2023-05-10 20:06
  • 邹斌
  • 邹斌 - 教授 博导-哈尔滨工业大学-电子与信息工程学院-个人资料




IEEE 高级会员
IEEE GRSS Harbin Chapter主席
2009.03- 哈尔滨工业大学电信学院 博士生导师
2008.07- 哈尔滨工业大学电信学院 教授
2000.09-2008.06 哈尔滨工业大学电信学院 副教授
1995.09-2000.09 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 讲师
1990.07-1995.09 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 助教
2002.04-2005.12 哈尔滨工业大学 博士后
1995.04-2001.04 哈尔滨工业大学 博士生
1992.09-1995.04 哈尔滨工业大学 研究生
1986.09-1990.07 哈尔滨工业大学 本科生
2006.11-2007.03 新加坡国立大学 研究员
2003.10-2004.10 加拿大曼尼托巴大学 访问学者
1997.09-1998.08 法国国际宇航大学 硕士
张腊梅: 女,博士,副教授,博士生导师 研究方向:PolSAR图像处理、遥感图像解译等。http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/pages/zhanglm/1
乔志军:男,教授,境外合作博士生导师 研究方向:非线性理论与应用数学及其在雷达图像和信号处理、合成孔径雷达与逆合成孔径雷达图像重建、麦克斯韦方程反问题以及孤立波领域的应用等。 http://faculty.utrgv.edu/zhijun.qiao/
刘 硕(2018博),主要研究方向:典型目标电磁散射仿真与计算
秦 江(2019博),主要研究方向:基于认知的SAR图象解译
邱 宇(2018硕),主要研究方向:SAR图象海上目标检测与识别
刘 冰(2018硕),主要研究方向:红外图象超分辨处理




1. Bin Zou, Xiaofang Xu, Lamei Zhang and Chenxi Song. High-Resolution PolSAR Image Interpretation Based on Human Image Cognition Mechanism. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2018,11(11): 4259-4269 (SCI: IF = 2.777(2017), 3.156(5 years), EI: 20184205949126, JCR 3区)
2. Zou B, Lu D, Zhang L, Wooil M. Independent and Commutable Target Decomposition of PolSAR Data Using a Mapping From SU(4) to SO(6)[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2017, 55(6):3396-3407(SCI: 000402063500026, IF=4.942(2016), 5.193(5 years), EI:20171103437399, JCR 2区)
3. Lu D, Zou B. Improved alpha angle estimation of polarimetric SAR data[J]. Electronics Letters. 2016, 52(5):393-395 (SCI:000371516700033,EI:20161002047466, JCR 4区)
4. Zou B, Lu D, Zhang L, Wooil M. Moon. Eigen-decomposition-based four-component decomposition for PolSAR data[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2016, 9(3):1286-1296 (SCI:000373054100026, IF = 2.913(2016), EI:20160401844943, JCR 2区)
5. Nghia Pham Minh, Bin Zou, Yan Zhang and Vannhu Le. General three-layer scattering model for forest parameter estimation using single-baseline polarimetric interferometry synthetic aperture radar data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 9(5), 2015: 096043-1-18 (SCI:000356290100002, IF=1.183, EI:20152400933121, JCR 4区)
6. Lamei Zhang, Liangjie Sun, Bin Zou and Wooil M. Moon. Fully Polarimetric SAR Image Classification via Sparse Representation and Polarimetric Features. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing IEEE J. Sel. Topics Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens. (JSTARS), 8(8), 2015:3923-3932 (SCI-000361339200016, IF=3.026, EI-201443129578, JCR 2区)
7. Zou, B.,Zhang, Y.,Cao, N.,Minh, N.,A Four-Component Decomposition Model for PolSAR Data Using Asymmetric Scattering Component. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE J. Sel. Topics Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens. (JSTARS), 8(3), 2015:1051-1061 (SCI-000356290100002, IF=3.026, EI-20150200417349, JCR 2区)
8. Nghia Pham Minh, Zou, Bin, Cai, Hongjun, Wang, Chenyi. Forest height estimation from mountain forest areas using general model-based decomposition for polarimetric interferometric synthetic aperture radar images. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 8(1), Jan, 2014: 083676 (DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.8.083676 SCI-000331714100003, IF =0.876, EI-20141117463071, JCR 4区)
9. Minh, Nghia Pham, Wang, Chengyi, Zou, Bin, Nguyen, Quang Thi, Le, Van Nhu. Forest height extraction from polinSAR image using a hybrid method. International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition,7(2), 2014:257-273 (EI-20142017714590)
