Management, vol.4 No. 2, 2011
李力,唐登莉等.FDI对城市雾霾污染影响的空间计量研究--以珠三角地区为例. 管理评论,2016,28(6)
李力,孙璐, 王加阳.开放创新联盟IT价值共创实证研究. 科学学与科学技术管理,2015,36(3)
李力,熊炬成. 基于技术界面开放的创新联盟知识融合机理研究. 科技进步与对策, 2015,32(14)
李力,王风. 中国制造业能源强度因素分解研究. 数量经济技术经济研究, 2008年第10期
李端,钱富才,李力, 高建军. 动态规划问题研究. 系统工程理论与实践, 2007年第8期
Ли Ли. Современное состояние минерально-сырьевой базы горной промышленности центрального района Китая. / Записки горного института, выпуск № 150, СПб, 2002.
Е.А. Соловьева, Ли Ли. Анализ основных экономических показателей деятельности угледобывающих комплексов Китая. / Записки горного института, Выпуск № 152, СПб, 2002.
Ли Ли. Экономическая оценка развития минерально-сырьевых комплексов。 СПб。 Изд-во:геликон плюс,2002.
Li LI , Li-fen ZHAO, Dong-jun LIU, Study on Ecosystem Model and Decision Making of E-Commerce Based on Multisource Information Fusion. Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation. Tianjin, China, July 24-26, 2015
Dengli Tang, Li Li, Dongjun Liu. Understanding haze-fog pollution in central-eastern China under the background of sustainable development. International Conference on Energy Equipment Science and Engineering, ICEESE Guangzhou, China, May 30-31, 2015
Yuan-hua Yang, Li Li . Research on the status quo of carbon information disclosure in Chinese enterprises, International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronic, Industrial and Control Engineering (MEIC 2014), Shenyang, China, Nov. 15-17, 2014
Sun Lu, Li Li and Wang Jiayang. Value Co-creation in Open Innovation Alliances. 2013 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering. Xian, China, Nov. 23-24, 2013.
Li LI, Xuezhu GAO. Innovation Performance of University Co-authorship Network. 2012 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering. Hainan, China, Oct. 20-21, 2012..
Li LI, Xuezhu GAO. Evaluation Framework for Innovativeness of University Co-authorship Network. 2012 2nd International Conference on Economic, Education and Management. Shanghai, China, Jun.. 1-2, 2012.
Li Li, Lin Xuewen. Regional Energy Rebound Effect in China Based on IPAT Equation. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2012), Shanghai, China, Mar. 27-29, 2012
Li Li,David Li and Yuanhua Yang. The Design and Application of Synergetic Innovation System for Manufacturing Enterprise Based on TRIZ. 2011 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering. Shenzhen, China, Nov. 26-27, 2011.
LI Li,FENG Zhengning. The Impact Factors of Regional Energy Intensity in China. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference , Wuhan, China, Mar. 25-28, 2011
Li Li, Jiang Jianchun. Regional Energy Rebound Effect in China Based on Nested CES Function. 2011 International Conference on Energy and Environment. Shenzhen, China, Jan. 27-28, 2011
Lan Jiang, Li Li. Chinese Energy Rebound Effect by Sector Based on Panel Data. 2011 International Conference on Energy and Environment. Shenzhen, China, Jan. 27-28, 2011
LI Li,FENG Zhengning. Hypothesis on Kuznets Curve of Regional Energy Consumption in China. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference , Wuhan, China, Mar. 25-28, 2011
Li Li, Han Yonglei. The Energy Rebound Effect in Chinese Three Industries Based on Technological Progress. 2011 International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation. Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, Mar. 28-29, 2011
LI Li,Han Liyuan. The Relationship among Economics, Energy Consumption and Exhaust Emission in Chinese Industry Using Grey System Theory. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, Chengdu, China, Mar. 28-31, 2010
LI Li,CI Jinfeng. A Study of Growth Evaluation for Chinese Manufacturing SMEs. 2010 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering. Kunming, China, Nov. 26-28, 2010
LI Li, DAI Shiliang.The Influential Mechanism of Rebound Effect within Chinese Energy Efficiency. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, Chengdu, China, Mar. 28-31,2010.
LI Li,LI Mei and LAN Jiang. The Design and Application of Knowledge Management System for Enterprise Self-Made Equipment Entire Process. 2010 International Conference on System Science, Engineering Design and Manufacturing information. Yichang, China, Nov. 12-14, 2010.
LI Li,GAO Xuezhu. Selection Advantage Model of International Science and Technology Cooperation. 2010 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering. Kunming, China, Nov. 26-28, 2010.
LI Li,LI Mei and GAO Xuezhu. Management Pattern of Self-Made Equipment Entire Process in Manufacturing Enterprise Based on Knowledge Management. 2010 International Conference on System Science, Engineering Design and Manufacturing information. Yichang, China, Nov. 12-14, 2010.
Li Li, Wang Jifei and Ci Jinfeng. The Influence of Openness to Innovation Performance: Empirical Analysis Based on Industry Classification. The 6th International Conference on Innovation and Management. Sao Paulo, Brazil. Dec. 8-10, 2009
Li Li,Wang Jifei. The Search Tactics for External Knowledge Sources in Chinese Manufacturing Firms. 2009 International Conference of Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, Xian, China , Dec. 26-27, 2009
2005年- 深圳市软科学专家,深圳市科技评审专家
2011年- 深圳市地方级高层次专业人才
2017年- 深圳市提升企业竞争力战略咨询委员会委员
2011,2012,2013年 会议主席,信息管理、创新管理与工业工程国际会议(ICIII)
2017- 国家科技专家
2018- 广东省科技评审专家

