微波工程系副主任。作为第一作者及通信作者,在Nature Communications, Advanced Materials,Advanced Science, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation等国际期刊上,发表SCI论文30余篇,其中1篇入选ESI热点论文,4篇入选ESI高被引论文。谷歌学术被引用1300余次。先后主持承担国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金、教育部博士点基金项目、黑龙江省优秀青年基金等多项科研项目。曾获得黑龙江省科学技术二等奖2项,哈尔滨工业大学第十五批优秀博士学位论文,哈尔滨工业大学“李昌奖”。入选哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖人才选聘计划。荣誉称号2018年 获黑龙江省科学技术二等奖(第二完成人)2014年 入选“哈尔滨工业大学2014年度拔尖人才选聘计划(副教授)”2013年 获哈尔滨工业大学第十五批优秀博士学位论文2010年 获黑龙江省科学技术二等奖(第四完成人)工作经历2010.11-2014.12哈尔滨工业大学,讲师2013.05-至今哈尔滨工业大学,硕士生导师2014.12-2020.12哈尔滨工业大学,副教授2015.01-2016.02威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校,访问学者2016.05-至今哈尔滨工业大学,博士生导师2018.06-2018.07巴黎第十大学,客座教授2020.12-至今哈尔滨工业大学,教授教育经历2007年-2011年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学信息与通信工程专业, 获工学博士学位2005年-2007年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学信息与通信工程专业, 获工学硕士学位2001年-2005年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学电子信息工程系, 获工学学士学位科研项目人工电磁媒质透镜折射率电调机理研究基于电磁能量人工调控的多波束天线基于光学变换的天线研究基于Mie散射的全介质人工电磁媒质机理研究基于光学变换的多层结构隐身材料机理研究微波波段超薄透镜光力及其应用人工电磁表面及其对的电磁波的调控:机理与应用基于相位突变的超薄透镜机理及应用研究人工电磁表面及其应用基于相位突变超构表面的微波波段OAM模式高效激发机理及传播特性研究奖项成果异向介质异常电磁特性研究面向解决电磁波精确人工调控问题的超材料理论与应用团队成员丁旭旻: 博士, 副教授, 研究方向: metamaterial lens.杨 帅: 博士研究生,研究方向: metasurface.袁乐眙: 博士研究生, 研究方向: metasurface.王禹翔: 硕士研究生, 研究方向: metagrating.于 浩: 博士研究生, 研究方向: beam-steering antennas.朱逸华: 硕士研究生,研究方向: OAM antennas.马嘉宇: 硕士研究生,研究方向: OAM propagation.冯 楠: 硕士研究生, 研究方向: metasurface.李 阳: 硕士研究生, 研究方向: metasurface.李金星: 硕士研究生,研究方向: metasurface.杨 宁:硕士研究生,研究方向: metasurface.已毕业学生及去向:张大维: 博士研究生, 已毕业,现就职于哈尔滨工程大学。戴瑞伟: 硕士研究生, 已毕业,上海华为。王禹翔: 硕士研究生, 已毕业,获“银牌毕业生”荣誉称号。本校攻读博士学位。杨海棠: 硕士研究生, 已毕业,加拿大攻读博士学位。沃得良: 硕士研究生, 已毕业, 获“银牌毕业生”荣誉称号。现就职于航天八院。洮尔根: 硕士研究生, 已毕业, 美国攻读博士学位。孟繁荣: 硕士研究生, 已毕业, 获“银牌毕业生”荣誉称号。现就职于上海华为。郭 翔: 硕士研究生, 已毕业, 现就职于国安部。崔 健: 本科生, 已毕业, 保送至北大读研。讲授课程本科生课程:微波技术本科生课程:电磁兼容原理研究生课程:电磁兼容技术与应用招生信息博士招生:每年计划招收博士研究生1名,要求具有电磁场与微波技术或物理学或光学或材料专业背景。硕士招生:每年计划招收硕士研究生2名,电磁场与微波技术专业,同时欢迎凝聚态物理、光学等专业学生报考!研究领域
"人工电磁媒质(Metamaterials)-激发机理,等效媒质及微波器件应用光学变换(Optical Transformation)-理论,参数简化及微波器件应用微波透镜(Microwave Lenses)-激发机理,电磁特性及应用光力(Optical Force)-机理及建模"近期论文
2020:Yueyi Yuan, Kuang Zhang*, Badreddine Ratni, Qinghua Song, Xumin Ding*, Qun Wu, Shah Nawaz Burokur* and Patrice Genevet*. Independent phase modulation for quadruplex polarization channels enabled by chirality-assisted geometric-phase metasurface. Nature Communications, 11, 4186, 2020. (SCI, IF=12.2)全文链接:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-17773-6微信推送:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/GnqO6N5mCARPuGmHm74z3gYueyi Yuan, Shang Sun, Yang Chen, Kuang Zhang*, Xumin Ding, Badreddine Ratni, Qun Wu, Shah Nawaz Burokur and Cheng-Wei Qiu. A Fully Phase‐Modulated Metasurface as An Energy‐Controllable Circular Polarization Router. Advanced Science. 2001437, 2020. (SCI, IF=15.7)全文链接:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/advs.202001437微信推送:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/DhpvXKfYHvSnULxi9l7fgQ2019:Kuang Zhang*, Yueyi Yuan, Xumin Ding, Badreddine Ratni, Shah Nawaz Burokur and Qun Wu. High-Efficiency Metalenses with Switchable Functionalities in Microwave Region. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 11, 28423-28430, 2019.(SCI, IF=8.456, Supplementary cover paper)副封面:https://pubs.acs.org/toc/aamick/11/31全文链接:https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acsami.9b07102Yueyi Yuan, Kuang Zhang*, Xumin Ding, Badreddine Ratni, Shah Nawaz Burokur and Qun Wu. Complementary transmissive ultra-thin meta-deflectors for broadband polarization independent refractions in the microwave region. Photonics Research. 7(1), 80-88, 2019.