10. Bin Zou, Hongjun Cai, Yan Zhang, Maoliu Lin. Building Parameters Extraction From Spaceborne PolInSAR Image Using a Built-Up Area Scattering Model. IEEE J. Sel. Topics Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens. (JSTARS), 6(1), Feb. 2013:162-170 (SCI-000316471600017 IF=2.874 EI: IP52197314, JCR 3区)
11. Minh, Nghia Pham,Zou, Bin. A novel algorithm for forest height estimation from PolInSAR image. International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2013, 6( 2):15-32 (EI- 20132016340895)
12. Zhang Lamei, Zou Bin, Tang Wenyan. Similarity-enhanced target detection algorithm using polarimetric SAR images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(19), Oct 2012:6149-6162(SCI: 000303587600010, IF=1.138 EI: 20122015031246, JCR 3区)
13. Lamei Zhang, Bin Zou and Wenyan Tang, Stokes Matrix Polarimetric Similarity Parameter and its Application in Target detection. Remote Sensing Letters. 2012,3(2):93-100 (SCI: 000292874400001,IF=1.615 EI: 20114314449472, JCR 4区)
14. Lamei Zhang, Bin Zou, Tang Wenyan. Polarimetric Interferometric Eigenvalue Similarity Parameter and Its Application in Target Detection , IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2011, 8(4): 819-823(SCI: 000292105300048, IF=1.823 EI: 20112714110842, JCR 3区)
15. L. ZHANG, B. ZOU, H. HAO, and Y. ZHANG. A Novel Super-Resolution Method of PolSAR Images Based on Target Decomposition and Polarimetric Spatial Correlation. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 32(17), 2011: 4893-4913, (SCI: 000298367900011, IF=1.138 EI: 20113914375571, JCR 3区)
16. Lamei Zhang, Bin Zou, Junping Zhang, Ye Zhang. Classification of Polarimetric SAR Image based on Support Vector Machine using Multiple-Component Scattering Model and Texture Features. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. 2010:1-9(SCI: 000274967000001, IF=0.807 EI: 20113714332090, JCR 4区)
17. Zhang, Junping, Zhang, Xiao. Zou, Bin. Chen, Dongla. On hyperspectral image simulation of a complex woodland area. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2010 48(11): 3889-3902(SCI:000283448200003,EI: 20104413340363, JCR 2区)
18. Zhang, Lamei, Zou, Bin, Zhang, Ye. An Extended Multiple-Component Decomposition Model of PolSAR. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2009, 30(21):5515-5525(SCI: 000271449100001, EI: 20094712479405, JCR 3区)
19. ZOU Bin, ZHANG La-mei, SUN De-ming, ZHANG Ye. Development and Application of Information Extraction using Polarimetric SAR Data. Remote Sensing Technology and Application. 2009,24(3):263-273 (in Chinese)
20. Bin Zou, Ke Xu, Lamei Zhang, Huijun Li .Study on Extraction Methods of Three-dimension Information of Buildings in SAR Images. Radar Science and Technology. 2009, 7(2): 95-101 (in Chinese)
21. Lamei Zhang, Bin Zou, Ke Xu and Ye Zhang. Three-Dimensional Information Extraction of Buildings using SAR Images. I.J. Wireless and Microwave Technologies, 2009, 1: 43-51
22. Bin. Zou, Lamei Zhang. An Extended Multiple-Component Decomposition Model for PolSAR Images. isft2009. Invited paper
23. Lamei Zhang, Bin Zou, Hongjun Cai, Ye Zhang. Multiple-component scattering model for polarimetric SAR image decomposition. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2008, 5(4):603-607(SCI: 000260956600010, EI: 084611707112, JCR 3区)
24. ZOU Bin, ZHANG La mei, KOU Li zhi, WEI Tao. Characteristic Analysis and Simulation of SAR Moving Targets. Radar Science and Technology. 2008, 6(2):116-122 (in Chinese)
25. B. Zou, H. Cai, L. Zhang, and M. Lin. Model of Man-Made Target Beneath Foliage Using PolInSAR. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2008, (2):21-28(ISTP: 000255866700063)
