2023-05-10 20:09
  • 卢伟
  • 卢伟 - 副教授-哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)-土木与环境工程学院-个人资料




2006-2010 获工学博士学位(结构工程),哈尔滨工业大学
2004-2006 获工学硕士学位(结构工程),哈尔滨工业大学
2000-2004 获工学学士学位(土木工程),哈尔滨工业大学
2018- 副教授,博导,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),土木与环境工程学院
2015-2018 副教授,哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院,土木与环境工程学院
2012-2015 助理教授,哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院,土木与环境工程学院
2017.01-2020.12 国家自然科学基金-面上项目:基于监测数据和多尺度模拟的空间钢结构性能跟踪方法(项目批准号:51678201),主持
2014.09-2016.09 深圳市科技计划-基础研究项目:基于BIM可视化技术的结构施工监测研究,主持
2014.01-2016.12 国家自然科学基金-青年基金项目:基于分布式监测数据的信息延拓与融合决策方法 (项目批准号:51308162) ,主持
2014.03-2016.03 哈工大科研创新基金,主持
2012.06-2014.06 哈工大深研院新教师科研启动项目, 主持
哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),土木与环境工程学院 授课:<土木工程结构健康监测>, <结构概念与体系>
哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),土木与环境工程学院 已毕业研究生20人,在读11人。




Yan Cui, Wei Lu and Jun Teng. Updating of structural multi-scale monitoring model based on multi-objective optimisation. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2019
Wei Lu, Yan Cui, Jun Teng. Mixed-dimensional coupling method for box section member based on the optimal stress distribution pattern. Measurement. 2019, 131: 277-287
Wei Lu, Jun Teng, Qiushi Zhou, Qiexin Peng. Stress prediction for distributed structural health monitoring using existing measurements and pattern recognition. Sensors. 2018. 18(2): 419.
Wei Lu, Jun Teng, Chao Li, Yan Cui. Reconstruction to sensor measurements based on a correlation model of monitoring data. Applied Sciences. 2017.7(3):243 (SCI) 2017.03
Wei Lu, Jun Teng, Runfa Wen, Jiayi Zhu, Chao Li. Malfunction diagnosis of sensors based on correlation of measurements. Measurement Science and Technology. 2017,28(2):024004,11pp (SCI) 2017.02
Wei Lu, Yan Cui, Jun Teng*. Structural displacement and strain monitoring based on the edge detection operator. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2017.20(2):191-201 (SCI) 2017.02
Wei Lu, Yan Cui, Jun Teng, Fangzhou Lu. Structural performance tracking to multi-type members of Shenzhen Vanke Center in construction phase. ASCE’s Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2017.30(2):B4016013-1 (SCI) 2017.03
Wei Lu, Runfa Wen, Jun Teng, Xiaoling Li, Chao Li. Data correlation analysis for optimal sensor placement using a bond energy algorithm. Measurement. 2016.9: 509-518. (SCI)
Jun Teng, Houbing Xing, Wei Lu, Zuohua Li, Chaojun Chen. Influence analysis of time delay to active mass damper control system using pole assignment method. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2016.80: 99-116 (SCI)
Jun Teng, Wei Lu, Yan Cui, Rengui Zhang. Temperature and displacement monitoring to steel roof construction of Shenzhen Bay Stadium. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2015.16:1640020(20 pages). (SCI, 1.059)
Jun Teng, Wei Lu, Runfa Wen, Ting Zhang. Instrumentation on structural health monitoring systems to real world structures. Smart Structures and Systems. 2015.15(1):151-167. (SCI, 1.160, Q2&Q3)
Wei Lu, Fengqi Wu, Jun Teng, Qiushi Zhou. Estimation on structural responses using multi scale measurements. Scientific China-Technological Sciences, 57(9): 1707-1713, 2014.09. (SCI, 1.113, Q2 &Q3; EI)
Tianwei Ma, M. Bell, Wei Lu, Ningshou Xu. Recovering structural displacements and velocities from acceleration measurements. Smart Structures and Systems, 14(2): 191-207, 2014.08. (SCI, 1.160, Q2&Q3)
Wei Lu, Jun Teng, Yan Cui. Damage identification for large span structure based on multiscale inputs to artificial neural networks. Scientific World Journal. 540806, 2014.05. (SCI, 1.219, Q2)
Wei Lu, Jun Teng*, Youlin Xu, Zhongqing Su. Identification of Damage in Dome-like Structures Using Hybrid Sensor Measurements and Artificial Neural Networks. Smart Materials and Structures, 22: 105014, 2013.10. (SCI, 2.449, Q1; EI)
Wei Lu, Jun Teng*, Yanhuang Zhu. Diagnostic and recovering on spatially distributied acceleration using consensus data fusion, Smart Structures and Systems, 12(3-4): 271-290, 2013.09-10. (SCI, 1.160, Q2&Q3)
Jun Teng, Wei Lu*, Yan Cui. Safety evaluation of complex civil structures using structural health monitoring. Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction. Cambridge, United Kingdom. 2016.06 (EI)
Jun Teng, Wei Lu, Ting Zhang, Fengqi Wu. The intelligent methods of SHM systems applied for real structures, NCEE 2014 – 10th U. S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering, Alaska, USA. 2014 (EI)
Jun Teng, Wei Lu, Weihua Hu. Technologies and challenges of SHM for solving the engineering problems. The 15th International Symposium on Structural Engineering (ISSE-15). Hang Zhou, China. 2018.10.25-27. (invited paper)
Wei Lu, Shengqi Zhu, Jun Teng, He Huang. Structural performance analysis method in construction phase based on monitoring data. The 15th International Symposium on Structural Engineering (ISSE-15). Hang Zhou, China. 2018.10.25-27.