(SCI, IF=5.522, ESI highly cited)全文链接:https://www.osapublishing.org/prj/abstract.cfm?uri=prj-7-1-80Yuxiang Wang, Kuang Zhang*, Yueyi Yuan, Xumin Ding, Guohui Yang, Jiahui Fu, and Qun Wu. Generation of High-Efficiency Vortex Beam Carrying OAM Mode Based on Miniaturized Element Frequency Selective Surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 10.1109/TMAG.2019.2919715, 2019.(SCI, IF=1.363)Yuxiang Wang, Kuang Zhang*, Yueyi Yuan, Xumin Ding, Badreddine Ratni, Shah Nawaz Burokur and Qun Wu. Planar Vortex Beam Generator for Circularly Polarized Incidence Based on FSS. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 10.1109/TAP.2019.2938666, 2019.(SCI, IF=4.435)全文链接:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8826568/2018:Kuang Zhang*, Yueyi Yuan, Dawei Zhang, Xumin Ding, Badreddine Ratni, Shah Nawaz Burokur, Manjun Lu, Kun Tang and Qun Wu. Phase-engineered metalenses to generate converging and non-diffractive vortex beam carrying orbital angular momentum in microwave region. Optics Express. 26(2), 1351-1360, 2018.(SCI,IF=3.148,ESI Hot & ESI highly cited)全文链接:https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-26-2-1351Dawei Zhang, Kuang Zhang*, Qun Wu, Ruiwei Dai and Xuejun Sha. Broadband high-order mode of spoof surface plasmon polaritons supported by compact complementary structure with high efficiency. Optics Letters. 43(13), 3176-3179, 2018. (SCI,IF=3.4)全文链接:https://www.osapublishing.org/ol/abstract.cfm?uri=ol-43-13-3176Kuang Zhang*, Hao Yu, Xumin Ding And Qun Wu. Experimental validation of active holographic metasurface for electrically beam steering. Optics Express. 26(5), 6316-6324, 2018.(SCI,IF=3.148)全文链接:https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-26-5-63162017:Dawei Zhang, Kuang Zhang*, Qun Wu, Xumin Ding and Xuejun Sha. High-efficiency surface plasmonic polariton waveguides with enhanced low-frequency performance in microwave frequencies. Optics Express. 25(3), 2121-2129, 2017.(SCI,IF=3.148)全文链接:https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-25-3-2121Dawei Zhang, Kuang Zhang*, Qun Wu, Guohui Yang and Xuejun Sha. High-efficiency broadband excitation and propagation of second-mode spoof surface plasmon polaritons by a complementary structure. Optics Letters. 42(14), 2766-2769, 2017. (SCI,IF=3.4)全文链接:https://www.osapublishing.org/ol/abstract.cfm?uri=ol-42-14-2766Yueyi Yuan, Xumin Ding, Kuang Zhang* and Qun Wu.Planar Efficient Metasurface for Vortex Beam Generating and Converging in Microwave Region. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. DOI 10.1109/TMAG.2017.2660519, 2017.(SCI, IF=1.363)2016:Kuang Zhang*, Xumin Ding, Deliang Wo, Fanrong Meng, Qun Wu. Experimental Validation of Ultra-thin Metalenses for N-beam Emissions based on Transformation Optics. Applied Physics Letters. 108(5), 053508, 2016.(SCI,IF=3.3)全文链接:https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.4941545Jinshuo Mei, Qun Wu and Kuang Zhang*. Homogeneous illusion device exhibiting transformed and shifted scattering effect.Optics Communications. 368, 113-118, 2016.2015:Xumin Ding, Francesco Monticone, Kuang Zhang*, Lei Zhang, Dongliang Gao, Shah Nawaz Burokur, Andre de Lustrac, Qun Wu, Cheng-Wei Qiu*, and Andrea Alù*.Ultrathin Pancharatnam-Berry Metasurface with Maximal Cross-Polarization Efficiency. Advanced Materials. 28(7), 1195-1200, 2015.(SCI,IF=17.8, ESI highly cited)Xumin Ding, Hao Yu, Shaoqing Zhang, Yumin Wu, Kuang Zhang*, and Qun Wu. Ultrathin Metasurface for Controlling Electromagnetic Wave With Broad Bandwidth. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.51(11), 2501104, 2015. (SCI, IF=1.363)2014:Xumin Ding, Yuming Wu, Kuang Zhang*, Hao Yu and Qun Wu*. Theoretical study on a broadband, high cross-polarization conversion efficiency metalens based on phase discontinuity. Journal of Physics D. 47, 2014.