26. Zou Bin, Zhang Lamei, Pei Caihong, Zhang Ye. The Study of POL-SAR Image Classification Based on SVM. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2007, 22(5):633-636 (in Chinese)
27. Zou Bin, Cai Hongjun, Zhang Lamei, Wang Guoxi. Parameter Inversion Model for Targets Beneath Canopy Using PolInSAR Images. Journal of Astronautics. 2007, 28(4):946-950 (in Chinese) ( EI: 073610802634)
28. Zou Bin, Zhang Lamei, Sun Deming, Wang Wei. Information Extraction using Polarimetric Interferometric SAR Data: Present and Future. Journal of Electronics and Information Technology. 2006, 28(10):1979-1984 (in Chinese)( EI: 064910289296)
29. ZOU Bin, CHEN Yu-Shi, ZHOU Yigang, HAO Bing. Effects of Wide Band Interference to GPS C/A Code. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. Vol. 13, No. 4, 2006:459-462(EI: 20064610239612)
30. ZHANG Lamei, WANG Guoxi, ZHUANG Xuejing. Texture feather analysis of the membrane wrinkling (in Chinese). Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2006,38(9):1419-1421(EI: 065110316942)
31. Zou Bin, Zhang Lamei, Yang Xiaozong. Forest parameters invertion using Pol-In-SAR data based on genetic algorithm. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2005, Vol 37(Sup):5-8 (In Chinese)( EI: 06159819614)
32. Zou Bin, Wang Wei, Yang Xiaozong. Height reconstruction using multi-frequency InSAR data based on weighted multigrid phase-unwrapping. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2005, Vol 37(Sup):113-116 (in Chinese)(EI, 2006159819642)
33. Sun Deming, Zou Bin Zhou Yigang. Extraction of building information using C band Pol-SAR data Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2005, Vol 37(Sup):117-120(In Chinese)(EI: 2006159819643)
34. Bao Xing, Zou Bin, Hao Lin. Simulation of Ground Scene for Interferometric SAR. Signal Processing, 2005(4A):559-563 (In Chinese)
35. Zou Bin, Zhou Shuang, Zhang Feng, Liu Chen. Over-sea Small Target Detection Using Infrared Images Based on Wavelet Transform. Signal Processing, 2005(4A):331-334 (In Chinese)
36. Zhou Yigang, Zou Bin. Timing Calibation of GPS distributed Control System Under Windows98. Research of Computer Application, 2003, Vol.20:359-360
37. Zou Bin, Zhang Naitong. Implementing D-R Satellite Positioning Algorithm Using A Digital Receiver. Journal of System Engineering and Electronic. 2003, 25(6):648-651 (In Chinese)(EI: 2003337594716)
38. Zou Bin, Zhang Naitong. Effects of Inherent Errors to DOP of D-R Positioning Algorithm Used in Satellite Navigation System.. Journal of Telemetry, Tracking and Command. 2002, 23(6):8-14 (In Chinese)
39. Zou Bin, Zhu Yong, Zhou Yigang. The Simulation of Positioning Calculation Procedure In A Satellite Positioning System. Radio Engineering. 2001(7):40-43 (In Chinese)
40. Bin Zou & Zhang Naitong. Study on 3D Satellite Positioning Algorithm. High Technology Letter. 2000, 10(2):41-45 (in Chinese)
41. Bin Zou, Naitong Zhang, Quanlong Li: Simulation of Satellite Position and Velocity Parameters for Satellite Navigation System. Journal of Telemetry, Tracking and Command. 1999, 20(6):35-41 (in Chinese)
42. Shi Xiangwu & Bin Zou, “A New Prototype of Touched, Double-sided Photoeching Machine”, Special Instrument for Electronic Industry, 94.2 (in Chinese)
43. Lei Song, Xin Ren & Bin Zou, “Study of Special Processor for Navigation”, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 94.2 (in Chinese)
44. Lei Song and Bin Zou, “Display Technology for High Resolution Image on TVGA Monitor”, Heilongjiang Electronic Technology, 93.4 (in Chinese)
1. Qingwu. Shi, Bin Zou and Jian Lu. High Precision SAR Echo Simulation Based on FDTD Algorithm with Mobile Excitation Source [C]. 2018 International Conference on Radar (RADAR). Brisbane, Australia, Aug. 27-31, 2018: 1-5.
