张池平,男,汉族,1964年生。先后主持承担国家自然科学基金重点项目、863重点项目、973子项目以及一批省部级重点项目和多项国际合作项目等。 作为第一获奖人:获得国家科技进步二等奖x项,国家技术发明二等奖x项,教育部科技进步一等奖和技术发明一等奖各x项、三等奖x项工作经历1983.07-1984.10 哈工大软件教研室 助教1984.10-1985.08 哈工大计算数学教研室 助教1985.08-1988.07 哈工大热力涡轮机教研室助教1988.07-1991.03 哈工大热力涡轮机教研室讲师1991.03-1994.07 哈工大计算数学教研室 讲师1994.07-2006.07 哈工大计算数学教研室 副教授2000.12-2001.9 日本德岛大学访问2006.07-至今 哈工大计算数学教研室 教授 教育经历1979.09-1983.07 哈工大数学师资班 学士1985.09-1988.06 哈工大热力涡轮机专业硕士2006.06 哈工大飞行器设计专业博士科研项目帕金森病相关的长链非编码RNA识别与功能分析方法研究月壤钻取采样器绳索力学问题研究低阶煤极性基团调控及压力梯度脱水机制研究显微视频数据中的扩展目标跟踪方法研究航天器多体动力学计算方法研究月球探测数据分析应用软件与多视场对比平台测试加工不确定环境下的多属性决策方法研究讲授课程数值分析学生指导博士生:郭贝贝 (2016级) (已毕业) 就业于河北师范大学宋慧明 (2017级) (在读)李蒙蒙 (2018级) (在读)丁威岳 (2018级) (在读)杨晓晨 (2019级)本博连读 (在读)宋江艳 (2020级) (在读)硕士生:任雨亭(2020级)在读张萌菲(2019级)在读李佳彧 (2019级)在读李玉萍(2018级)已毕业汪鹏越(2017级)已毕业高莉丽(2016级)已毕业董刘斌(2015级)已毕业招生信息每年招生名额:1名硕士生1名博士生研究领域
1) Beibei Guo, Yu Xiao, Chiping Zhang. Graph theory-based adaptive intermittent synchronization for stochastic delayed complex networks with semi-Markov jump. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2020,366,124793.2) Beibei Guo, Yu Xiao, Chiping Zhang. Aperiodically intermittent synchronization of Markovian jump stochastic complex networks with time-varying delays. Applicable Analysis.2019, 112, 214-228.3) Beibei Guo, Yu Xiao, Chiping Zhang. Synchronization analysis of stochastic coupled systems with time delay on networks by periodically intermittent control and graph-theoretic method. Nonlinear Analysis-Hybrid System. 2018, (30), 118-133. 4) Beibei Guo, Yinhu Wu, Yu Xiao, Chiping Zhang. Graph-theoretic approach to synchronizing stochastic coupled systems with time-varying delays on networks via periodically intermittent control. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2018, (311), 341-357.5) Beibei Guo, Yu Xiao, Chiping Zhang. Graph-theoretic approach to exponential stability of delayed coupled systems on networks under periodically intermittent control. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. 2018, (23), 44-63.6)Xiuyan Li, Chiping Zhang, Qiang Ma, Xiaohua Ding. Discrete gradient methods and linear projection methods for preserving a conserved quantity of stochastic differential equationsInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics. 20187) Beibei Guo, Yu Xiao, Chiping Zhang. Graph-theoretic approach to exponential synchronization of coupled systems on networks with mixed time-varying delays. Journal of the Franklin Institute 2017, (12) , 5067-5090.8) Beibei Guo, Yu Xiao, Chiping Zhang. A graph-theoretic method to stabilize the delayed coupled systems based on periodically intermittent control. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2017, (40), 6760-6775.9)Beibei Guo, Wei Jiang, Chiping Zhang. A new numberical method for solving nonlinear factional Fokke-Planck differential equations. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017,12,051004.10)Jian Zhang , Chiping, Zhang, Yunan Cui. Bi-Integrable and Tri-Integrable Couplings of a Soliton Hierarchy Associated with SO(3). Advances in Mathematical Physics. 2017.11)Chunmei Shi;Lingling Zhao ;, Junjie Wang ; Chiping Zhang; Xiaohong Su; Peijun Ma. Micro-object motion tracking based on the probability hypothesis density particle tracker.Journal of Mathematical Biology. 201612) Xi Wang; Yunan Cui; Chiping Zhang. The generalized von Neumann--Jordan constant and normal structure in Banach spaces. Annals of Functional Analysis.201513)Bo Fang, Yaxin Zhen,Chiping Zhang. Nonlinear vibration analysis of double-walled carbon nanotubes based on nonlocal elasticity theory.Appl. Math. Model,2013 相关热点