(SCI,IF=2.5, selected as the cover for issue 27)Kuang Zhang*, Xumin Ding, Liang Zhang and Qun Wu. Anomalous three-dimensional refraction in the microwave region by ultra-thin high efficiency metalens with phase discontinuities in orthogonal directions. New Journal of Physics. 16(10), 103020, 2014. (SCI, IF=4.063)2013:Kuang Zhang*, Jia-Hui Fu, Li-Yi Xiao, Qun Wu and Le-Wei Li. Total transmission and total reflection of electromagnetic waves by anisotropic epsilon-near-zero metamaterials embedded with dielectric defects. Journal of Applied Physics. 113(10), 084908, 2013.(SCI,IF=2.498)Jinshuo Mei, Qun Wu* and Kuang Zhang*. Design of electromagnetic refractor and waveguide bends using complementary medium. Physica B-Condensed Matter. 426, 150-154, 2013. (SCI,IF=1.326)2012:Kuang Zhang*, Qun Wu, Fan-Yi Meng, and Le-Wei Li. Waveguide connector constructed by normal layered dielectric materials based on embedded optical transformation. EPL-Europhysics Letters. 99, 47008, 2012. (SCI,IF=2.785)Kuang Zhang*, Qun Wu, Fan-Yi Meng, and Le-Wei Li. Metamaterials With Tunable Negative Permeability Based on Mie Resonance. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48(11), 4289-4292, 2012. (SCI,IF=1.363)2011:Kuang Zhang*, Qun Wu, Jia-Hui Fu, and Le-Wei Li. Cylindrical electromagnetic concentrator with only axial parameters spatially variant. Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics. 28(7), 1573-1577, 2011. (SCI,IF=2.185)Kuang Zhang*, Qun Wu, Fan-Yi Meng, and Le-Wei Li. Near-Perfect Electromagnetic Cloak With Two Diagonal Components of the Permittivity and Permeability Tensors as Constants.IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 47(10), 3728-3731, 2011. (SCI,IF=1.363)2010:Kuang Zhang*, Qun Wu, Fan-Yi Meng, and Le-Wei Li. Arbitrary waveguide connector based on embedded optical transformation. Optics Express. 18(16), 17273-17279, 2010. (SCI,IF=4.009)Qun Wu, Kuang Zhang*, Fan-Yi Meng, Jia-Hui Fu, and Le-Wei Li. Material Parameters Characterization for Three-Dimensional Pyramidal Cloak. Journal of Applied Physics. 107(9), 09A950, 2010. (SCI,IF=2.498)Qun Wu, Kuang Zhang*, Fan-Yi Meng, and Le-Wei Li. Electromagnetic Characteristics of Metamaterial Cloak Covered Dielectric Cylinder Illuminated by Electric Line Source. IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation. 4(10), 1680-1688, 2010. (SCI,IF=1.077)Qun Wu, Kuang Zhang*, Fan-Yi Meng, and Le-Wei Li. Derivation of Three-dimensional Axiolitic Cloak and the Invisibility Verification. Acta Physica Sinica. 59(9), 6071-6077, 2010. (SCI,IF=1.277)2009:Qun Wu, Kuang Zhang*, Fan-Yi Meng, and Le-Wei Li. Material parameters characterization for arbitrary N-sided regular polygonal invisible cloak. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics. 42(3), 035408, 2009. (SCI,IF=2.54)Qun Wu, Kuang Zhang*, Fan-Yi Meng, and Le-Wei Li. Effects of Different Kinds of Losses on the Performance of Regular Polygonal Cloak. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 45(10), 4211-4214, 2009.(SCI,IF=1.363)Qun Wu, Kuang Zhang*, Fan-Yi Meng, and Le-Wei Li. Investigation of the far/near-field properties of the inhomogeneous and anisotropic invisible cloak covered PEC cylinder illuminated by the parallel electric-line-source. Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing. 95(2), 335-341, 2009. (SCI,IF=1.99)Qun Wu, Kuang Zhang*, Fan-Yi Meng, and Le-Wei Li. Derivation of the material parameters for regular N-sided polygonal cylindrical cloak and the invisibility verification. Acta Physica Sinica. 58(3): 1619-1626, 2009. (SCI,IF=1.277)副编辑-IEEE Access (IEEE旗下SCI期刊,2016年至今)编委会成员-Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group旗下SCI期刊,2014年至今) 副编辑-Advanced Electromagnetics(2015年至2018年)客座编辑-ACES Journal (2019年,计算电磁学及多物理场特刊)中国电子学会微波分会委员(2018年至今)陕西省优秀博士学位论文通讯评议专家(2018年至今)IWS2019 特邀报告(中国,广州)META2017 特邀报告(韩国,仁川)IEEE IMWS-AMP2016 特邀报告(中国,成都)META2015 特邀报告(美国,纽约) 相关热点