博士、加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC)博士后(博士后国际交流计划派出项目资助)1985年出生,湖北省襄阳市人 讲授课程交通工程设施设计教育经历2004.08-2008.07 哈尔滨工业大学 交通运输 本科2008.08-2010.07 哈尔滨工业大学 交通运输工程 硕士研究生2010.08-2014.04 哈尔滨工业大学 交通运输工程 博士研究生2017.11-2019.10 University of British Columbia 交通运输工程 博士后科研项目面向车联网环境的多源冲突数据融合 与冲突判别研究冰雪路面条件下追尾冲突的计算机视觉识 别研究高速公路运行安全研究研究领域
"交通安全分析理论与方法/ Road safety analysis theories and methodologies主动安全分析技术/Proactive road safety analysis techniques交通规划与管理/ Transportation planning and management行人、自行车交通行为分析/Analysis of pedestrian and cyclist behavior"近期论文
[1] Lai Zheng, Karim Ismail. A generalized exponential link function to map conflict indicator into severity index within safety continuum framework,Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2017, (102), 23-30.[2] Lai Zheng, Karim Ismail, Xianghai Meng. Investigating the Heterogeneity of Post Encroachment Time Thresholds Determined by Peak over Threshold Approach. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board,2016.12.01,(2601):17~23[3] Lai Zheng, Karim Ismail, Xianghai Meng. Freeway safety estimation using extreme value theory approaches: A comparative study. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2014, (62): 32-41. (SSCI收录号000329599800005)[4] Lai Zheng, Karim Ismail, Xianghai Meng. Shifted Gamma-Generalized Pareto Distribution model to map the safety continuum and estimate crashes. Safety Science, 2014, (64): 155-162. (SCI收录号000331485300017; EI收录号20140417222287)[5] Lai Zheng, Karim Ismail, Xianghai Meng. Traffic conflict techniques for road safety analysis: Open questions and some insights. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2014, 41(7): 633-641. (SCI收录号000339666000006; EI收录号20142817929776)[6] Lai Zheng, Karim Ismail, Xianghai Meng. Evaluation of peak over threshold approach for road safety estimation. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 2014, DOI:10.1080/19439962.2014.904029.[7] 孟祥海, 郑来, 毕海峰, 关志强, 徐汉清. 高速公路半幅封闭施工区交通特性与交通冲突特性研究. 中国公路学报, 2013, 26(2): 140-146. (EI收录号20131816300945)[8] 孟祥海, 郑来, 史永义. 考虑车道变换影响的高速公路交通事故预测模型研究. 公路交通科技, 2014, 31(5): 71-76.[9] Lai Zheng, Xianghai Meng. An approach to predict road accident frequencies: application of fuzzy neural network. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, 2011.[10] 郑来, 孟祥海. 区域交通分流路网设计的双层优化模型及算法. 公路交通科技, 2011, 28(9): 131-135. 相关热点