2. Weike Li, Bin Zou, Yu Xin, Lamei Zhang and Zhilu Wu. An Improved CFAR Scheme for Man-Made Target Detection in High Resolution SAR Images [C]. 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Valencia, Spain, July 22-27, 2018: 2829-2832.
3. Weike Li, Bin Zou and Lamei Zhang. Ship detection in a large scene SAR image using image uniformity description factor[C]. 2017 SAR in Big Data Era: Models, Methods and Applications (BIGSARDATA). Beijing, China, November 13-14, 2017: 1-5. (EI-20181104905771)
4. X Xu, B Zou and L Zhang. PolSAR image classification based on polarimetric object-based morphological profiles[C]. 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). Fort Worth, TX, USA, July 23-28, 2017: 3270-3273. (EI-20180704800109)
5. B Zou, C Wang, C Wang, B Zou and L Zhang. Coastline detection based on polarimetric characteristics and mathematical morphology using PolSAR images[C]. 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). Fort Worth, TX, USA, July 23-28, 2017: 4562-4565. (EI-20180704800079)
6. L Kang, J Lu, J Tian, B Zou and J Fu. Near-to-far-field transformation in FDTD for high resolution radar signal simulation[C]. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT). Harbin, China, August 20-22, 2016: 313-316.(EI-20171503559912)
7. Zou B, Lu D, Wu Z, et al. Urban-area extraction from polarimetric SAR image using combination of target decomposition and orientation angle[C]. SPIE Radar Sensor Technology, XX. Baltimore, USA, 17 Apr., 2016: 98291Q1-7 (EI-20163402731963)
8. Bin Zou, Jiamei Sun, Yijia Jin, Yan Cheng. High-Resolution PolSAR Image Classification Based on Pyramid Transformation for Land Cover Mapping. Proc. Of 2016 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf2016), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, May 1-6, 2016. (EI- 20162902608568)
9. Bin Zou, Yuying Zhang, Chengyi Wang, Yan Cheng. Building Cognition Method Based On Human Images Cognition Mechanism In High Resolution Polsar Images. Proc. of IGARSS 2015, Milan, July 26-31, 2015, Italy:3223-3226 (EI-20161302153341)
10. Lihong Kang, Yuying Zhang, Bin Zou, Chengyi Wang. High-Resolution Polsar Image Interpretation Based On Human Images Cognition Mechanism. Proc. of IGARSS 2015, Milan, July 26-31, 2015, Italy:1849-1852 (EI:20161302153644)
11. Jiang B, Zou B, Zhang L, et al. A target detection method based on CBR in high resolution SAR images[C]. Proc of IGARSS 2014, Quebec City, July 13-19, 2014, Canada:458-461. (EI-20144800241494)
12. Kang L, Zou B, Zhang Y, et al. Building detection based on human visual cognition mechanism using PolSAR images[C]. Proc of IGARSS 2014, Quebec City, July 13-19, 2014, Canada: 2742-2745 (EI-20144800241635)
13. Pan X, Kang L, Zou B, et al. High-resolution SAR signal simulation using parallel FDTD method[C]. Proc of IGARSS 2014, Quebec City, July 13-19, 2014, Canada: 490-493 (EI-20144800241906)
14. Bin Zou, Bo Jiang. Vehicle detection based on method of target-shadow corporation in high resolution SAR image. Proc of International Symposium On Fusion Technology 2014, Seoul, 2014:162-162.
