2023-05-10 20:08
  • 何思斯
  • 何思斯 - 副教授-哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)-理学院-个人资料




2014年天津大学硕士毕业(导师:李亚利教授),2017年复旦大学高分子物理与化学专业博士毕业(导师:彭慧胜教授),毕业后先于日本冲绳科学与技术大学(合作导师:戚亚冰教授)开展博士后工作,后作为加拿大麦克马斯特大学Michael G. DeGroote 国际人才重点专项基金特聘博士后研究员(合作导师:李应福教授)在健康科学系开展工作,2021年1月加入哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)理学院。
申请人以合作作者身份在工程领域的国际专业类知名杂志上发表SCI论文共37篇,Google Scholar 引用2300余次,H指数25,其中以第一作者或共同一作身份发表论文18篇,包括Nature Protocol, Advanced Materials, Angewandte Chemie International Edition和ACS Nano等杂志。
2021.1-至今 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)理学院化学系 副教授
2020.3-2021.1 加拿大麦克马斯特大学 博士后
2018.6- 2020.2 日本冲绳科学与技术大学 博士后
2017.6- 2018.5 复旦大学 项目负责人
2014-2017 复旦大学 高分子化学和物理 博士
2011-2014 天津大学 材料科学与工程 硕士
2007-2011 东北大学 材料科学与工程 本科
1. Li Y., He S., Ma H., Lao X. “Copper and carbon nanotube composite fiber and its fabrication”, Chinese Patent, 103726305A.
2. Shen Z., He S. “Rare earth-based coordination polymers microplates and its fabrication”, Chinese Patent, 103044465A.
3. Dai Y., He S., Lao X., Zhang S. “Lead-free quaternary system electro-strain piezoelectric ceramic material, preparation method and product”, Chinese Patent, 103482973A.
4. Li Y., He S., Lao X. “Aluminum and carbon nanotube composite fiber and its fabrication”, Chinese Patent, 103774413A.
5. Li Y., He S., Lao X. “Nickel and carbon nanotube composite fiber and its fabrication”, Chinese Patent, 103696243A.
6. Li Y., Lao X. He S., Su D. “SiBCN composite ceramics and its fabrication”, Chinese Patent, 103755348A.
7. Li Y., Lao X. He S., Su D., Dai Y. “SOC fiber contain titanium and its fabrication”, Chinese Patent, 103833367A.
1. He S., Peng H. “Radically grown obelisk-like ZnO array for perovskite solar cell fiber and fabric through a mild solution process”. Polymer Symposium 2015. (海报)
2. He S., Peng H. “Hydrophilic carbon nanotube fibers with hierarchically helical channels to show remarkable mechanical actuations”. The International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals in 2016. (口头报告)
3. He S., Peng H. “Novel Carbon Nanotube Fibers for Sensing Water and Moisture”. Materials Research Society Fall Meeting in 2016, United State. (口头报告)
4. He S., Peng H. “Hierarchically Assembled Carbon Nanotube Fibers Promising for Artificial Muscles”. International Symposium on Energy Science and Technology in 2018, Japan. (海报)
1 2020 DeGroote Fellowship Award加拿大
2 2015 光华奖,复旦大学
3 2014 一等学术奖学金,复旦大学
4 2011 辽宁省优秀毕业生
5 2007-2011 国家奖学金连续三年


1 采用化学气相沉积方法制备取向碳纳米管的集合体
2 设计制备可应用于钙钛矿太阳能电池的碳电极,并可控的改变碳电极的工函和与钙钛矿的相互作用
3 采用电化学沉积的方法连续制备金属/碳纳米管复合纤维,其中金属包括铜、镍和铝
4 基于原子水平设计可控的改变取向碳纳米管的亲疏水性质
5 基于原子水平设计可调控碳纳米管的工函和载流子性质
6 基于电纺丝的技术制备高分子纳米纤维
1 基于碳纳米管材料,设计结合特定蛋白质适配体,制备可检测特定疾病的电化学生物传感器
2 成功将改性后的具有良好的生物性的取向碳纳米管材料应用于生物领域,可有效的控制细胞的取向生长以及增殖,进一步还可用于疤痕修复
3 设计并制备具有多级组装的取向纳米管道的多级结构材料应用于驱动器/传感器领域,该驱动器/传感器可对水/电具有灵敏响应
4 采用光刻技术设计并制备柔性、可拉伸的能源转化和存储设备,例如太阳能电池和超级电容器
5 设计并制备大面积、柔性、高性能的钙钛矿太阳能电池
6 设计并制备纤维状柔性发电器件
1 合成有效纳米结构的新型催化剂用于二氧化碳电还原,具体地,使用共沉淀和后处理等方法设计并且制备纳米结构的铋基和铜基催化剂
2 独立搭建整个催化方向的平台,包括制备,测试和机理分析
3 基于同步辐射原位X射线吸收谱的电催化反应机理研究"“原子结构调控-纳米结构构筑-界面优化”协同设计原则,系统优化具有高度柔性和生物相容性的取向纳米导电材料应用于智能人工肌肉、医用修复生物材料、可持续能源转换和存储领域。"


