2023-05-10 20:09
  • 刘梦龙
  • 刘梦龙 - 助理教授-哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)-机电工程与自动化学院-个人资料




我从2010年开始一直从事航空航天领域材料和结构的超声无损检测与评估、结构健康监测方面的基础和应用研究工作,目前担任哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)机电工程学院助理教授,荣获深圳市海外高层次人才C类。在学术成果方面,自2012年至今发表了21篇损伤检测/结构健康监测相关SCI收录论文,大部分发表在《Composites Science and Technology》《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》《Ultrasonics》《Structural Health Monitoring – an International Journal》《NDT&E International》《Journal of Sound and Vibration》《Carbon》等JCR1区和2区期刊。在学术研究经历方面,申请人曾在多个国内外学术机构开展学术研究工作,博士毕业于香港理工大学机械工程系,本科和硕士毕业于南京航空航天大学机械结构力学及控制国家重点实验室,曾作为研究科学家任职于新加坡科技研究局高性能计算研究院,并在美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学工程科学与力学系担任访问学者。在项目经验方面,申请人近三年承担了9项研究项目,其中主持3项,参与6项,专注于超声无损检测、结构健康监测、波动传播建模、信号处理和合成、先进复合材料等研究领域,具有丰富的项目实践经验。
2013年9月-2017年1月 香港理工大学 博士
2010年9月-2013年3月 南京航空航天大学 硕士
2006年9月-2010年6月 南京航空航天大学 学士
2019年8月-今 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳) 助理教授
2017年2月-2019年8月 新加坡科技研究局高性能计算研究院 研究科学家
2016年3月-2016年7月 宾夕法尼亚州立大学 超声实验室 访问学者
· 深圳市引进人才科研启动经费项目 2020.01-2022.12
基于阵列超声波动理论的复合材料结构多损伤智能检测 主持
· 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金青年基金 2020.01-2022.12
纤维增强复合材料内部特征和缺陷的超声建模和表征 主持
· 技术开发委托合同 2019.09-2019.12
飞机典型零组件结构受载状态监测研究 主持
1. A Coated Nanofiller/Polymer Composite Sensor Network for Guided-Wave-Based Structural Health Monitoring (已授权). 专利申请国: 美国, 申请号: 15/235,113; 发明者: Su, Zhongqing, Zhou, Li-Min, Zeng, Zhihui, Liu, Menglong & Xu, H.)
2. A Resistance-Voltage Transformation System for Sensors in Dynamic Strain Measurement and Structural Health Monitoring (已授权). 专利申请国: 美国, 申请号: 15/269,933; 发明者: Su, Zhongqing, Zhou, Li-Min, Qiu, Lei, Xu, Hao, Zeng, Zhihui & Liu, Menglong)




1. Zhang, Z., Guo, S., Li, Q., Cui, F., Malcolm, A. A., Su, Z., & Liu, M. (通讯作者) 2020. Ultrasonic detection and characterization of delamination and rich resin in thick composites with waviness. Composites Science and Technology, 189: 108016. (2019 JCR Q1 影响因子 7.094)
2. Liu, M., Chen, S., Wong, Z. Z., Yao, K., & Cui, F. (2020). In situ Disbond Detection in Adhesive Bonded Multi-layer Metallic Joint Using Time-of-Flight Variation of Guided Wave. Ultrasonics, 102: 106062. (2019 JCR Q1 影响因子 3.065)
3. Wang, K., Liu, M. (通讯作者), Cao, W., Yang, W., Su, Z.. and Cui, F. 2019. Detection and sizing of disbond in multilayer bonded structure using modally selective guided wave. Structural Health Monitoring: An International Journal (2018 JCR Q1 影响因子 4.939)
4. Liu, M. (通讯作者), Wang, Q., Zhang, Q., Long, R., et. al. 2019. Quantitative, in situ, and online characterization of hypervelocity impact induced damage based on shock acoustic emission waves. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 32(5): p. 1059-1070. (2018 JCR Q1 影响因子 2.095)
5. Liu, M., Wang, Q., Zhang, Q., Long, R., et. al. 2018. Characterizing hypervelocity (> 2.5 km/s)-impact-engendered damage in shielding structures using in-situ acoustic emission: simulation and experiment. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 111: p. 273-284. (2018 JCR Q1 影响因子 3.173)
6. Liu, M. (通讯作者), Schmicker, D., Su, Z. & Cui, F. 2018. A Benchmark Study of Modeling Lamb Wave Scattering by a Through Hole Using a Time-domain Spectral Element Method. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems. 1(2): 021006. (美国机械工程学会ASME 2018年新期刊)
7. Zeng, Z., Liu, M. (共同一作), Xu, H., Liao, Y., et. al. 2017. Ultra-broadband Frequency Responsive Sensor based on Lightweight and Flexible Carbon Nanostructured Polymeric Nanocomposites. Carbon, 121: p. 490-501. (2018 JCR Q1 影响因子 7.082)
8. Liu, M., Wang, K., Lissenden, C.J. 2017, Characterizing Hypervelocity Impact (HVI)-induced Pitting Damage Using Active Guided Ultrasonic Waves: from Linear to Nonlinear. Materials. 10(5): 547. (2018 JCR Q2 影响因子 2.972)