15. Bin Zou, Haiwen Chen. Review of Feature Extraction and Selection for High Resolution SAR. Proc of International Symposium On Fusion Technology 2014, Seoul, 2014:161-161.
16. Bin Zou, Da Lu, Lamei Zhang. Feature Extraction and Classification of PolSAR Images Based on Sparse Decomposition Theory. 2013 Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, September 23-23, Tsukuba, Japan, 2013: 3179 – 3182
17. Ning Cao, Lamei Zhang, Bin Zou. Reduction of Polarization Parameters of Measured Coherency Matrix by Unitary Transformations. 2013 Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, September 23-23, Tsukuba, Japan, 2013: 567 – 570
18. Bin Zou, Meicun Wang, Junping Zhang, Lamei Zhang, Ye Zhang. Improving Spatial Resolution for CHANG’E-1 Imagery Using ARSIS Concept and Pulse Coupled Neural Networks. Proc. of ICIP 2012, Sep.30-Oct.3, 2012, Florida, U.S.A.: 2125 – 2128
19. Minh, Nghia Pham, Zou, Bin, Lu, Da. Accuracy improvement method of forest height estimation for PolInSAR Image.2012 International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing, Proceedings of ICALIP, July 16-18, 2012, Shanghai, China:594-598(EI-20130315907244)
20. Bin Zou, Ning Cao, Xiao Wang. Asymmetric Decomposition Method based on Orientation-angle-compensated Coherency Matrix. Proc. of IGARSS 2012, July 22-27, 2012, Munich, Germany: 5907 – 5910(EI: 20130615991462)
21. Kang, Lihong; Zou, Bin, Wang, Dewu; Zhang, Lamei; Zhang, Ye. A novel method for dual channel POLSAR raw data compression. Proc. of IGARSS 2012, July 22-27, 2012, Munich, Germany: 4561-4564 (EI: 20130615990137)
22. Nghia, Pham Minh, Zou, Bin, Cheng, Yan. Forest height estimation from PolInSAR image using adaptive decomposition method. 2012 11th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, ICSP 2012:1830-1834(EI- 20131716243182)
23. Bin Zou, Dewu Wang, Ye Zhang, Zhilu Wu. Phase Information Reserved Polarimetric SAR Raw Data Compression. Data Compression Conference (DCC), 10-12 April 2012, Snowbird, Utah, USA : 414 (ISTP:000309003700065, EI: 20122115051373)
24. Zhang, Lamei, Zou, Bin, Tang, Wenyan. A GS-Based Built-Up Area Detection Method Using Polarimetric SAR Images. Proc. of IGARSS 2012, 22-27 July, Munich, Germany, 5911-5914 (EI: 20130615991461)
25. Bin Zou, NingCao, Lamei Zhang and HongjunCai, Target Decomposition Method for PolSAR Data with Asymmetric Scattering Component. Proc. of 3rd International Polarimetric SAR Workshop in Niigata 2012, 2012, August 23-26
26. Zou Bin, Lu Da, Cai Hongjun, Zhang Ye. Ground topography estimation over forests using PolInSAR image by means of coherence set. Proc of ICIP2011, Sep. 11-14, Brussels, Belgium:2809-2812 (ISTP: 000298962502235,EI: 20120514730312)
27. Bin Zou, Hongjun Cai, Moon, W.M., Maoliu Lin. Target detection based on L- and C-band PolSAR data. Proc. of IGARSS 2011, July 24-29, 2011, Vancouver, Canada: 397-400 (ISTP:000297496300096, EI: 20114614516084)