1. He, S.; Qiu, L.; Ono, K L. “How far are we from attaining 10-year lifetime for metal halide perovskite solar cells?”, Materials Science and Engineering R Reports 2020, 140, 100545. (IF=27.240)
2. He, S.; Zhang, Y.; Qiu, L.; Zhang, L.; Xie, Y.; Pan, J.; Chen, P.; Wang, B.; Xu, X.; Hu, Y.; Dinh, C. T.; Luna, P. D. Banis, M. N. Wang, Z.; Sham, T.-K.; Gong, X.; Zhang, B., Peng, H.; Sargent, E. H.; “Chemical-energy-to-electricity carbon:water device”, Advanced Materials 2018, 30, 1707635. (IF=25.809)
3. Chen, P.; He, S.; Xu, Y.; Sun, X.; Peng, H. “Electromechanical Actuator Ribbons Driven by Electrically Conducting Spring-Like Fibers”, Advanced Materials 2015, 27, 4982-4988. (IF=25.809)
4. He, S.; Ni, F.; Ji, Y.; Wang, L.; Wen, Y.; Bai, H.; Liu, G.; Zhang, Y.; Li, Y.; Zhang, B.; Peng, H. “The p-Orbital Delocalization of Main‐Group Metal Boosting CO2 Electroreduction”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2018, 127, 10124-10129. (VIP paper) (IF=12.257)
5. He, S.; Chen, P.; Qiu, L.; Wang, B.; Sun, X.; Peng, H. “A mechanically actuating carbon nanotube fiber in response to water and moisture”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015, 127, 10124-10129. (IF=12.257)
6. Qiu, L.; He, S.; Ono, K L.. “Surface Sciences in Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells”, Advanced Energy Materials 2019, 10.1002/aenm.201902726. (IF=24.884)
7. Qiu, L.; He, S.; Ono, K L.. “Upscalable Fabrication of Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells and Modules”, ACS Energy Letter 2019, 4, 2147-2167. (IF=16.331)
8. He, S.; Qiu, L.; Son, D.-Y.; Liu, Z.; E. J. Juarez-Perez; Ono, K L.; Qi, Y. “Carbon-based electrode engineering boosts the efficiency of all low-temperature processed perovskite solar cells”, ACS Energy Letter 2019, 4, 2032-2039. (IF=16.331)
9. Weng, W.; He, S.; Song, H.; Li, X.; Cao, L.; Hu, Y.; Cui, J.; Zhou, Q.; Peng, H.; Su, J. “Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Reduce Hypertrophic Scar via Regulating Cell Behaviour”, ACS Nano 2018, 12, 7601–7612. (IF=13.903)
10. Deng, J.; Xu, Y.; He, S.; Sun, X.; Peng, H. “Preparation of biomimetic hierarchically helical fibre actuators”, Nature Protocols 2017, 12, 1349–1358. (IF=11.334)
11. Hu, Y.; He, S.; ; Xu, X.; Zhang, L.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Liu, P.; Wen, Y.; Ni, F.; Jia, M.; Zhang, B.; Sun, X.; Chen, P.; Peng, H. “Photo-to-electricity generation of aligned carbon nanotubes in water”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7, 1996-2001 . (IF=10.733)
12. Qiu, L.; He, S.; ; Jiang, Y.; Son, D.-Y.; Ono, K L.; Liu, Z.; Kim, T.; Bouloumis, T.; Kazaoui, S.; Qi, Y. “Hybrid chemical vapor deposition enables scalable and stable Cs-FA mixed cation perovskite solar modules with a designated area of 91.8 cm2 approaching 10% efficiency”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7, 6920-6929 .(IF=10.733)
13. He, S.; Qiu, L.; Wang, L.; Cao, J.; Xie, S.; Gao, Q.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, J.; Wang, B.; Peng, H. “A three-dimensionally stretchable high performance supercapacitor”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016, 4, 14968-14973. (IF=10.733)
14. He, S.; Cao, J.; Xie, S.; Deng, J.; Gao, Q.; Qiu, L.; Zhang, J.; Wang, L.; Peng, H. “Stretchable supercapacitor based on a cellular structure”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016, 4, 10124-10129. (IF=10.733)
15. He, S.; Qiu, L.; Fang, X.; Guan, G.; Chen, P.; Zhang, Z.; Peng, H. “Radically grown obelisk-like ZnO array for perovskite solar cell fiber and fabric through a mild solution process”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3, 9406-9410. (IF=10.733)
16. He, S.; Hu, Y.; Wan, J.; Gao, Q.; Wang, Y.; Xie, S.; Qiu, L.; Wang, C.; Zheng, G.; Wang, B.; Peng, H. “Biocompatible carbon nanotube fiber for implantable supercapacitor”, Carbon 2017, 122, 162-167. (IF=7.466)
17. Gao, C.; He, S.; Qiu, L.; Wang, M.; Gao, J.; Gao, Q. “Continuous dry–wet spinning of white, stretchable, and conductive fibers of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) and ATO@TiO2 nanoparticles for wearable e-textiles”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2020, 8, 8362. (IF=6.641)
18. Dai, Y.; * He, S.; Lao, X.; Zhang, S. “The Relationship Between Phase Structure and Electrical Properties in (1-x)(Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3–Ba0.5K0.5TiO3–BaTiO3)-xK0.5Na0.5NbO3 Quaternary Lead-Free Piezoelectric Ceramics”, Journal of American Ceramic Society 2014, 97, 1283-1287. (IF=3.320)
19. Shen, Z.*; He, S.; Yao, P.; Lao, X.; Yang, B.; Dai, Y.; Sun, X.; Chen, T. “Lanthanum-based coordination polymers microplates using a \