9. Liu, M., Zeng, Z., Xu, H., Liao, Y., et al. 2017, Applications of a nanocomposite-inspired in-situ broadband ultrasonic sensor to acousto-ultrasonics-based passive and active structural health monitoring. Ultrasonics, 78: p. 166-174. (2018 JCR Q2 影响因子 2.598)
10. Liu, M., Su, Z, Zhang, Q. and Long R. 2016. Modeling hypervelocity-impact-induced shock waves for characterizing orbital debris-produced damage. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 83: 081010. (2018 JCR Q2 影响因子 2.127)
11. Zeng, Z., Liu, M. (共同一作),, Xu, H., Liu W., et al. 2016. A coatable, light-weight, fast-response nanocomposite sensor for the in situ acquisition of dynamic elastic disturbance: from structural vibration to ultrasonic waves. Smart Materials and Structures, 25: 065005. (2018 JCR Q1 影响因子 2.963)
12. Liao, Y., Duan, F., Zhang, H., Lu, Y., Zeng, Z., Liu, M., ... & Zhang, Z. (2019). Ultrafast response of spray-on nanocomposite piezoresistive sensors to broadband ultrasound. Carbon, 143, p. 743-751. (2018 JCR Q1 影响因子 7.082)
13. Liu, H., Liu, M., Zhang, L., Chen, Y., et. al.. 2018. Directed Acoustic Shearography for Crack Detection around Fastener Holes in Aluminum Plates. NDT & E International, 100: p. 124-131.. (2018 JCR Q1, 影响因子 2.781)
14. Zhang, Z., Liu, M., Liao, Y., Su, Z., & Xiao, Y. 2018. Contact acoustic nonlinearity (CAN)-based continuous monitoring of bolt loosening: Hybrid use of high-order harmonics and spectral sidebands. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 103: p. 280-294. (2018 JCR Q1 影响因子 4.370)
15. Wang, K., Liu, M., Su, Z., Yuan, S, et. al, 2018. Analytical Insight into “Breathing” Crack-induced Acoustic Nonlinearity with An Application to Quantitative Evaluation of Contact Cracks. Ultrasonics, 88: p. 157-167. (2018 JCR Q2 影响因子 2.127)
16. Xu, H., Zeng, Z., Wu, Z., Zhou, L., Su, Z., Liao, Y., Liu, M. 2017, Broadband dynamic responses of flexible carbon black /poly (vinylidene Fluoride) nanocomposites: a sensitivity study. Composites Science and Technology, 149: p. 246-253. (2018 JCR Q1 影响因子 5.160)
17. Zhang Z., Liu, M., Su, Z., Xiao, Y. 2016. Quantitative evaluation of residual torque of a loose bolt based on wave energy dissipation and vibro-acoustic modulation: A comparative study. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 383: p. 156-170. (2018 JCR Q1 影响因子 2.618)
18. Qiu, L., Liu, M., Qing X., Yuan S. 2013. A quantitative multi-damage monitoring method for large-scale complex composite. Structural Health Monitoring, 12(3): p. 183-196. (2018 JCR Q1 影响因子 4.939)
19. Liang, D., Yuan, S., Liu, M. 2013. Distributed coordination algorithm for impact location of preciseness and real-time on composite structures. Measurement 46 (1): p. 527-536. (2018 JCR Q2 影响因子 2.218)
20. Yuan, S., Wang, Z., Qiu, L., Wang, Y., Liu, M. 2013. A multi-radio sink node designed for wireless SHM applications. Smart Structures and Systems 11(3): p. 261-282. (2018 JCR Q1 影响因子 2.231)
21. Yuan, S., Liang, D., Qiu, L., Liu, M. 2012. Mobile multi-agent evaluation method for wireless sensor networks-based large-scale structural health monitoring. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 8 (11), 164527. (2018 JCR Q2 影响因子 1.787)
1. Liu, M. & Cui, F. 2019. Guided wave-based in situ disbond detection with embedded flexible piezoelectric wafer, 10th International Conference on Computational Methods. 9-13, July, 2019, Singapore. (主题口头报告)
2. Liu, M., Wang, K., Su, Z. & Cui, F. 2019. Interrogation of Lamb Wave Interaction with Disbond in Adhesively Bonded Joint, 7th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2018, Hong Kong, China. (口头报告)
3. Liu, M. & Cui, F. 2017. Interrogation of Lamb Wave Interaction with Disbond in Adhesively Bonded Joint. 2017 International Congress on Ultrasonics. 18-20, December, 2017, Honolulu Hawaii, USA. (提交全文并口头报告)
4. Liu, M., Su, Z. & Cui, F. 2017. Localization of Hypervelocity Impact to Spacecraft using Shock Acoustic Emission Waves: Experiment and Simulation Study. The 9th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, 8-10, November, 2017, Xiamen, China. (提交全文并口头报告)