黄凯, 卢伟, 滕军. 基于实测温度的空间钢结构温度场获取方法. 第九届(2018)海峡两岸高校师生土木工程监测与控制研讨会. 福州, 2018.08.19-22.
彭茄芯, 卢伟, 滕军. 基于关联分析的空间钢结构响应估计方法. 第九届(2018)海峡两岸高校师生土木工程监测与控制研讨会. 福州, 2018.08.19-22.
Wei Lu, Yan Cui, Jun Teng. Structural multi-scale model updating based on the Kringing approximate surrogate model and NSGA-II. The 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring. Qingdao, China. 2018.07.22-25. (invited paper)
Shunlong Li, Jialin Dong, Wei Lu, Hui Li, Wencheng Xu, Yao Jin. The method of optimal sensor placement based on data correlation analysis: application to cable groups of Nanjing No.3 Yangtze River Bridge. The 8th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. Brisbane, Australia. 2017.12.05-08.
Jun Teng, Wei Lu, Lihang Qiu, Kai Huang. Stress distribution of Zhuhai Opera House based on temperature variations. The 8th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. Brisbane, Australia. 2017.12.05-08.
Wei Lu, Yan Cui, Jun Teng. Mixed-dimensional coupling method of box section member based on shear stress distribution pattern. The 8th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. Brisbane, Australia. 2017.12.05-08.
卢伟, 李文奇, 滕军. 基于BIM的结构施工过程安全监测跟踪方法. 第七届全国结构抗振控制与健康监测学术会议. 中国武汉. 2017.11.10-2017.11.12.
朱盛奇, 卢伟, 滕军. 基于监测数据的结构施工过程模型修正方法. 第八届(2017)海峡两岸高校师生土木工程监测与控制研讨会. 中国杭州. 2017.08.21-2017.08.26.
张妍, 卢伟, 滕军. 基于不完备监测数据的结构响应估计方法. 第八届(2017)海峡两岸高校师生土木工程监测与控制研讨会. 中国杭州. 2017.08.21-2017.08.26.
Wei Lu, Jun Teng, Runfa Wen, Qiexin Peng. Associated data analysis and application based on the stress measurements. The 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. Stanford, USA. 2017.09.12-2017.09.14. pp1541-1548
Wei Lu, Lihang Qiu, Jun Teng. Long-term performance analysis of structural key elements using monitoring data. 24th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials. Perth, Australia. 2016.12
滕军, 卢伟, 胡卫华. 基于监测数据的结构响应跟踪与行为理解. 第六届全国结构抗振控制与健康监测学术会议. 中国沈阳. 2016.09 (大会报告-keynote)
卢伟, 李小玲, 滕军, 王超. 结构健康监测数据与安全监控在BIM中的集成方法. 第六届全国结构抗振控制与健康监测学术会议. 中国沈阳. 2016.09
卢伟, 李小玲, 滕军. 结构健康监测数据在BIM中的嵌入与显示方法. 第七届海峡两岸四地高校师生土木工程监测与控制研讨会. 台湾台北, 2016.07.05-2016.07.08.
Jun Teng, Wei Lu*, Rengui Zhang, Yan Cui, Hongjun Liu. Stress estimation to Zhuhai Opera House based on monitoring measurements. 6th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering – 11th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (6AESE11ANCRiSST). University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, United States. 2015.08
Wei Lu*, Chao Li, Jun Teng, Chao Wang. Correlation analysis and range determination on structural displacement. 6th International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering (ISISS-2015). Beijing, China. 2015.07
Wei Lu*, Chao Wang, Jun Teng. Application integration method for SHM and BIM. 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. Torino, Italy. 2015.07.
Yan Cui, Wei Lu*, Jun Teng. Structural out-plane displacement monitoring method based on digital image processing techniques. 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. Torino, Italy. 2015.07.
Jun Teng*, Wei Lu, Yan Cui, Rengui Zhang. Structural health monitoring system application to Zhuhai Opera House. 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. Torino, Italy. 2015.07. (invited paper)
2017.02- 国家自然科学基金委评议人
2015.11- 全国结构抗振控制与健康监测青年工作委员会委员
2014.04- 深圳市土木建筑学会结构专业委员会委员