28. Hongjun Cai, Peng He, Bin Zou, Maoliu Lin. Building parameters extraction from PolInSAR image using hybrid method Proc. of IGARSS 2011, July 24-29, 2011, Vancouver, Canada: 382-385 (ISTP:000297496300092,EI: 20114614516080)
29. Lamei Zhang, Bin Zou, Wenyan Tang. Similarity-enhanced target detection algorithm based on multiple PolSAR Similarity Parameter. Proc. of IGARSS 2011, July 24-29, 2011, Vancouver, Canada: 378-381(EI: 20114614516079, ISTP: 000297496300091)
30. Bin Zou, Peng He, Hongjun Cai, Lamei Zhang. Target Detection Based on Eigen-Decomposition Using PolInSAR Data, Prof. of RadarCon 2011, May 23-27 2011, Kansas City, USA:654 – 657(EI: 20113714315344)
31. Lamei Zhang, Bin Zou, Wenyan Tang. Building detection based on Polarimetric Interferometric Eigenvalue Similarity Parameter. Prof. of RadarCon 2011, May 23-27 2011, Kansas City, USA:658-661(EI: 20113714315345)
32. Bin Zou, Limin Li, Peng He. Fast automatic target detection of large scene SAR image based on parallel computing. 2010 International Conference on 2010: V5-495 - V5-499
33. Bin Zou, Qingchao Jia, Lamei Zhang Target Detection Based on Granularity Computing of Quotient Space Theory Using SAR Image. Proc. of ICIP 2010, Sep. 26-29, 2010, Hongkong, China: 4601-4604(EI: 20110213574586,ISTP: 000287728004159)
34. Bin Zou, Huijun Li, Lamei Zhang. BP Neural Network Classifier for PolSAR Image Based on Quantum-Inspired Immune Clonal Algorithm. (Invited Paper) Proc. of AP-RASC 2010, Sep. 22-26 2010, Toyama, Japan
35. Bin Zou, Huijun Li, Lamei Zhang PolSAR Image Classification Using BP Neural Network Based on Quantum Clonal Evolutionary Algorithm. Proc. of IGARSS 2010, July 25-30, 2010 Honolulu, USA: 1573-1576(EI: 20110213559761)
36. Zou, Bin Li, Limin He, Peng. Fast automatic target detection of large scene SAR image based on parallel computing. Proc of ICCDA 2010, June 25, 2010 - June 27, 2010, Qinhuangdao, Hebei, China:5495-5499(EI: 20103413186330)
37. Lamei Zhang, Bin Zou, Qingchao Jia, Ye Zhang. Classification of Polarimetric SAR Image based on Multiple-Component Scattering Model and Support Vector Machine. Proc of APSAR, Oct. 26-30, 2009, Xi’an, China:805-808(EI: 20101212789284)
38. Bin Zou, Tao Wei, Lamei Zhang Moving Targets Detection and Analysis on Multi-Look Polarimetric SAR images Using PWF Method. Proc. of IGARSS 2008, Vol. 3. July 6-11, 2008, Boston, USA:1090-1093(EI: 20092812182165)
39. Bin Zou, Huijun Hao, Xingjie Guo. Super-Resolution of Polarimetric SAR images Based on Target Decomposition and Polarimetric Spatial Correlation. Proc. of IGARSS 2008, Vol 2. July 6-11, 2008, Boston, USA:911-914(EI: 20092412127855)
40. Bin Zou, Guihua Gu, Donglai Chen. An Artificial Woodland Scene Model for Simulation of Hyperspectral Imaging System. Proc. of IGARSS 2008, Vol IV. July 6-11, 2008, Boston, USA:585-588(EI: 20092812182368)
41. Lamei Zhang, Junping Zhang, Bin Zou, Ye Zhang. Comparison of Methods for Target Detection and Applications Using Polarimetric SAR Image. PIERS in Hangzhou, 2008.( ISTP: 000255866700064)