5. Liu, M., Schmicker, D., Su, Z. & Cui, F. 2017. Time Domain Spectral Element Method for Simulation of Guided Wave: Analysis of Calculation Accuracy and Efficiency. The 46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering. 27-30, August, 2017, Hong Kong, China. (提交全文并口头报告)
6. Liu, M., Lissenden, C.J., Wang, Q., Su, Z., Zhang, Q., Long, R. & Cui, F. 2017. ‘Interrogation of linear/nonlinear features of guided waves for characterizing hypervelocity impact-induced pitting damage in shielding structures’, in Structural Health Monitoring 2017: Real-Time Material State Awareness and Data-Driven Safety Assurance - Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM-11), edited by Chang, F.-K. and Kopsaftopoulos, F., Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc., ISBN: 978-1-60595-330-4, pp. 1819-1826, 12-14, September, 2017, Stanford, CA., USA. (提交全文)
7. Liu, M., Lissenden C.J., Wang, Q., Su, Z. et al. 2016. Characterization of damage in shielding structures of space vehicles under hypervelocity impact, in Proceeding of the 6th Asia Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 7-9, December, 2016, Hobart, Australia. (提交全文并口头报告)
8. Liu, M., Zeng, Z., Xu, H., Su, Z. et al. 2016. A coatable, lightweight nanocomposite sensor for in-situ acquisition of ultrasonic waves and its application to embeddable structural health monitoring, in Proceedings of the 8th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM-8), edited by Güemes, A., Aranguren, G., and Martinez, F., 5-8, July, 2016, Bilbao, Spain. (提交全文)
9. Liu, M., Su, Z., Zhang, Q. & Long, R. 2015. Modeling on propagation of shock waves induced by hypervelocity impact (HVI) with application to evaluation of HVI damage. Structural Health Monitoring 2015: System Reliability for Verification and Implementation - Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM-10), edited by Chang, F.-K. and Kopsaftopoulos, F., Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc., ISBN: 978-1-60595-111-9, pp. 1540-1547, 1-3, September, 2015, Stanford, CA., USA. (提交全文)
10. Liu, M., Su, Z. 2015. On propagation of shock waves generated under hypervelocity impact (HVI) and application to characterizing orbital debris-induced damage in space vehicles. Proc. SPIE 9438, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2015, 94381R, March 23, 2015, San Diego, CA, USA. (提交全文并口头报告)
11. Liu, M., Su, Z. & Yuan, S. 2014. ‘On propagation characteristics of shock waves generated under hypervelocity impact’, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Integrity Management (ICSHMIM-2014), edited by Ding, K., Yuan, S. and Wu, Z., Taylor & Francis Group, 24-26, September, 2014, Nanjing, P. R. China. (提交全文并口头报告)
12. Zhang, Z., Liu, M., Su, Z., & Xiao, Y. 2016. Continuous Monitoring of Residual Torque of Loose Bolt in A Bolted Joint, in Proceeding of the 6th Asia Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 7-9, December, 2016, Hobart, Australia. (提交全文并口头报告)
13. Zhang, Z., Liu, M., Su, Z. & Xiao, Y. 2016. ‘Evaluation of bolt loosening using a hybrid approach based on contact acoustic nonlinearity’, in Proceedings of the 19th World Conference on Non-destructive Testing (WCNDT-2016), German Society for Non-Destructive Testing (DGZfP), ISBN: 978-3-940283-78-8, 13-17, June, 2016, Munich, Germany. (提交全文)
14. Li, W., Liu, W., Zhou, L.-M., Zhang, H., Lu, Y., Su, Z., Hong, M., Liu, M., Xu, H. & Lu, B. 2015. ‘A coated carbon nanotube sensor network for in-situ active sensing of ultrasonic elastic waves’, in Proceedings of CANSMART/SMN 2015 - International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Nanotechnology, edited by Akhras, G., ISBN: 978-0-9813815-2-7, pp. 127-136, 15-17, July, 2015, Vancouver, Canada. (提交全文)

