2023-05-10 20:08
  • 黄瑞宁
  • 黄瑞宁 - 副教授-哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)-机电工程与自动化学院-个人资料




1977生,哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院副教授,深圳市“高层次专业人才”,深圳南山区领航人才。分别于2000年、2002年和2006年在哈尔滨工业大学获得学士、硕士和博士学位,2007年4月-2009年4月在清华大学做博士后研究工作,2015年12月-2016年12月在加拿大University of British Columbia做访问副教授。
5. 博士后出站留深工作可以享受深圳市政府30万元(免税)科研资助;符合深圳市高层次人才认定的,可申请和享受深圳市提供的住房补贴160-300万元(免税)。




[21] C.P. Li, R.N. Huang,Y. Yi,A. Bermak. Investigation of Filtering Algorithm for Noise Reduction in Displacement Sensing Signal, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020, (99)
[20] R.N. Huang,Y. Yi,E.L. Zhu., X.G. Xiong. Investigation of a Liquid-Phase Electrode for Micro-Electro-Discharge Machining, Micromachines, 2020, 11, 935.
[19] R.N. Huang,Y. Yi,G.L. Guo, X.G. Xiong. Investigation of Multielectrode Multiloop with Series Capacitance Pulse Generator for EDM, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 109(1):143-154.
[18] R.N. Huang,X.G. Xiong, Y. Yi,E.L. Zhu. Liquid alloy electrode for no-wear micro electrical discharge machining, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020,106(3):1281-1290.
[17] R.N. Huang, Y. Ying, W.B. Yu, and K. Takahata. Liquid-phase alloy as a microfluidic electrode for micro-electro-discharge patterning, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2018, 258:1-8. Featured in Advances in Engineering
[16] Y. Yi, R.N. Huang, C.P. Li. Flexible substrate-based thermo-responsive valve applied in electromagnetically powered drug delivLery system, Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 54, 3392-3402.
[15] C.P. Li, B. Wang, R.N. Huang, and Y. Yi. A Resonant Coupling Power Transfer System Using Two Driving Coils, Energies, 2019, 12,2914.
[14] R.N. Huang,X.G. Xiong,E.L. Zhu. Investigation of Liquid Electrode for Microelectro-discharge Machining, Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2019, 55(9):176-182.
[13] R.N. Huang,X.K. Zhu.Electrostatic Actuating Bendable Flat Electrode for Micro Electrochemical Machining, Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering,2018,(2):133-137
[12] Y.J. Lou, Y.S.Zhang, R.N. Huang, Optimization Algorithms for Kinematically Optimal Design of Parallel Manipulators[J], IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2014,11(2),574-584.
[11] S.C. Di, R.N. Huang, G.X. Chi, W.S. Zhao. MWEDM equipment and its application[J]. Journal of the Harbin Institute of Technology. 2006,38(6),865-9.
[10] G.X. Chi, S.C. Di, R.N. Huang, W.S. Zhao. Study on the servo control system of MWEDM[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2005,(03):245-249.
[9] S.C. Di, R.N. Huang, G.X. Chi, W.S. Zhao. Experimental study of MWEDM technology[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2005,(02):119-123.
[8] R.N. Huang, S.C. Di, G.X. Chi, W.S. Zhao. Development of MWEDM platform and its applications[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2005,15:268~273.
[7] 黄瑞宁,李毅,刘晓飞. 节能型电火花加工脉冲电源的研究[J]. 中国机械工程,2016,(18):2520-2523.
[6] 黄瑞宁,刘兵,楼云江. 基于模糊控制的微细电火花加工脉冲电源研究[J]. 中国机械工程,2012,(14):1718-1722.
[5] 黄瑞宁,楼云江. 微细线切割电极丝形位误差分析[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2012,(03):69-74.
[4] 狄士春,黄瑞宁,迟关心,赵万生. 微细电火花线切割加工装置及应用[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2006,(06):865-869.
[3] 狄士春,黄瑞宁,迟关心,赵万生. 微细电火花线切割加工关键技术[J]. 机械工程学报,2006,(01):221-226.
[2] 狄士春,黄瑞宁,于滨,迟关心,赵万生. 并联谐振型微细电火花线切割加工脉冲电源[J]. 上海交通大学学报,2005,(01):56-60.
[1] 迟关心,狄士春,黄瑞宁,于滨,赵万生. 复杂微小零件的微细电火花线切割加工技术研究[J]. 制造技术与机床,2004,(10):22-26.
1.R.N. Huang, Y. Ying, W.B. Yu, and K. Takahata. Micro Electro-discharge Patterning Using Liquid-phase Microelectrodes[C]. Transducers 2017. Gaoxiong, Taiwan. 1257-1630.
2.Y.Q. Zhang, R.N. Huang, Y.J. Lou. Dynamics based Time-Optimal Smooth Motion Planning for the Delta Robot. IEEE Internation Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2012: 1789-1794.
3.Yunjiang Lou, Yongsheng Zhang, Ruining Huang, Integrated Structure and Control Design for a Flexible Planar Manipulator, ICIRA 2011, 261-269.
4.R. N. Huang, Y.J. Lou, G.X. Chi. Research on Servo Feeding System of Micro WEDM. ICDMA 2010,271~274.
5. R .N. Huang, B. Liu, T. Wang. Design of Micro WEDM pulse generator based on fuzzy control. ICDMA 2010,506~509.
6.R. N. Huang, C. Song, Y.J. Lou. Observer based Speed Control of PMSM Servo Systems, ICFMD, 2012,3376~3380.
7.R. N. Huang, Y.J. Lou, Z.X. LI. Development and Experimental study of MWEDM prototype. ADME 2011, 1841~1845
2011- 中国机械工程学会高级会员
2011- IEEE Member
2010- IJCAS, Electronics Letters, Micromachines, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering等国际期刊审稿

