教育经历简单介绍1984.9—1988.7 四川大学物理系本科生,获理学学士学位1996.7—1998.12 University of Missouri-Kansas City (美) 硕士生,获理学硕士学位1999.1—2001.12 University of Missouri-Kansas City (美) 博士生,获理学博士学位工作经历简单介绍198807-198906, 旭光电子管厂, 技术员198907—199206, 旭光公司, 助理工程师199207—199606, 旭光公司, 工程师200201-200411, University of Central Florida (美), postdoc200412—200611, University of California, Berkeley(美), postdoc200612--200802, University of California, Berkeley(美), Asso. Physicist, 200803-201402, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory(美), Beamline Scientist, 201402-201912, 北京高压科学研究中心, 研究员202001-至今, 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳), 教授研究领域
1. 纳米材料的弹性和塑性形变;2. 晶体的相变和生长;3. 压力与外加电/磁场对物性的影响;4. 矿物质在高温高压下的流变研究;5. 超硬材料;6. 薄膜超导。""近期论文
10 Representative Publications [*corresponding author][1] Xiaoling Zhou, Congqiang Feng, Linli Zhu, Jianing Xu, Xiaoxu Huang, and Bin Chen*, High pressure strengthening in ultra-fine-grained metals, Nature 579, 67 (2020).[2] Zhidan Zeng*, Qiaoshi Zeng, Mingyuan Ge, Bin Chen, Ho-Kwang Mao, Wendy Mao, Origin of Plasticity in Nanostructured Silicon, Phys. Rev. Lett, 124, 185701 (2020).[3] Mingqiang Hou, Qian Zhang, R. Tao, H. Liu, Y. Kono, Ho-Kwang Mao, Wenge Yang, Bin Chen, and Y. Fei*, Temperature-induced amorphization in CaCO3 at high pressure and implications for recycled CaCO3 in subduction zones, Nat. Commun. 10: 1963 (2019).[4] Binbin Yue, Fang Hong, N. Hirao, R. Vasin, H.-R. Wenk, Bin Chen*, and Ho-Kwang Mao, A simple variant selection in stress-driven martensitic transformation, PNAS 116, 14905 (2019).[5] Feng Ke, Y. Chen, K. Yin, Jiejuan Yan, Hengzhong Zhang, Z. Liu, J. S. Tse, J. Wu, Ho-Kwang Mao, and Bin Chen*, Large bandgap of pressurized trilayer graphene, PNAS 116, 9186 (2019).[6] Xiaoling Zhou, N. Tamura, Zhongying Mi, Jialin Lei, Jinyuan Yan, Lingkong Zhang, Wen Deng, Feng Ke, Binbin Yue, and Bin Chen*, Reversal in the size dependence of grain rotation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 096101 (2017).[7] Feng Ke, H. Dong, Y. Chen, J. Zhang, C. Liu, J. Zhang, Y. Gan, Y. Han, Z. Chen, C. Gao,* J. Wen, W. Yang, X.J. Chen, V. V. Struzhkin, H.K. Mao, and Bin Chen*, Decompression-driven Superconductivity Enhancement in In2Se3, Advanced Materials, 29, 201701983 (2017).[8] Binbin Yue, Fang Hong, Sébastien Merkel, Dayong Tan, Jinyuan Yan, Bin Chen*, Ho-Kwang Mao, Deformation behavior across the zircon-scheelite phase transition, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 135701 (2016).[9] Bin Chen*, Katie Lutker, Jialin Lei, Jinyuan Yan, Shizhong Yang, H.K. Mao, Detecting grain rotation at the nanoscale, PNAS 111, 3350 (2014). [10] Bin Chen*, K. Lutker, S. V. Raju, J. Yan, W. Kanitpanyacharoen, J. Lei, S. Yang, Hans-Rudolf Wenk, H.K. Mao, Q. Williams, Texture of Nanocrystalline Nickel: Probing the Lower Size Limit of Dislocation Activity, Science 338, 1448 (2012).标签: 理学院 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)