42. Hongjun Cai, Bin Zou, Maoliu Lin. Parameter Inversion Models Based on PolInSAR Images. Proc. of APSAR, Nov, 2007, Huangshang, China:175-754(ISTP :000253369600181,EI: 20083011396302)
43. Lamei Zhang, Bin Zou, Tai Wei, Ye Zhang. Targets Detection and Analysis in Coastal Area Using Polarimetric SAR Images. Proc. of APSAR, Nov, 2007, Huangshang, China:453-456 (EI: 083011396230, ISTP: 000253369600108)
44. Lamei Zhang, Bin Zou, Junping Zhang and Ye Zhang. Inversion of Forest Parameters Based on Genetic Algorithm Using L-Band PolInSAR Data. Proc. of ICIP, Oct., 2006, Atlanta, USA:2325-2328 (ISTP: 000244739204106)
45. Bin Zou, Wei Wang, Yigang Zhou, Shuang Zhou. Height Reconstruction in Highly Sloped Area Using Multi-frequency InSAR Data. Proc. of ICIP, Oct., 2006, Atlanta, USA:2329-2332(ISTP:000245768501201,EI: 20105013470455)
46. Bin Zou, Lamei Zhang, Wei Wang, Deming Sun. Forest Parameters Inversion Using PolInSAR Data Based on Genetic Algorithm. Proc. of IGARSS06, July, 2006, Denver, USA:2651-2654(EI: 074110856786, ISTP: 000260989401276)
47. Bin Zou Deming Sun Lamei Zhang Wei Wang. Extraction of building information using C band Pol-SAR data. Proc. of IGARSS06, July, 2006, Denver, USA:1262-1265(EI: 074110856431, ISTP: 000260989400321)
48. Bin Zou Wei Wang Deming Sun and Lamei Zhang. A Novel Height Reconstruction Approach Based on MLE Using Multi-frequency InSAR Data. Proc. of IGARSS06, July, 2006, Denver, USA:1244-1247(EI: 074110856426, ISTP: 000260989400316)
49. B. Zou, X. Bao and L. Hao A Raw Data Simulator for Cross-Track InSAR based on Land Clutter Model. Proc.of IGARSS05, Vol. IV, July 22-26, 2005, Seoul, Korea:2711-2714(ISTP:000237237603124,EI: 2006289993982)
50. B. Zou, L. Hao and X. Bao. An Accurate Co-registration Method for Spaceborne Repeat-pass InSAR based on Matrix Transform. Proc.of IGARSS05, Vol. VII, July 22-26, 2005, Seoul, Korea: 4560-4563(EI: 2006289994467)
51. Bin Zou, Yushi Chen. Interference to a spread-spectrum communication system. Proc of 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol. XV, 2003: 77-80 (ISTP:000189396400020)
52. Bin Zou, Lin Hao. Solutions to Increasing the Availability of GPS and Future Upgrades of the Satellite Navigation System. ISU Annual Symposium, Strasbourg, France, May 26-28, 2003:259-260(ISTP:000189452700034)
53. Junping Zhang, Ye Zhang, Bin Zou & Tingxian Zhou. Fusion Classification of Hyperspectral Image Based on Adaptive Subspace Decomposition. ICIP2000 Proceeding, Canada. 2000: 472-475
54. Zou Bin, Zhang Naitong. Dilution of Position in the Doppler-Range Satellite Positioning Algorithm. WCC 2000-ICCT 2000, Beijing, China, 2000. IEEE Press:1141-1144
55. Bin Zou, Joseph Pelton and Yong-Jin Kim, Study on frequency allocation and trend for advanced satellite communications systems, Proc of ISRS'99, Yantai, China, 1999:30-38
56. Bin Zou & Guohui Qian, “Simulation of Space-Borne SAR image and its result”, First Annual Meeting of Chinese Science Association-Youth, Harbin, China, 1992 (in Chinese)
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